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Promoting Young Talent

Promoting academic and scientific talent is one of an institution of higher education’s core duties. In accordance with their profiles, the universities, universities of applied sciences and arts and universities of teacher education have developed their own career paths and recruit and develop professionals based on their needs.

swissuniversities campaigns for optimal conditions and supports the institutions of higher education in their work by developing positions and implementing projects that help to clarify and improve career opportunities (doctorate, careers). It also coordinates programmes funded through project-related contributions that make it possible to initiate measures aimed at further developing young talent at universities, universities of applied sciences and arts and universities of teacher education:

swissuniversities awards mobility contributions for Cotutelles de thèse projects on behalf of the federal government. Lastly, it works with the Gebert Rüf Stiftung as part of the First Ventures funding programme.


Hochschultypenübergreifende Herausforderungen in der Nachwuchsförderung (German) / Défis communs aux trois types de hautes écoles en matière de promo-tion de la relève scientifique (French), 6 July 2023

Die universitären Hochschulen fördern optimale Forschungs-, Lehr- und Arbeitsbedingungen für den wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchs (German) / Les hautes écoles universitaires s’emploient à promouvoir des conditions de travail, d’enseignement et de recherche optimales en faveur de la relève scientifique (French), 4 March 2021


Égalité des chances et promotion de la relève dans les hautes écoles suisses - Rétrospective et perspectives (French)