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Open Calls of the Programme Open Science II
You will find here the open calls for Open Access, Open Research Data and Innovative Areas of the Programme Open Science II. We invite you to collaborate across institutional and disciplinary boundaries and make use of synergies. With your proposals, you contribute to the success of the OA and ORD strategies.
The calls for projects listed below are addressed to eligible higher education institutions. For more information on the regulations for federal project contributions, please refer to the guidelines. Projects may last no longer than until 31.07.2026.
Further information about the programme can be found on this website as well as in the programme application (German | French) and the implementation plan.
The application guidelines for the respective calls are listed below.
This page is frequently updated.
Open Science and Knowledge Security
- Objectives: A consortium of experts will develop guidance and accessible, solution-oriented support for Swiss higher education institutions and researchers to address the challenges and demands of reconciling knowledge security and open science practices. In the form of a report, the legal framework, expected future developments, current practices of higher education institutions, existing challenges and international good practices will be synthesised and the resulting recommendations for action will be identified in order to provide useful options for action in the form of a toolbox for higher education institutions.
- Budget: Up to CHF 150,000 per project.
- Expressions of interest: Interested parties are invited to contact the General Secretariat.
- Draft project agreement (only available in German): see here
Open Science: Communication and Awareness-Raising
- Objectives: In order to implement the goals of the National Strategy for Open Research Data and the National Open Access Strategy, this call supports projects that raise awareness for Open Science as well as strengthen and accompany Open Science-related activities communication-wise.
- Budget: Up to CHF 100’000 in federal project contributions available in total.
- Deadline: Submissions are accepted on a rolling basis.
- Language: Project applications are welcome in German, French, Italian or English.
- Application Guidelines: see here.