Main Content
Contents: Supporting universities through annual contributions to the development, expansion and the running of doctoral programmes.
Target group: The programme addresses higher education institutions and not individual doctoral candidates.
Duration: The programme is part of the federal project contributions 2017–2020. Due to the Covid-related situation, the Swiss Hochschulkonferenz decided on 26 November 2020 to extend the programme up to 31 December 2021.
Call for tenders: The universities were invited to submit applications for the funding of new doctoral programmes in 2016. TP1 Doctoral Programmes of the Universities will not be continued in 2021–2024
The "TP1: Doctoral programme of the universities" sub-project supports universities through annual contributions to the development, expansion and running of doctoral programmes which best complement the existing institutional structures. TP1 is the successor to the SUK programme P-1 "Doctoral programmes" (2013– 2016), which aims to improve the appeal and quality of doctoral education, doctorates the career prospects of doctoral candidates.
The primary emphasis is on the following goals:
- The arts, humanities and social sciences: the focus of promotion is on doctoral programmes in these disciplines, however, new doctoral programmes in other disciplines are also encouraged.
- An interdisciplinary approach is taken, embracing the various institutional structures: the promoted programmes and activities are inter-university (two or more universities) or inter-institutional (two or more units of a university).
- Sustainability: universities continue successful programmes/activities that are in line with their strategy/planning.
TP1 is subdivided into two "pillars".
First pillar: "Current programmes"
Firstly, the doctoral programmes and activities created in the years 2012/13–2016 are continued. The following principles apply:
- Allocation of funds to the universities and ETHs using the well-proven allocation scheme of the closed SUK programme.
- The universities and ETHs select the programmes/activities they wish to continue to promote.
- The annual portions apply the declining balance method: the universities and ETHs are encouraged to gradually take on successful programmes where these are in line with their strategy/planning.