Main Content
Signatory states of the European Convention on the Equivalence of Diplomas Leading to Admission to Universities No. 15/1953 of the Council of Europe
Signatory states of the Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region Nr. 165/1997 ("Lisbon Convention")
Bilateral agreements with Germany, Austria, France and Italy concerning higher education equivalency
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
Liberia Senior High School Certificate
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Liberian university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 3 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Liberian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 3 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Liberian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 3 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Liberian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 3 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Liberian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 3 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Liberian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 3 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Liberian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 3 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Liberian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 3 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Liberian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 3 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Liberian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 3 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Liberian university + special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Baccalauréat général de l'enseignement secondaire
- Série Scientifique
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by the University of Dijbouti + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 (assez bien) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Djiboutian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 (assez bien) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Djiboutian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 (assez bien) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Djiboutian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 (assez bien) + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 (assez bien) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Djiboutian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 (assez bien) + certificate of university admission provided by a recognised Djiboutian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 (assez bien) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Djiboutian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 (assez bien) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Djiboutian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 (assez bien) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Djiboutian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 (assez bien) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Djiboutian university + special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
Korea, Dem. People's Rep.
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Graduation Certificate (Secondary School Leaving Certificate)
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised North Korean university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years) + HSG selection procedure
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
North Macedonia (L)
Signatory states of the Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region Nr. 165/1997 ("Lisbon Convention")General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
Diploma za polozena drzavna matura = Diplomë për dhënien e maturës shtetërore (4 years)
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Macedonian university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Macedonian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Macedonian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Macedonian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission provided by a recognised Macedonian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Macedonian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Macedonian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Macedonian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Macedonian university + HSG selection procedure
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Macedonian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Macedonian university or special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Diplomë për kryerjen e shkollës së mesme të lartë - gjimnazit
- Diploma o zavrsenoj visoj srednjoj skoli - gimnaziji
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Kosovar university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Kosovar university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Kosovar university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Kosovar university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission provided by a recognised Kosovar university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Kosovar university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Kosovar university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Kosovar university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Kosovar university + HSG selection procedure
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Kosovar university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Kosovar university or special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
Central African Republic
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Baccalauréat
- Diplôme de Bachelier de l'Enseignement du Second Degré
- Série C: Mathématiques et sciences physiques
- Série D: Mathématiques et sciences de la nature
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university in the Central African Republic + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Bang Tot Nghiep Trung Hoc Pho Thong
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Vietnamese university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 7/10 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Vietnamese university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 7/10 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Vietnamese university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 7/10 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Vietnamese university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 7/10 + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 7/10 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Vietnamese university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 7/10 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Vietnamese university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 7/10 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Vietnamese university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 7/10 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Vietnamese university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 7/10 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Vietnamese university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 7/10 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Vietnamese university + special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
United Arab Emirates
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Shahadat Al-Thanawiya-Al-Amma (Secondary School Leaving Certificate - General)
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university in the United Arab Emirates + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 80% + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Emirati university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 80% + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Emirati university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 80% + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Emirati university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 80% + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 80% + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Emirati university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 80% + certificate of university admission provided by a recognised Emirati university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 80% + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Emirati university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 80% + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Emirati university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 80% + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Emirati university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 80% + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Emirati university + special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Titulo de Educación Media General
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Venezuelan university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years) + HSG selection procedure
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
Academy of Architecture: 3 years out of a 4 to 5-year bachelor programme for studies in architecture or civil engineering
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Akademik litsey diplomi (Diploma of Academic Lyceum)
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Uzbek university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years) + HSG selection procedure
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
Academy of Architecture: 3 years out of a 4 to 5-year bachelor programme for studies in architecture or civil engineering
United States of America
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- High School Diploma
with the following general education subjects
Subjects are determined directly by the universities, see below: Admission requirements of each university.
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Not recognised are AP-subjects such as
- Art and Design Program
- Art History
- Comp. Government & Politics
- Environmental Science
- Music Theory
- Psychology
- Statistics
- U.S. Government & Politics
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Reduced Entrance Examination if High School Diploma is accompanied by at least three Advanced Placement Tests, each one with a minimum score of 3 in: 1. mathematics; 2. biology or physics or chemistry; 3. one language. In addition, four of the following subjects must have been taken during the last three years of high school: physics, chemistry, biology, computer science, another language, geography, history, economics. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Advanced Placement Tests including 6 independent general education subjects, each with a minimum grade of 3: 1. First language (native language); 2. Second language; 3. Mathematics/calculus; 4. Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics); 5. Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law) and 6. Elective: one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject.
All required achievements must have been acquired entirely and exclusively within the US American education system.
