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Newsletter of the Programme Open Science, September 2024

Dear colleagues,

We’re happy to share with you updates related to Open Access and Open Research Data tools and events, as well as the latest news from the swissuniversities Open Science Programme.

Subscribe to this newsletter here and follow us on LinkedIn and X for updates in the meantime.

Would you like to announce your OA or ORD event or share an update from your Open Science project? We invite you to send us your news item to  by 1 October 2024 for the next Newsletter.

Many thanks and best regards,

The Open Science Team of swissuniversities


Save the date: on 22 January 2025, the Open Science Programme will host an event in Berne, marking the end of the 2021-2024 funding period and as well as the start of the Open Science programme for 2025-2028. We will take stock, highlight the achievements and challenges and provide an outlook for the coming years. 

We’re hiring: Reviewers Wanted for the Programme Open Science II

As of 1 January 2025, or by arrangement, swissuniversities is hiring reviewers for the Programme Open Science II (2025–2028). With an allocated budget of 30 million CHF for the period of 2025–2028, the programme will match another 30 million invested by Swiss higher education institutions to pursue the goals of the National Open Access Strategy and the National Open Research Data Strategy, as well as to promote Open Science in further innovative areas.

Reviewers will evaluate project proposals of the programme. This mainly includes: 

  • Participation in the online introductory workshop in spring 2025. 
  • Reading project proposals (c. 15–35 pages each) and evaluating project budgets. 
  • Writing individual evaluation reports and consolidated evaluation reports. 
  • Actively participating in (remote) evaluation workshops with other reviewers. 
  • Contributing to reporting processes. 

Candidates for this position are expected to have the following skills and competencies:

  • Excellent command of English (reading knowledge of French, German, and / or Italian is a plus).
  • Initiative, reliable, dependable, and strong analytical skills.
  • Well-developed interpersonal skills and team spirit.
  • Experience with review processes.

In addition, candidates are expected to have experience and competences in Open Access, Open Research Data, and / or innovative areas of Open Science. 

For more information on the role as well as the application requirements and procedures see the advertisement available here.

Application deadline: 30 September 2024.


FORS Data Re-use Award

Are you currently working with social science data you got from FORS? Or are you planning to do so in the next few months? Then consider submitting your paper to the FORS Data Re-use Award and get the chance to win up to 1’000 CHF. The FORS Data Re-use Award is given to young researchers who carry out excellent research that is based on secondary data. Young researchers, notably doctoral students and postdocs can apply for the award. We look forward to your submission.

Information and submission criteria can be found here.

For any questions please contact PD Dr. Oliver Lipps at: 


Landscape Analysis on ORD Practices

FORS, the Swiss Centre of Competence in the Social Sciences, is pleased to announce the publication of the landscape analysis on ORD practices in Swiss higher education institutions, conducted as part of the recORD project. This second recORD report, funded by swissuniversities shows how ORD is integrated into recruitment, research proposals, and unit assessments. The report can be found here

The Recognise ORD (recORD) brings together 12 Swiss higher education institutions, the Swiss National Science Foundation and FORS as a national research data infrastructure to take a joint step forward in studying how Open Research Data (ORD) practices should be recognised and valued in the assessment of research proposals, the assessment of research personnel during recruitment and career development as well as in the assessment of research performing institutions. For more information on the project Recognise ORD (recORD), click here


9 Oct. 2024: 4th edition of the Swiss Research Data Day 2024 at the University of Applied Sciences of the Grisons, Chur, Switzerland

This conference brings together experts, innovators, and practitioners to explore the challenges of economical and ecological research data archiving. 

Keynote Speakers: 

  • Dr. Mark Lantz: Manager Tape Storage Research, IBM Research Europe– Zurich,
  • Prof. Dr. Matthias Sturmer: a Professor at Bern University of Applied Sciences (BFH), Head of the Institute for Public Sector Transformation at the BFH Business School and Head of the Research Center for Digital Sustainability at University of Bern.

The event program will be announced soon! Register now through this link.

The conference is organized by OLOS Association in partnership with the Geneva School of Business Administration (HEG-GE Switzerland) and the University of Applied Sciences of the Grisons (FHGR). 

OLOS is the result of several years of fruitful research and collaboration by experts from nine Swiss higher education institutions, united in the DLCM (Data Life-Cycle Management) national project financed by swissuniversities. OLOS provides a Swiss-based solution for sharing and long-term archiving of research data. The OLOS solution complies with FAIR principles, Swiss and European regulations. 

21-27 Oct. 2024: International Open Access Week 2024 in Switzerland

The annual International Open Access Week is a great opportunity for academic and research communities to discuss the benefits and challenges of Open Access, exchange new ideas with colleagues, and to inspire a wider public to make OA the norm in science and research. This year’s theme, "Community over Commercialization", prioritizes open scholarship approaches that benefit the public and the academic community. Many Swiss higher education institutions and libraries are collaborating to offer a diverse program of online, hybrid, and local events throughout the week. It can be found here.

21-25 Oct. 2024: Open Access Week online sessions and panel discussion

In celebration of the annual Open Access Week, the university libraries of the ZHAW, ZHdK, HfH, PHZH and BFH invite everyone to a series of online sessions between 21-25 October 2024. Topics will include Open Access publishing agreements, multimedia content and third-party rights, crowdfunding for e-books, and the datafication of publications. As a special event and to mark the conclusion of project GOAL, a hybrid panel discussion titled "Open Access in Switzerland: Are we reaching the GOALs?" will take place on 24 October 2024 (in Zurich and online). There we will meet with representatives from Swiss-based journals and their publishers, legal experts, and science policymakers to discuss the current state of Open Access in Switzerland and the challenges that lie ahead. For more information and registration, please visit the programme website.

6 Nov. 2024: Holistic and long-term integration of Open Research Data and Data Stewardship in universities of teacher education (workshop)

As part of the PgB project "Data stewardships at small and medium-sized universities of teacher education" supported by swissuniversities, the University of Teacher Education in Special Needs (HfH), in collaboration with PH St.Gallen, PH Thurgau, PH Schwyz and the Swiss Federal University for Vocational Education and Training SFUVET is organising a workshop on "Holistic and long-term integration of Open Research Data and Data Stewardship in universities of teacher education". 

In a first part, the lessons learned in the establishment and promotion of Open Research Data (ORD) and Data Stewardship as well as current and future challenges of the aforementioned universities of teacher education (UTE) will be addressed. In a second part, the holistic and long-term integration of ORD and Data Stewardship in the institutions will be discussed in a panel discussion and corresponding topics will be discussed in depth in two workshops:

  • How can ORD and Data Stewardship be anchored in teaching and continuing education at UTE?
  • How can UTE cooperate in the field of ORD and Data Stewardship in the long term?

Venue: University of Teacher Education in Special Needs (HfH), Zurich; Time: 13:30-17:00 (followed by an Apéro). Visit the website for more information, updates and registration (until 29. October 2024). Language of the event is German.

13 Nov. 2024: Next lecture of the Swiss Year of Scientometrics (SYoS)

You are kindly invited to the fifth lecture of SYoS organised in collaboration with the University of Fribourg. The lecture will be held by Bart Thijs (KU Leuven, Belgium) on: “Assessing quality of research. New approaches in response to changing expectations.”

Registrate for the lecture here

Visit the SYoS blog for more information on Scientometrics on this link

27 Nov. 2024: Save the Date – Award Ceremony National ORD Prize 2024

The Swiss Academies invite you to the Award Ceremony of the National ORD Prize 2024. The event will take place on 27 November 2024 in the evening at Eventfabrik Bern. Please save the date! 


22 Nov. 2024: Call for Contribution: Between FAIR and CARE: challenges and opportunities for data management

DARIAH-CH, the Swiss branch of DARIAH, the European Digital Research Infrastructure for the arts and the humanities, organizes the third edition of its Study Day. The event, which represents the annual event of the Swiss arts and digital humanities scientific communities, will take place at the Basel Academy of Art and Design FHNW. 

In addition to a roundtable discussion with invited guests as well as presentations of data stewardship initiatives at different Swiss higher education institutions and of the DaSCH data curation workflow, a core part of the event will be pitches of data and related issues in the context of FAIR and CARE from ongoing research projects.

We invite researchers – especially PhD students and postdocs in arts and humanities – to present their research data and to discuss what challenges they encounter in relation to the data life cycle in the context of FAIR and CARE principles. We also welcome pitches on data that has not been yet collected and which would present particular challenges when it comes to the tension between FAIR vs. CARE approaches to data management. 

Submissions should be sent before 30 September 2024.

Read more and submit here

Job Opportunities at swissuniversities

Have a look at the open positions and internship opportunities in the areas of Higher Education Policy, Teaching, and Research and Development. 

More information can be found here


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