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About the project
With "DaaS" (Data Analysis as a Service), the Photon Science Division and the Scientific IT Department offer a high-performance data analysis center for scientists using data from the large-scale research facilities of the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI). With "DaaS", researchers analyze their data directly after data acquisition and perform the subsequent offline analysis on PSI's local infrastructure. Researchers can analyze their data both on-site and remotely - with high efficiency for the respective projects and great time savings for publications. "DaaS" is also connected to the Swiss National Supercomputing Centre (CSCS) for long-term data archiving.
Key data
Available to all researchers of the photon science large research facilities at PSI with > 1000 users per year. About 2000 cores CPU capacity and 10 PB disk space. Efficient remote access to the infrastructure from anywhere in the world. Connected to the petabyte tape archive at CSCS via 100 GBit links.
Project management
Alun Ashton
Head of AWI
Leonardo Sala
Group leader Data and Analysis Research Infrastructure