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Open Access Projects
As part of the Open Science I, Phase A - OA programme, swissuniversities co-finances projects for the sustainable implementation of OA in Switzerland. In particular, projects are funded for the development and networking of Open Access services and infrastructures, for awareness-raising measures at universities, for the promotion of alternative forms of publication or for participation in international initiatives.
The projects funded in the Open Access dimension are published on this page on an ongoing basis.
Bewilligte Projekte der Aktionslinie Kommunikation & Sensibilisierung
Project 'Regulatory Framework' - call for tenders of 01 July, 2022
The aim of the Regulatory Framework project is to propose concrete, measurable and achievable solutions to support researchers in safeguarding and preserving their rights in the context of OA publications. To achieve this, the project focuses on two main areas: secondary publication rights and Open Access as a regulatory challenge. The project mandate is exclusively legal.
The deadline for applications was 1 July 2022. The Open Science delegation met on 23 September 2022 to evaluate and approve the bid suvmitted. An overview of the evaluation report is available here: Results of the call for tender
As the project came to an end in October 2023 after a year's work, a final report prepared by the Leading House and the partner institutions was submitted to the Open Science Delegation. The report contains analyses and proposals for legal solutions.
Project proposals submitted by May 31, 2022
By the deadline of May 31, 2022, 7 project proposals were submitted. The Open Science Delegation met on September 23, 2022, to finalise the decision. An overview of all submitted projects, their abstracts and the decisions incl. evaluation reports can be found at the following link:
Project proposals submitted by May 31, 2021
By the deadline of May 31, 2021, 15 project proposals were submitted. The Open Science Delegation met on September 24, 2021, to finalise the decision. An overview of all submitted projects, their abstracts and the decisions incl. evaluation reports can be found at the following link:
Results of the call for project proposals

Platinum Open Access Funding
PLATO is a project initiated jointly by six Swiss universities to develop a sustainable financing model that enables high-quality open access publishing in Switzerland. Platinum Open Access (also known as Diamond Open Access) stands for publication and access to scientific publications at no cost to authors and readers.

Unlocking the green open access potential
GOAL’s stated aim is to support and develop Green Open Access in the long term. In practice, this short statement means a wide range of different actions and activities. The first thing that comes to mind is negotiating Green Open Access policies with publishers. This is a key action, but there is more to it than that when it comes to fully supporting Green Open Access.

National Open Access Monitoring
The Swiss Open Access Monitor provides basic indicators for the vision of the Swiss National Strategy on Open Access. According to this vision, all scientific publishing activity in Switzerland should be available in Open Access by 2024. The Monitor collects and visualises data on scientific publications written by scientific staff affiliated with a swissuniversities member.

Towards Open Bibliometric Indicators
TOBI is a project lead by the ETH Library and co-funded by swissuniversities. It aims to evaluate the quality of open bibliometric data sources regarding research affiliated with Swiss Higher Education Institutions. The project has started in Q1 2023 and will wrap up in Q4 2024.

Regulatory Framework
Regulatory Framework
In Switzerland, there is no legally anchored, indispensable second publication right for authors of scientific journal articles. The project “Zweitveröffentlichungsrecht und Open Access als regulatorische Herausforderung” (Second publication rights and Open Access as a regulatory challenge), funded by swissuniversities, aims to develop proposed solutions for anchoring a second publication right, as it already exists in other European countries, for Swiss law.