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Tuition Fees at Swiss Higher Education Institutions

“Tuition fees” are payable each semester to the respective higher education institution for a study program. They constitute a contribution to the incurred costs. It lies within the responsibility of the cantonal universities, the universities of applied sciences, and the universities of teacher education or their responsible bodies to set their tuition fees. According to the ETH Law, the ETH Board decides on the tuition fees of the ETHZ and the EPFL.

Other compulsory fees cover additional “costs” related to the study program, such as enrolment an examination fees, membership fees to associations, or fees for the use of libraries and sports facilities.

Tuition fees at the member institutions of swissuniversities:

Recommendations of the Higher Education Council

In order to increase transparency regarding the charging of tuition fees at Swiss higher education institutions, and to promote a common practice, the Higher Education Council has issued recommendations (German / French) for the attention of the responsible bodies and their higher education institutions.