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Advanced Placement Tests including 6 independent general education subjects, each with a minimum grade of 3: 1. First language (native language); 2. Second language; 3. Mathematics/calculus; 4. Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics); 5. Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law) and 6. Elective: one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Advanced Placement Tests including 6 independent general education subjects, each with a minimum grade of 3: 1. First language (native language); 2. Second language; 3. Mathematics/calculus; 4. Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics); 5. Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law) and 6. Elective: one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Advanced Placement Tests including 6 independent general education subjects, each with a minimum grade of 3: 1. First language (native language); 2. Second language; 3. Mathematics/calculus; 4. Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics); 5. Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law) and 6. Elective: one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Advanced Placement Tests including 6 independent general education subjects, each with a minimum grade of 3: 1. First language (native language); 2. Second language; 3. Mathematics/calculus; 4. Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics); 5. Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law) and 6. Elective: one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Advanced Placement Tests including 6 independent general education subjects, each with a minimum grade of 3: 1. First language (native language); 2. Second language; 3. Mathematics/calculus; 4. Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics); 5. Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law) and 6. Elective: one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Advanced Placement Tests including 6 independent general education subjects, each with a minimum grade of 3: 1. First language (native language); 2. Second language; 3. Mathematics/calculus; 4. Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics); 5. Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law) and 6. Elective: one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Advanced Placement Tests including 6 independent general education subjects, each with a minimum grade of 3: 1. First language (native language); 2. Second language; 3. Mathematics/calculus; 4. Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics); 5. Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law) and 6. Elective: one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject + HSG selection procedure
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Advanced Placement Tests including 6 independent general education subjects, each with a minimum grade of 3: 1. First language (native language); 2. Second language; 3. Mathematics/calculus; 4. Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics); 5. Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law) and 6. Elective: one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Advanced Placement Tests including 6 independent general education subjects, each with a minimum grade of 3: 1. First language (native language); 2. Second language; 3. Mathematics/calculus; 4. Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics); 5. Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law) and 6. Elective: one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Bachiller Diversificado
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Uruguayan university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years) + HSG admission test
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
Academy of Architecture: 3 years out of a 4 to 5-year bachelor programme for studies in architecture or civil engineering
Hungary (L)
Signatory states of the Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region Nr. 165/1997 ("Lisbon Convention")General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Gimnáziumi érettségi bizonyítvány
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate in a scientific stream including the subjects 1) mathematics, 2) physics, 3) language of the country granting the diploma, 4) second modern language, 5) chemistry or biology, 6) history, geography, or economics, and 7) applied mathematics, computer science, philosophy, or third modern language. At least six of these seven subjects are present on the final grade transcripts used to determine the award of the certificate, including mathematics and physics studied and examined at the highest possible level. The final grades in mathematics and physics are at least 80% of the maximum grade and the general average is at least 80% of the maximum grade. Warning: from 2025 and for a duration of at least four years, EPFL limits the number of study places to 3000 in the first year of the Bachelor’s programs and will select applicants with a foreign education on the basis of the general average grade (or total number of points) at the school-leaving certificate
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with proof of the following: tuition in the subjects 1. mathematics (higher level), 2. physics or chemistry or biology (higher level) and 3. language of instruction or foreign language (medium or higher level) during the last two years of upper secondary schooling. These three subjects in the above mentioned required level must be part of the final exam and passed with a minimum grade average of 70% + four of the following subjects must have been part of the final three years of upper secondary schooling: physics, chemistry, biology, computer science, another language, geography, history, economics + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Hungarian university. Otherwise: Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Hungarian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Hungarian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Hungarian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission by a recognised Hungarian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Hungarian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Hungarian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Hungarian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Hungarian university + HSG selection procedure
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Hungarian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Hungarian university or special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
Ukraine (L)
Signatory states of the Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region Nr. 165/1997 ("Lisbon Convention")General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Svidotstvo pro zdobuttia povnoi zagalnoi serednoi osvity
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Ukrainian university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Ukrainian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Ukrainian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Ukrainian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission provided by a recognised Ukrainian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Ukrainian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Ukrainian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Ukrainian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Ukrainian university + HSG selection procedure
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Ukrainian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Ukrainian university or special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Uganda Certificate of Education (UCE) + Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education (UACE)
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Ugandan university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
University degree (at least 3 years)
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate including 6 independent general education subjects; At least 3 subjects in UACE Principal Level with at least grade C (one of which must be mathematics or another natural sciences subject) and 3 subjects in UCE with at least grade 3/9 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Ugandan university + Complementary Examination ECUS
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years) + HSG selection procedure
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Orta bilim hakynda Sahadatnama
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Turkmenian university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years) + HSG selection procedure
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
Academy of Architecture: 3 years out of a 4 to 5-year bachelor programme for studies in architecture or civil engineering
Turkey (L)
Signatory states of the Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region Nr. 165/1997 ("Lisbon Convention")General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Anadolu Lisesi Diplomasi
- Fen Lisesi Diplomasi
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Turkish university + reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission to a 4 year programme in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Turkish university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission to a 4 year programme in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Turkish university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission to a 4 year programme in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Turkish university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission to a 4 year programme provided by a recognised Turkish university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission to a 4 year programme in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Turkish university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission to a 4 year programme in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Turkish university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission to a 4 year programme in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Turkish university. If the certificate includes at least 6 independent general education subjects, upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission to a 4 year programme in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Turkish university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission to a 4 year programme in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Turkish university + HSG selection procedure
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission to a 4 year programme in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Turkish university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission to a 4 year programme in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Turkish university or special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Baccalauréat
- lettres
- mathématiques
- sciences expérimentales
- sciences informatiques
- sciences techniques
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Tunisian university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission provided by a recognised Tunisian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission provided by a recognised Tunisian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission provided by a recognised Tunisian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission provided by a recognised Tunisian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission provided by a recognised Tunisian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission provided by a recognised Tunisian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission provided by a recognised Tunisian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission provided by a recognised Tunisian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission provided by a recognised Tunisian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission provided by a recognised Tunisian university + special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
Czech Republic (L)
Signatory states of the Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region Nr. 165/1997 ("Lisbon Convention")General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Vysvedceni o maturitni zkousce - Gymnazium
