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Open Access Webinar: when Green meets Diamond

We are pleased to invite you to the Webinar “When Green meets Diamond” on Wednesday 19 June, from 12:45 to 1:45pm CEST.

Green Open Access and Diamond Open Access refer to different models of scholarly open access publishing which at first glance do not share many connections. However, they could be seen as strong partners in aiming for a more sustainable and affordable scholarly communication system.

In this webinar, we aim at exploring the links, perceptions, and challenges of both Green and Diamond Open Access and the question of how we can seize opportunities and synergies in our goals to enhance non-commercial open access publishing. The discussion will therefore touch upon issues such as institutional publishing infrastructures, rights retention, and international connectivity.

This webinar is a joint venture between the project «GOAL – Unlocking the Green Open Access Potential» and the project «PLATO – Platinum Open Access Funding» – both co-funded by swissuniversities.

Inputs by Enrique Corredera Nilsson (GOAL) and Daniela Hahn (PLATO)

Moderation: Thomas Leibundgut (swissuniversities)

Please register here.

We look forward to meet you there.



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