Main Content
Contents: Promoting young talent by promoting mobility for doctoral students and strengthening PhD education at all types of higher education institutions.
Target group: The programme addresses higher education institutions and not individual doctoral candidates.
Duration: Project contributions 2021–2024. Towards the program for the 2025–2028 funding period
Call for tenders: Higher education institutions were invited to submit applications at the beginning of the period (TP2 and TP3). No additional call for proposals will be launched.
The promotion of academic and scientific talent is one of the core missions of Swiss higher education institutions. Within the framework of the "P-1 Mobility Promotion for Doctoral Students and Further Development of the Third Cycle (2021–2024)" programme, they are working to further develop doctoral level and third cycle education. In doing so, higher education institutions set the following objectives:
- strengthen the quality and attractiveness of PhD education;
- create good career prospects for doctoral candidates;
- diversify education in line with demand;
- consolidate and promote research.
Through innovative networks and forms of collaboration spanning the various types of higher education institutions, these institutions want to leverage the full potential of swissuniversities while at the same time promoting the specific profiles of universities, universities of applied sciences and arts (UASAs) and universities of teacher education (UTEs).
The programme incorporates three sub-projects with one shared goal. It promotes: