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Open Calls of the Programme Open Science II
You will find here the open calls for Open Access, Open Research Data and Innovative Areas of the Programme Open Science II. We invite you to collaborate across institutional and disciplinary boundaries and make use of synergies. With your proposals, you contribute to the success of the OA and ORD strategies.
The calls for projects listed below are addressed to eligible higher education institutions. For more information on the regulations for federal project contributions, please refer to the guidelines. Projects may last up to 13 months, but no longer than until 31.07.2026.
The application guidelines for the respective calls are listed below.
This page is frequently updated.
Calls Open Research Data (ORD)
The dimension Open Research Data of the Programme Open Science II implements those action lines of the ORD Action Plan that are under the responsibility of swissuniversities.
ORD Action Line A1 and Innovative Areas: Explore projects (track A) of Swiss Open Research Data Grants (CHORD)
- Objectives: This call for projects combines Measure A1 of the ORD Action Plan (i.e., the programme CHORD) and Measure 2 of the Innovative Areas of the Programme Open Science II. This call aims to support projects and research communities in the early exploratory phases of implementing ORD practices. The call is addressed to projects that aim (1) to explore ORD practices in disciplines that are not yet active in this field, (2) to determine whether and how cooperation between science and international organisations can be encouraged using Open Science principles and practices, and (3) to develop sustainable ORD practices and foster exchange between research communities.
- Budget: Up to CHF 200’000 in federal project contributions per project
- Deadline: 2 March 2025
- Application Guidelines: see here.
ORD Action line B5.2: ORD Specialists and Data Stewardship – action plans
- Objectives: Action Line B5.2 of the ORD Action Plan aims to promote ORD specialists and data stewardship at all higher education and research institutions. In the Open Science I programme, higher education institutions in Switzerland have drawn up and implemented action plans to build up data stewardship at their institutions. As part of the continuation of Action Line B5.2 in the Open Science II programme, eligible Swiss higher education institutions are invited to supplement and expand their existing action plan according to the current implementation status, or to submit a new action plan if they have not yet implemented a project in this Action Line.
- Budget: As per the distribution key. See the Application Guidelines for more information.
- Deadline: 24 January 2025 for the expression of interest (mandatory) and 17 February 2025 for the project application. Please refer to the Application Guidelines for further information..
- Application Guidelines: see here.
- Expression of interest form: see here.
ORD Action Line B3.2: ORD Funding for Existing Research Infrastructures of Strategic Relevance
- Objectives: The aim of Measure B3 of the ORD Action Plan is to allocate cost-effective, long-term funding for ORD services and infrastructures of national significance. The call B3.2 welcomes project proposals that aim to promote ORD either by introducing a new ORD element or by further developing an ORD component in existing research infrastructures (see Application Guidelines for information on specific conditions). If possible, and to avoid duplication, synergies with other existing infrastructures should be sought.
- Budget: Up to CHF 250’000 in federal project contributions per project.
- Deadline: 2 March 2025.
- Application Guidelines: see here.
Calls Open Access (OA)
The dimension Open Access of the Programme Open Science II implements the National Open Access Strategy.
Open Access for Long-Form Publications and Other Publication Formats
- Objectives: In order to implement pathways B and D of the National Open Access Strategy, this call for proposals aims to explore how Open Access (OA) can be further established for non-article scholarly communication formats (e.g. monographs, reference works, publications addressing practitioners). Projects shall identify key challenges, map the needs of research communities, analyse stakeholder positions, and sketch strategies and solutions to advance OA practices in these formats. The results will provide important conceptual work to make OA a viable option for different types of publications.
- Budget: Up to CHF 100’000 in federal project contributions available per project.
- Deadline: 2 March 2025.
- Application Guidelines: see here.
Supporting Green Open Access
- Objectives: In order to implement pathways A and C of the National Open Access Strategy, this call has two primary goals, inviting proposals that address one or both of the following objectives::
- Ensure continuous coordination at national level to further strengthen the Green OA model and ensure interoperability.
- Increase researchers' awareness and knowledge of Rights Retention Strategy and provide (institutional) solutions supporting rights retention.
- Budget: Up to CHF 350’000 in federal project contributions available in total.
- Deadline: 2 March 2025.
- Application Guidelines: see here.
National Diamond Open Access Consortium
- Objectives: In order to implement pathway A of the National Open Access Strategy, the goal of this call is the creation of a Swiss Diamond OA Consortium to support Diamond OA service providers and publication outlets (e.g. journals) in order to strengthen Diamond OA as a financially viable and academically robust publication option for researchers affiliated with Swiss higher education institutions.
- Budget: Up to CHF 250’000 in federal project contributions available for a single project.
- Deadline: 2 March 2025.
- Application Guidelines: see here.
Open Science: Communication and Awareness-Raising
- Objectives: In order to implement the goals of the National Strategy for Open Research Data and the National Open Access Strategy, this call supports projects that raise awareness for Open Science as well as strengthen and accompany Open Science-related activities communication-wise.
- Budget: Up to CHF 100’000 in federal project contributions available in total.
- Deadline: Submissions are accepted on a rolling basis.
- Application Guidelines: see here.