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Swiss Digital Skills Academy

Leading House: EPFL

Projektpartner: ETH Zürich, PH-VS, HEP Vaud, HEP|PH FR, HEP-BEJUNE, PHBern, HEIA-FR (HES-SO), ZHAW, EHB, EHSM, FHGR, SUPSI/FFHS, FernUni Schweiz

Kontakt Projektleitung: Denis Gillet (

Projektzusammenfassung: The project is leveraging opportunities in digital instructional design and open education which arise from technological innovations, especially in AI, by further developing the digital competences and self-confidence of educators. Three dimensions of digital skills development in higher education are tackled. The socio-institutional Change & Share dimension for fostering a digital and open education culture, as well as digital practices; the techno-pedagogical Leverage & Co-create dimension for developing open educational resources relying on extended reality tools, artificial intelligence agents, and learning analytics dashboards; and the instructional Co-design & Use dimension for creating blended active learning scenarios and critical, design, or computational thinking activities.