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate in a scientific stream including the subjects 1) mathematics, 2) physics, 3) language of the country granting the diploma, 4) second modern language, 5) chemistry or biology, 6) history, geography, or economics, and 7) applied mathematics, computer science, philosophy, or third modern language. At least six of these seven subjects are present on the final grade transcripts used to determine the award of the certificate, including mathematics and physics studied and examined at the highest possible level. The final grades in mathematics and physics are at least 80% of the maximum grade and the general average is at least 80% of the maximum grade. Warning: from 2025 and for a duration of at least four years, EPFL limits the number of study places to 3000 in the first year of the Bachelor’s programs and will select applicants with a foreign education on the basis of the general average grade (or total number of points) at the school-leaving certificate
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with proof of the following: tuition in the subjects 1. mathematics, 2. physics or chemistry or biology and 3. language of instruction or foreign language during the last two years before the upper secondary school-leaving certificate. These subjects must be part of the final exam and passed with a minimum grade average of 70% + four of the following subjects must have been part of the final three years of schooling: physics, chemistry, biology, computer science, another language, geography, history, economics + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Czech university. Otherwise: Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Czech university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Czech university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Czech university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission provided by a recognised Czech university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Czech university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Czech university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Czech university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Czech university + HSG selection procedure
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Czech university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Czech university or special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Baccalauréat de l'Enseignement du second degré
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Chadian university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Chadian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Chadian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Chadian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Chadian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Chadian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Chadian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Chadian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Chadian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Chadian university + special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Baccalauréat du troisième degré, séries A, C, D
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Togolese university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Togolese university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Togolese university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Togolese university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Togolese university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Togolese university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Togolese university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Togolese university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Togolese university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Togolese university + special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Mathayom Suksa 6
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Thai university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 3/4 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Thai university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 3/4 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Thai university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 3/4 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Thai university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 3/4 + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 3/4 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Thai university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 3/4 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Thai university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 3/4 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Thai university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 3/4 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Thai university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 3/4 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Thai university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 3/4 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Thai university + special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Certificate of Secondary Education (CSE) + Advanced Certificate of Secondary Education (ACSE)
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Tanzanian university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years) + HSG selection procedure
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Senior High School Leaving Certificate
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Taiwanese university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a minimum grade of B + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Taiwanese university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a minimum grade of B + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Taiwanese university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a minimum grade of B + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Taiwanese university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a minimum grade of B + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a minimum grade of B + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Taiwanese university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a minimum grade of B + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Taiwanese university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a minimum grade of B + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Taiwanese university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a minimum grade of B + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Taiwanese university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a minimum grade of B + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Taiwanese university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a minimum grade of B + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Taiwanese university + special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
Tajikistan (L)
Signatory states of the Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region Nr. 165/1997 ("Lisbon Convention")General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Attestat dar borai malumoti mijona
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university in Tajikistan + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university in Tajikistan
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university in Tajikistan
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university in Tajikistan
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission provided by a recognised university in Tajikistan
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university in Tajikistan
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university in Tajikistan
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university in Tajikistan
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university in Tajikistan + HSG selection procedure
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university in Tajikistan
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university in Tajikistan or special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
Academy of Architecture: 3 years out of a 4 to 5-year bachelor programme for studies in architecture or civil engineering
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Al-Shahada Al-Thanawiyya-Al'Amma (Baccalauréat, General Secondary Certificate) (Scientific Branch)
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Syrian university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 50% + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Syrian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 50% + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Syrian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 50% + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Syrian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 50% + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 50% + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Syrian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 50% + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Syrian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 50% + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Syrian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 50% + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Syrian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 50% + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Syrian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 50% + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Syrian university + special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
Korea, Rep.
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- High School Certificate of Graduation
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised South Korean university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with at least grade C (Mi) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised South Korean university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with at least grade C (Mi) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised South Korean university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with at least grade C (Mi) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised South Korean university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with at least grade C (Mi)
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with at least grade C (Mi) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised South Korean university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with at least grade C (Mi) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised South Korean university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with at least grade C (Mi) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised South Korean university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with at least grade C (Mi) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised South Korean university + HSG selection procedure
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with at least grade C (Mi) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised South Korean university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with at least grade C (Mi) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised South Korean university
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Sudan Secondary School Certificate
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Sudanese university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years) + HSG selection procedure
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
South Africa
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- National Senior Certificate (NSC)
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised South African university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETH
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 60% (Achievement Level 5) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised South African university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 60% (Achievement Level 5) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised South African university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 60% (Achievement Level 5) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised South African university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 60% (Achievement Level 5) + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 60% (Achievement Level 5) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised South African university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 60% (Achievement Level 5) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised South African university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 60% (Achievement Level 5) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised South African university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 60% (Achievement Level 5) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised South African university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 60% (Achievement Level 5) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised South African university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 60% (Achievement Level 5) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised South African university + special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
Sri Lanka
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Sri Lankan General Certificate of Education, O-level + A-level
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Sri Lankan university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years) + HSG selection procedure
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
Spain (L)
Signatory states of the Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region Nr. 165/1997 ("Lisbon Convention")General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Bachillerato (Modalidad de Ciencias / Ciencias y Tecnología)
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate in a scientific stream including the subjects 1) mathematics, 2) physics, 3) language of the country granting the diploma, 4) second modern language, 5) chemistry or biology, 6) history, geography, or economics, and 7) applied mathematics, computer science, philosophy, or third modern language. At least six of these seven subjects are present on the final grade transcripts used to determine the award of the certificate, including mathematics and physics studied and examined at the highest possible level. The final grades in mathematics and physics are at least 80% of the maximum grade and the general average is at least 80% of the maximum grade. Warning: from 2025 and for a duration of at least four years, EPFL limits the number of study places to 3000 in the first year of the Bachelor’s programs and will select applicants with a foreign education on the basis of the general average grade (or total number of points) at the school-leaving certificate
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate and Prueba de Acceso Universidad (PAU) with proof of the following: tuition in the subjects 1. mathematics, 2. physics or chemistry or biology and 3. language of instruction or foreign language during the last two years before the upper secondary school-leaving certificate. These subjects must be part of the Prueba de Acceso and passed with a minimum grade average of 70% of the maximum score. Four of the following subjects must – in addition to the 3 subjects above –also have been part of the final three years of schooling: physics, chemistry, biology, computer science, another language, geography, history, economics. Otherwise: Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Spanish university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission to a 4year programme in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Spanish university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Spanish university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission provided by a recognised Spanish university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Spanish university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Spanish university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Spanish university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Spanish university + HSG selection procedure
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Spanish university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Prueba de Acceso Universidad (PAU) with proof of the following: tuition in the subjects 1. mathematics, 2. physics or chemistry or biology and 3. language of instruction or foreign language during the last two years before the upper secondary school-leaving certificate. These subjects must be part of the Prueba de Acceso and passed with a minimum grade average of 70% of the maximum score. Four of the following subjects must have been part of the final 3 years of schooling: physics, natural sciences, applied mathematics, 1 language, geography, history, economics. Otherwise: Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Spanish university or special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Secondary Certificate (SC)
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Somalian university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years) + HSG selection procedure
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
Academy of Architecture: 3 years out of a 4 to 5-year bachelor programme for studies in architecture or civil engineering
Slovenia (L)
Signatory states of the Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region Nr. 165/1997 ("Lisbon Convention")General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Spricevalo o splošni maturi
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate in a scientific stream including the subjects 1) mathematics, 2) physics, 3) language of the country granting the diploma, 4) second modern language, 5) chemistry or biology, 6) history, geography, or economics, and 7) applied mathematics, computer science, philosophy, or third modern language. At least six of these seven subjects are present on the final grade transcripts used to determine the award of the certificate, including mathematics and physics studied and examined at the highest possible level. The final grades in mathematics and physics are at least 80% of the maximum grade and the general average is at least 80% of the maximum grade. Warning: from 2025 and for a duration of at least four years, EPFL limits the number of study places to 3000 in the first year of the Bachelor’s programs and will select applicants with a foreign education on the basis of the general average grade (or total number of points) at the school-leaving certificate
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with proof of the following: tuition in the subjects 1. mathematics, 2. physics or chemistry or biology and 3. language of instruction or foreign language during the last two years before the upper secondary school-leaving certificate. These subjects must be part of the final exam and passed with a minimum grade average of 70% + four of the following subjects must have been part of the final three years of schooling: physics, chemistry, biology, computer science, another language, geography, history, economics + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Slovenian university. Otherwise: Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Slovenian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Slovenian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Slovenian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission provided by a recognised Slovenian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Slovenian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Slovenian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Slovenian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Slovenian university + HSG selection procedure
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Slovenian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Slovenian university or special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Vysvedcenie o maturitnej skúske-gymnázium
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate in a scientific stream including the subjects 1) mathematics, 2) physics, 3) language of the country granting the diploma, 4) second modern language, 5) chemistry or biology, 6) history, geography, or economics, and 7) applied mathematics, computer science, philosophy, or third modern language. At least six of these seven subjects are present on the final grade transcripts used to determine the award of the certificate, including mathematics and physics studied and examined at the highest possible level. The final grades in mathematics and physics are at least 80% of the maximum grade and the general average is at least 80% of the maximum grade. Warning: from 2025 and for a duration of at least four years, EPFL limits the number of study places to 3000 in the first year of the Bachelor’s programs and will select applicants with a foreign education on the basis of the general average grade (or total number of points) at the school-leaving certificate
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with proof of the following: tuition in the subjects 1. mathematics, 2. physics or chemistry or biology and 3. language of instruction or foreign language during the last two years before the upper secondary school-leaving certificate. These subjects must be part of the final exam and passed with a minimum grade average of 70% + four of the following subjects must have been part of the final three years of schooling: physics, chemistry, biology, computer science, another language, geography, history, economics + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Slovakian university. Otherwise: Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Slovakian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Slovakian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Slovakian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission provided by a recognised Slovakian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Slovakian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Slovakian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Slovakian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Slovakian university + HSG selection procedure
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Slovakian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Slovakian university or special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Singapore-Cambridge General Certificate of Education (new curriculum, 2006)
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Admission without Entrance Examination if the following requirements are fullfilled:
- Mathematics + one of the following subjects: physics, chemistry or biology + one modern language. Each subject at H2 with minimum grade B;
- Four additional subjects at Ordinary Level or H1 or H2 out of the following: physics, chemistry, biology, computer sciences, another modern language, geography, history, economics;
- certificate of university admission provided by a recognised university of Singapore
Otherwise: Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate including at least 6 independent general education subjects, each with a minimum grade of C. At least 3 of these subjects must be H2 (one of which must be mathematics or another natural sciences subject), 1 H1 and 2 O-levels
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate including at least 6 independent general education subjects, each with a minimum grade of C. At least 3 of these subjects must be H2 (one of which must be mathematics or another natural sciences subject), 1 H1 and 2 O-levels
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate including at least 6 independent general education subjects, each with a minimum grade of C. At least 3 of these subjects must be H2 (one of which must be mathematics or another natural sciences subject), 1 H1 and 2 O-levels
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate including at least 6 independent general education subjects, each with a minimum grade of C. At least 3 of these subjects must be H2 (one of which must be mathematics or another natural sciences subject), 1 H1 and 2 O-levels
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate including at least 6 independent general education subjects, each with a minimum grade of C. At least 3 of these subjects must be H2 (one of which must be mathematics or another natural sciences subject), 1 H1 and 2 O-levels
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate including at least 6 independent general education subjects, each with a minimum grade of C. At least 3 of these subjects must be H2 (one of which must be mathematics or another natural sciences subject), 1 H1 and 2 O-levels
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate including at least 6 independent general education subjects, each with a minimum grade of C. At least 3 of these subjects must be H2 (one of which must be mathematics or another natural sciences subject), 1 H1 and 2 O-levels
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate including at least 6 independent general education subjects, each with a minimum grade of C. At least 3 of these subjects must be H2 (one of which must be mathematics or another natural sciences subject), 1 H1 and 2 O-levels + HSG admission test
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate including at least 6 independent general education subjects, each with a minimum grade of C. At least 3 of these subjects must be H2 (one of which must be mathematics or another natural sciences subject), 1 H1 and 2 O-levels
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate including at least 6 independent general education subjects, each with a minimum grade of C. At least 3 of these subjects must be H2 (one of which must be mathematics or another natural sciences subject), 1 H1 and 2 O-levels
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Zimbabwe General Certificate of Education: O-level + A-level
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Zimbabwean university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years) + HSG selection procedure
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years
Sierra Leone
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- West African Senior School Certificate
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university in Sierra Leone + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 3 + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 3 + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 3 + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 3 + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 3 + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 3 + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 3 + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 3 + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 3 + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 3 + special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
Serbia (L)
Signatory states of the Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region Nr. 165/1997 ("Lisbon Convention")General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Diploma o stečenom srednem obrazovanju (gimnazija - 4 years)
- Diplomë për kryerjen e shkollës së mesme të përgjithshme - Gjimnazin (4 years)
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Serbian university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Serbian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Serbian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Serbian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission provided by a recognised Serbian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Serbian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Serbian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Serbian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Serbian university + HSG selection procedure
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Serbian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Serbian university or special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Baccalauréat de l'Enseignement Secondaire
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Senegalese university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Senegalese university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Senegalese university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Senegalese university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Senegalese university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Senegalese university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Senegalese university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Senegalese university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Senegalese university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Senegalese university + special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
Sweden (L)
Signatory states of the Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region Nr. 165/1997 ("Lisbon Convention")General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Examensbevis, Högskoleförberedande Examen with a minimum of 2500 points
- Ekonomiprogrammet
- Naturvetenskapsprogrammet
- Samhällsvetenskapsprogrammet
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Högskoleförberedande Examen in Naturvetenskaps with 2500 points including the subjects 1) mathematics (400 points), 2) physics (250 points), 3) Swedish (200 points), 4) second modern language (200 points), 5) chemistry or biology (200 points), 6) history, geography, or economics (200 points), and 7) applied mathematics, computer science, philosophy, or third modern language (200 points). The final grades in mathematics and physics are at least B and the general average is at least 16. Warning: from 2025 and for a duration of at least four years, EPFL limits the number of study places to 3000 in the first year of the Bachelor’s programs and will select applicants with a foreign education on the basis of the general average grade (or total number of points) at the school-leaving certificate
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with proof of the following: tuition in the subjects 1. mathematics (minimum 400 credits), 2. physics or chemistry or biology (minimum 200 credits) and 3. language of instruction or foreign language (minimum 200 credits). The average grade of the final courses in these three subjects must reach at least 70% of the maximum grade of these three subjects. Four of the following subjects must – in addition to the 3 subjects above –also have been part of the final three years of schooling: physics, chemistry, biology, computer science, another language, geography, history, economics + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Swedish university. Otherwise: Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate including 6 independent general education subjects, each one with at least 200 credits and 250 credits in mathematics + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Swedish university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate including 6 independent general education subjects, each one with at least 200 credits and 250 credits in mathematics + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Swedish university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate including 6 independent general education subjects, each one with at least 200 credits and 250 credits in mathematics + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Swedish university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate including 6 independent general education subjects, each one with at least 200 credits and 250 credits in mathematics + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Swedish university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate including 6 independent general education subjects, each one with at least 200 credits and 250 credits in mathematics + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Swedish university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate including 6 independent general education subjects, each one with at least 200 credits and 250 credits in mathematics + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Swedish university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate including 6 independent general education subjects, each one with at least 200 credits and 250 credits in mathematics + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Swedish university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate including 6 independent general education subjects, each one with at least 200 credits and 250 credits in mathematics + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Swedish university + HSG selection procedure
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate including 6 independent general education subjects, each one with at least 200 credits and 250 credits in mathematics + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Swedish university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate including 6 independent general education subjects, each one with at least 200 credits and 250 credits in mathematics + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Swedish university or special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
Saudi Arabia
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Thawjihiya Amma (General Secondary Education Certificate)
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Saudi Arabian university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years) + HSG selection procedure
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
San Marino (L)
Signatory states of the Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region Nr. 165/1997 ("Lisbon Convention")General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Diploma di superamento dell'esame di stato conclusivo dei corsi di studio del
- liceo classico
- liceo linguistico
- liceo scientifico
- USI also:
- liceo economico
- Maturità commerciale (limitatamente a Scienze economiche)
- Maturità tecnica, quinquennali (nel caso in cui si tratti de medesimo indirizzo di studio)
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate in ‘indirizzo scientifico’ of a Liceo with proof of the following: tuition in the subjects 1. mathematics, 2. physics or chemistry or biology and 3. language of instruction or foreign language during the last two years before the upper secondary school-leaving certificate. The state examination must be passed with minimum overall mark (‘votazione complessiva’) of 70/100 + four of the following subjects must have been part of the final three years of schooling: physics, chemistry, biology, computer science, another language, geography, history, economics. Additional requirement for the field of architecture: correspondent certificate of university admission provided by a recognised Italian university. Otherwise: Reduced Entrance Examination ETH. For all other indirizzi of the Liceo: reduced entrance Examination ETH
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + HSG selection procedure
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- School Certificate
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Zambian university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years) + HSG selection procedure
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
Russia (L)
Signatory states of the Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region Nr. 165/1997 ("Lisbon Convention")General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Attestat o srednem (polnom) obscem obrazovanii
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Russian university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Russian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Russian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Russian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission provided by a recognised Russian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Russian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Russian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Russian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Russian university + HSG selection procedure
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Russian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Russian university or special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
Romania (L)
Signatory states of the Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region Nr. 165/1997 ("Lisbon Convention")General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Diploma de Bacalaureat
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate in a scientific stream including the subjects 1) mathematics, 2) physics, 3) language of the country granting the diploma, 4) second modern language, 5) chemistry or biology, 6) history, geography, or economics, and 7) applied mathematics, computer science, philosophy, or third modern language. At least six of these seven subjects are present on the final grade transcripts used to determine the award of the certificate, including mathematics and physics studied and examined at the highest possible level. The final grades in mathematics and physics are at least 80% of the maximum grade and the general average is at least 80% of the maximum grade. Warning: from 2025 and for a duration of at least four years, EPFL limits the number of study places to 3000 in the first year of the Bachelor’s programs and will select applicants with a foreign education on the basis of the general average grade (or total number of points) at the school-leaving certificate
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with proof of the following: tuition in the subjects 1. mathematics, 2. physics or chemistry or biology and 3. language of instruction or foreign language during the last two years before the upper secondary school-leaving certificate. These subjects must be part of the final exam and passed with a minimum grade average of 70% + four of the following subjects must have been part of the final three years of schooling: physics, chemistry, biology, computer science, another language, geography, history, economics + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Romanian university. Otherwise: Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Romanian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Romanian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Romanian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission provided by a recognised Romanian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Romanian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Romanian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Romanian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Romanian university + HSG selection procedure
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Romanian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Romanian university or special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Rwanda Advanced Certificate of Education (Advanced Level Certificate of Education)
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Rwandan university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years) + HSG selection procedure
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
Academy of Architecture: 3 years out of a 4 to 5-year bachelor programme for studies in architecture or civil engineering
Portugal (L)
Signatory states of the Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region Nr. 165/1997 ("Lisbon Convention")General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Diploma Nivel Secundário de Educaçao
- Certificado Nivel Secundário de Educaçao
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate in a scientific stream including the subjects 1) mathematics, 2) physics, 3) language of the country granting the diploma, 4) second modern language, 5) chemistry or biology, 6) history, geography, or economics, and 7) applied mathematics, computer science, philosophy, or third modern language. At least six of these seven subjects are present on the final grade transcripts used to determine the award of the certificate, including mathematics and physics studied and examined at the highest possible level. The final grades in mathematics and physics are at least 80% of the maximum grade and the general average is at least 80% of the maximum grade. Warning: from 2025 and for a duration of at least four years, EPFL limits the number of study places to 3000 in the first year of the Bachelor’s programs and will select applicants with a foreign education on the basis of the general average grade (or total number of points) at the school-leaving certificate
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Portuguese university + reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years) + HSG selection procedure
University degree (at least 3 years)
Faculty of Lugano: University degree (at least 3 years)
Academy of Architecture: Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with proof of the following: tuition in the subjects 1. mathematics, 2. physics or chemistry and 3. Native language and a foreign language. Each of these subjects must be part of the final exam and passed with the minimum grade average of 70% + three of the following subjects must have been part of the final 3 years of schooling: geometry or applied mathematics, geography, history, modern languages, natural sciences
Poland (L)
Signatory states of the Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region Nr. 165/1997 ("Lisbon Convention")General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Swiadectwo ukonczenia liceum ogolnoksztalcacego + Swiadectwo Dojrzalosci
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate in a scientific stream including the subjects 1) mathematics, 2) physics, 3) language of the country granting the diploma, 4) second modern language, 5) chemistry or biology, 6) history, geography, or economics, and 7) applied mathematics, computer science, philosophy, or third modern language. At least six of these seven subjects are present on the final grade transcripts used to determine the award of the certificate, including mathematics and physics studied and examined at the highest possible level. The final grades in mathematics and physics are at least 80% of the maximum grade and the general average is at least 80% of the maximum grade. Warning: from 2025 and for a duration of at least four years, EPFL limits the number of study places to 3000 in the first year of the Bachelor’s programs and will select applicants with a foreign education on the basis of the general average grade (or total number of points) at the school-leaving certificate
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with proof of the following: tuition in the subjects 1. mathematics (advanced level), 2. physics or chemistry or biology (advanced level) and 3. language of instruction or foreign language (advanced level) during the last two years of upper secondary schooling. These advanced level subjects must be part of the final exam and passed with a minimum grade average of 70% + four of the following subjects must have been part of the final three years of upper secondary schooling: physics, chemistry, biology, computer science, another language, geography, history, economics + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Polish university. Otherwise: Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Polish university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Polish university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Polish university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission provided by a recognised Polish university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Polish university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Polish university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Polish university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Polish university + HSG selection procedure
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Polish university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Polish university or special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Senior High School Diploma Academic Track
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Filipino university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years) + HSG selection procedure
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
Academy of Architecture: 3 years out of a 4 to 5-year bachelor programme for studies in architecture or civil engineering
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Certificado Official de Estudios
- Certificado de Educación Secundaria Común Completa
- Baccalaureate
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Peruvian university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years) + HSG selection procedure
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Bachiller Cientifico
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Paraguayan university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 3 (bueno) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Paraguayan university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 3 (bueno) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Paraguayan university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 3 (bueno) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Paraguayan university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 3 (bueno) + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 3 (bueno) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Paraguayan university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 3 (bueno) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Paraguayan university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 3 (bueno) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Paraguayan university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 3 (bueno) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Paraguayan university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 3 (bueno) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Paraguayan university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 3 (bueno) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Paraguayan university + special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Bachiller
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Panamanian university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 4/5 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Panamanian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 4/5 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Panamanian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 4/5 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Panamanian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 4/5 + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 4/5 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Panamanian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 4/5 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Panamanian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 4/5 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Panamanian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 4/5 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Panamanian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 4/5 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Panamanian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 4/5 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Panamanian university + special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
Palestinian territories
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Certificate of General Secondary Education (Al-Injaz)
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Palestinian university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years) + HSG selection procedure
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Higher Secondary (School) Certificate (HSC)
- Intermediate (Examination) Certificate
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Pakistani university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years) + HSG selection procedure
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
Academy of Architecture: 3 years out of a 4 to 5-year bachelor programme for studies in architecture or civil engineering
Cyprus (L)
Signatory states of the Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region Nr. 165/1997 ("Lisbon Convention")General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Apolytirio Lykeio
- Lise Diplomasi
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Austria (L) (B)
Signatory states of the Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region Nr. 165/1997 ("Lisbon Convention")(B)
Bilateral agreements with Germany, Austria, France and Italy concerning higher education equivalencyGeneral Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Reifezeugnis einer allgemein bildenden höheren Schule (AHS)
- Reifezeugnis einer Bundeshandelsakademie (only accepted by the Universität St. Gallen)
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Reifeprüfung (Matura) from a Realgymnasium with final exams in mathematics and physics. The exams in mathematics and physics are evaluated ‘very good’ and the certificate is awarded with the highest distinction. Warning: from 2025 and for a duration of at least four years, EPFL limits the number of study places to 3000 in the first year of the Bachelor’s programs and will select applicants with a foreign education on the basis of the general average grade (or total number of points) at the school-leaving certificate
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with proof of the following: tuition in the subjects 1. mathematics, 2. physics or chemistry or biology and 3. language of instruction or foreign language during the last two years before the upper secondary school-leaving certificate. These subjects must be part of the final exam and passed with a minimum grade average of 70% + four of the following subjects must have been part of the final three years of schooling: physics, chemistry, biology, computer science, another language, geography, history, economics. Otherwise: Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ.
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + HSG selection procedure
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
Thanawiya Amma (General Education Diploma)
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Omani university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years) + HSG selection procedure
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
Academy of Architecture: 3 years out of a 4 to 5-year bachelor programme for studies in architecture or civil engineering
Norway (L)
Signatory states of the Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region Nr. 165/1997 ("Lisbon Convention")General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Vitnemål videregående opplæring mit Vermerk: "og har oppnadd generell studiekompetanse"
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate in a scientific stream including the subjects 1) mathematics, 2) physics, 3) language of the country granting the diploma, 4) second modern language, 5) chemistry or biology, 6) history, geography, or economics, and 7) applied mathematics, computer science, philosophy, or third modern language. At least six of these seven subjects are present on the final grade transcripts used to determine the award of the certificate, including mathematics and physics studied and examined at the highest possible level. The final grades in mathematics and physics are at least 80% of the maximum grade and the general average is at least 80% of the maximum grade. Warning: from 2025 and for a duration of at least four years, EPFL limits the number of study places to 3000 in the first year of the Bachelor’s programs and will select applicants with a foreign education on the basis of the general average grade (or total number of points) at the school-leaving certificate
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with proof of the following: tuition in the subjects 1. mathematics, 2. physics or chemistry or biology and 3. language of instruction or foreign language during the last two years before the upper secondary school-leaving certificate. These subjects must be part of the final exam and passed with a minimum grade average of 70% + four of the following subjects must have been part of the final three years of schooling: physics, chemistry, biology, computer science, another language, geography, history, economics + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Norwegian university. Otherwise: Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Norwegian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Norwegian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Norwegian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission provided by a recognised Norwegian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Norwegian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Norwegian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Norwegian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Norwegian university + HSG selection procedure
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Norwegian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Norwegian university or special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Senior School Certificate (NECO)
- West African Senior School Certificate (WAEC)
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Nigerian university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of B3 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Nigerian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of B3 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Nigerian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of B3 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Nigerian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of B3 + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of B3 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Nigerian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of B3 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Nigerian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of B3 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Nigerian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of B3 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Nigerian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of B3 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Nigerian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of B3 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Nigerian university + special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Diplôme de Bachelier de l'Enseignement du Second Degré
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Exam EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Nigerien university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Nigerien university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Nigerien university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Nigerien university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Nigerien university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Nigerien university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Nigerien university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Nigerien university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Nigerien university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Nigerien university + special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
Netherlands (L)
Signatory states of the Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region Nr. 165/1997 ("Lisbon Convention")General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
Diploma voorbereidend wetenschappelijk onderwijs (VWO)
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate in a scientific stream including the subjects 1) mathematics, 2) physics, 3) language of the country granting the diploma, 4) second modern language, 5) chemistry or biology, 6) history, geography, or economics, and 7) applied mathematics, computer science, philosophy, or third modern language. At least six of these seven subjects are present on the final grade transcripts used to determine the award of the certificate, including mathematics and physics studied and examined at the highest possible level. The final grades in mathematics and physics are at least 80% of the maximum grade and the general average is at least 80% of the maximum grade. Warning: from 2025 and for a duration of at least four years, EPFL limits the number of study places to 3000 in the first year of the Bachelor’s programs and will select applicants with a foreign education on the basis of the general average grade (or total number of points) at the school-leaving certificate
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with proof of the following: tuition in the subjects 1. mathematics, 2. physics or chemistry or biology and 3. language of instruction or foreign language during the last two years before the upper secondary school-leaving certificate. These subjects must be part of the final exam and passed with a minimum grade average of 70% + four of the following subjects must have been part of the final three years of schooling: physics, chemistry, biology, computer science, another language, geography, history, economics + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Dutch university. Otherwise: Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Dutch university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Dutch university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Dutch university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission provided by a recognised Dutch university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Dutch university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Dutch university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Dutch university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Dutch university + HSG selection procedure
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Dutch university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Dutch university or special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Bachiller en Ciencias y Letras
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Nicaraguan university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years) + HSG selection procedure
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
Academy of Architecture: 3 years out of a 4 to 5-year bachelor programme for studies in architecture or civil engineering
New Zealand (L)
Signatory states of the Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region Nr. 165/1997 ("Lisbon Convention")General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- National Certificate of Education Achievement (NCEA), level 3 certificate
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university of New Zealand + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate including at least 6 independent general education subjects with14 credits each at Level 1, Level 2 and Leve 3 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university of New Zealand
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate including at least 6 independent general education subjects with 14 credits each at Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university of New Zealand
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate including at least 6 independent general education subjects with 14 credits each at Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university of New Zealand
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate including at least 6 independent general education subjects with 14 credits each at Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3 + certificate of university admission provided by a recognised university of New Zealand
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate including at least 6 independent general education subjects with 14 credits each at Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university of New Zealand
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate including at least 6 independent general education subjects with 14 credits each at Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university of New Zealand
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate including at least 6 independent general education subjects with 14 credits each at Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university of New Zealand
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate including at least 6 independent general education subjects with 14 credits each at Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university of New Zealand + HSG selection procedure
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate including at least 6 independent general education subjects with 14 credits each at Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university of New Zealand
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate including at least 6 independent general education subjects with 14 credits each at Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university of New Zealand or special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Higher Secondary School Leaving Certificate
- National Examination Board Examination Certificate
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Nepalese university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years) + HSG selection procedure
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
Academy of Architecture: 3 years out of a 4 to 5-year bachelor programme for studies in architecture or civil engineering
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Namibia Senior Secondary Certificate Ordinary level (NSSCO) + Namibia Senior Secondary Certificate Advanced Subsidiary level (NSSCAS)
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Namibian university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years) + HSG selection procedure
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Basic Education High School Examination (Matriculation Examination)
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university of Myanmar + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years) + HSG selection procedure
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
Academy of Architecture: 3 years out of a 4 to 5-year bachelor programme for studies in architecture or civil engineering
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Certificado de Habilitações
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university of Mozambique + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years) + HSG selection procedure
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
Montenegro (L)
Signatory states of the Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region Nr. 165/1997 ("Lisbon Convention")General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Diploma o polozenom maturskom ispitu
- Diplomë për dheniën e provimit të maturës
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university of Montenegro + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university of Montenegro
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university of Montenegro
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university of Montenegro
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission provided by a recognised university of Montenegro
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university of Montenegro
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university of Montenegro
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university of Montenegro
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university of Montenegro + HSG selection procedure
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university of Montenegro
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university of Montenegro or special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Buren dund bolovsrolyn unemlekh
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Mongolian university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of C + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Mongolian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of C + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Mongolian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of C + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Mongolian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of C + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of C + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Mongolian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of C + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Mongolian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of C + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Mongolian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of C + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Mongolian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of C + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Mongolian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of C + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Mongolian university + special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
Moldova (L)
Signatory states of the Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region Nr. 165/1997 ("Lisbon Convention")General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Invatamintul liceal
- Diploma de bacalaureat
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Moldavian university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Moldavian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Moldavian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Moldavian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission provided by a recognised Moldavian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Moldavian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Moldavian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Moldavian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Moldavian university + HSG selection procedure
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Moldavian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Moldavian university or special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Bachillerato General (Educación media superior, formación propedéutica)
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Mexican university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 7/10 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Mexican university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 7/10 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Mexican university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 7/10 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Mexican university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 7/10 + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 7/10 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Mexican university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 7/10 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Mexican university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 7/10 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Mexican university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 7/10 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Mexican university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 7/10 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Mexican university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 7/10 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Mexican university + special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Diplôme de Bachelier
- Baccalauréat de l'Enseignement du Second Degré
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Mauretanian university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years) + HSG selection procedure
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Baccalauréat
- Sciences expérimentales
- Sciences mathématiques
- Lettres
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Moroccan university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission provided by a recognised Moroccan university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission provided by a recognised Moroccan university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Moroccan university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission provided by a recognised Moroccan university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission provided by a recognised Moroccan university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission provided by a recognised Moroccan university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission provided by a recognised Moroccan university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission provided by a recognised Moroccan university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission provided by a recognised Moroccan university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission provided by a recognised Moroccan university + special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
Malta (L)
Signatory states of the Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region Nr. 165/1997 ("Lisbon Convention")General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Matriculation Certificate
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Maltese university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Maltese university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Maltese university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Maltese university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission provided by a recognised Maltese university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Maltese university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Maltese university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Maltese university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Maltese university + HSG selection procedure
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Maltese university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Maltese university
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Baccalauréat Malien
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Malian university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years) + HSG selection procedure
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) + Sijil Tinggi Persekohlahan Malaysia (STPM)
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Malaysian university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years) + HSG selection procedure
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Malawi School Certificate of Education (MSCE)
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university of Malawi + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years) + HSG selection procedure
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Diplôme du Baccalauréat de l'Enseignement Secondaire
- Série A philosophie - lettres
- Série C mathématiques et sciences physiques
- Série D mathématiques et sciences naturelles
- Série L littéraire
- Série OSE Organisation-Société-Economie
- Série S scientifique
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Madagascan university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Madagascan university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Madagascan university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Madagascan university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Madagascan university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Madagascan university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Madagascan university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Madagascan university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Madagascan university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Madagascan university + special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
Luxembourg (L)
Signatory states of the Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region Nr. 165/1997 ("Lisbon Convention")General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Diplôme de fin d'études secondaires classiques
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Certificat de fin d'études secondaires classiques section B or C. The final grades in mathematics and physics are at least 48 and the weighted general average is at least 48. Warning: from 2025 and for a duration of at least four years, EPFL limits the number of study places to 3000 in the first year of the Bachelor’s programs and will select applicants with a foreign education on the basis of the general average grade (or total number of points) at the school-leaving certificate
Diplôme de fin d’études secondaires of sections B, C or I with proof of the following: tuition in the subjects 1. mathematics, 2. physics or chemistry or biology and 3. language of instruction or foreign language during the last two years before the upper secondary school-leaving certificate. These three subjects must be part of the final exam and passed with a minimum grade average of 40 points + four of the following subjects must have been part of the final three years of schooling: physics, chemistry, biology, computer science, another language, geography, history, economics. Otherwise: Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + HSG selection procedure
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate
Lithuania (L)
Signatory states of the Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region Nr. 165/1997 ("Lisbon Convention")General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Brandos atestatas
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Lithuanian university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Lithuanian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate+