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Slovak Republic

Name of ProgramScholarships for talented students from abroad for studies in Slovakia 2024-2025
Scholarship Offer

Type of Scholarships:
Scholarships for whole degree programmes

Programs for:

All fields of study

The Ministry of Education, Research, Development and Youth of the Slovak Republic offers 100 scholarships to talented international students who plan to pursue full-time bachelor's and full-time combined bachelor's and master's studies at a Slovak higher education instution. It is not applicable to master's studies.

Applicants may choose from any public or private higher education institution, as well as any full-time study programme. To view the list of English-language study programmes offered in Slovakia, please visit the following website:

Eligibility requirements

To be eligible for the scholarship, applicants must meet the following requirements:

  • citizenship of a country other than Slovakia, which must be confirmed by an acceptable form of identification (generally a passport; those from countries within the European Union, EEA and Switzerland can use a national ID card). Dual citizenship than includes Slovak and another citizenship is allowed,
  • no permanent or temporary residence in Slovakia since January 1st, 2019 until the date of submitting the scholarship application (demonstrated by the applicant's solemn declaration, template is available for download during the application process), with the exception of temporary residence for attending a Slovak language or study preparation course (which must be confirmed by the applicant's university), or with the exception of temporary residence for participating in an activity or programme under the Erasmus+ programme or the European Solidarity Corps  programme (which must be confirmed by a Certificate of Participation), or other academic mobility,
  • no prior study at a high school or higher education institution in Slovakia, except for academic mobilities. Studies outside of Slovakia are not a contradicting factor for applying for this scholarship,
  • completed secondary education (may be completed in the academic year 2023/2024),
  • admission to a Slovak higher education institution for a bachelor’s degree programme or joint bachelor’s and master’s deegre study programme, with studies taking place within the Slovak Republic (at the time of applying for this scholarship an application to a Slovak higher education institution will suffice),
  • enrolment into the first year of  a bachelor’s degree programme or in a joint bachelor’s and master’s degree study programme starting in the autumn of 2024,
  • full time, in-person study programme,
  • no specific language requirements for the programme of study,
  • no upper age limit, applicants under the age of 18 will need a hand-signed approval from their legal guardian (template will be available for download).

Scholarship benefits

  • Scholarship of €12,000 for a full-time bachelor‘s studies or for the first three years of a full-time joint bachelor’s and master’s study programme (The scholarship in the amount of €400 is paid out monthly for a duration of ten months each year, from September through June.)
  • Tuition fee waiver
  • Public health insurance
  • Possibility of participation in Erasmus+ or other academic mobility if interested
Application Deadline30.06.2024
Place of SubmissionThe application must be submitted online at
A complete application must include all necessary attachments, SAT test results and solemn declarations.
RemarksApplicants will need to submit a separate application for the studies directly to a higher education institution of their choice. To become a scholarship holder, the applicant must be officially enrolled in the first year of a study programme starting in the autumn of 2024. The SAT test is an essential requirement for this scholarship application and cannot be substituted with any other alternative or waived.
The scholarship programme cannot be combined with the Scholarship of the Government of the Slovak Republic for full Bachelor degree programmes.
Announcement and Further Information