Main Content
The International and in particular the European cooperation in the fields of research and education is a decisive success factor for Switzerland as a science location. Participation in the programmes of the European Union is therefore of central importance for Swiss institutions of higher education.
Education Programmes
Documentation from the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation SERI regarding the EU-Programmes as well as the Swiss participation and status in these programmes
- Erasmus+ (2014-2020) was the EU-Programme to support education, training, youth and sport in Europe during the years 2014 to 2020. As of 2014, Switzerland participated in this programme as a third-country.
- Erasmus+ (2021-2027) has started. Switzerland participates in this programme as a third-country.
- Swiss-European Mobility Programme (SEMP) / ERASMUS. The Swiss mobility programme for Erasmus+ for higher education institutions is called SEMP.
Movetia is responsible for implementation of Erasmus+ and SEMP. This foundation is the national agency for the promotion of exchanges and mobility and is supported by both the Confederation and the cantons.
Research Framework Programmes
Documentation from the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation SERI regarding the EU-Framework Programmes for Research as well as the Swiss participation and status in these programmes
- Horizon 2020 was the 8th Framework Programme for Research and Innovation of the European Union for the period 2014–2020. As of 2017, Switzerland participated again in this programme as a fully associated member.
- Horizon Europe (2021–2027): Switzerland is once again associated with the Horizon package from 2025, and also with ITER from 2026. Researchers in Switzerland can participate in almost all calls for proposals in the 2025 programme year of Horizon Europe and the Euratom programme and in almost all calls for proposals of the Digital Europe programme. Researchers in Switzerland are currently able to apply for various ERC calls for proposals.
Switzerland and Horizon Europe (German / French), dossier from the Network Future (German / French)
Euresearch (Swiss guide to European research and innovation) informs, advises and connects researchers with the aim of participating in the EU-Framework Programmes for Research.
swissuniversities works with its partners at national and European level to ensure that the interests of Swiss universities are represented in Brussels in the best possible way. It is involved at the national level and takes a position on proposals that have an impact on the opportunities for participation and cooperation of Swiss institutions of higher education, their researchers and students.
Position statements swissuniversities
swissuniversities welcomes the conclusion of the negotiations between Switzerland and the EU (20.12.2024)
swissuniversities begrüsst die Fortschritte bei der Teilnahme an Horizon Europe (04.07.2024)
25 years of bilateral agreements with the EU: Switzerland as a centre of knowledge benefits from European cooperation (21.06.2024)
swissuniversities begrüsst Verabschiedung des Verhandlungsmandats mit der EU (08.03.2024)
swissuniversities hopes for full participation in Horizon Europe 2024 (15.12.2023)
Consultation on the Horizon Fund Law: swissuniversities' statement (07.12.2022)
European programmes - Time is pressing for the universities (12.05.2022)
Universities pay a high price for Switzerland's sidelining in the European Union's research and education projects (21.01.2022)
The Federal Council breaks off negotiations for a framework agreement - The swissuniversities statement (26.05.2021)
Position statement regarding the membership in the Erasmus+-Program (in German and French, 27.01.2021)
Position de swissuniversities sur le Message « Horizon-Paket » 21-27 (in French, 21.02.2020)
Stellungnahme von swissuniversities zur internationalen Zusammenarbeit 2021 - 2024 (in German and French, 11.07.2019)
Loi fédérale sur la coopération et la mobilité internationales en matière de formation : prise de position de swissuniversities (17.04.2019) (in French)
Die Schweizer Hochschulen unterstützen die Unterzeichnung des institutionellen Abkommens mit der EU (in German, 07.03.2019)
Rechtsunsicherheit ist Gift für den Wissensplatz Schweiz: Position zur Selbstbestimmungsinitiative (in German, 04.10.2018)
Relevanz eines Rahmenabkommens mit der EU für die Schweizer Hochschulen (in German, 27.09.2018)
Prise de position de swissuniversities sur la contribution de la Suisse en faveur de certains Etats membres de l’UE (in French, 02.07.2018)
swissuniversities’ view on the next European framework programme for research and innovation (FP9) (05.03.2018)
Plädoyer von swissuniversities für eine Wiederassoziierung der Schweiz an das Programm Erasmus+ (in German, 13.03.2017)
Stellungnahme von swissuniversities zum direkten Gegenentwurf zur Volksinitiative "Raus aus der Sackgasse! Verzicht auf die Wiedereinführung von Zuwanderungskontingenten" (in German, 01.02.2017)
swissuniversities’ statement on the mid-term review of Horizon 2020 (12.01.2017)
Verordnung über die internationale Zusammenarbeit im Bereich der Bildung, der Berufsbildung, der Jugend und der Mobilitätsförderung (in German, 11.06.2015)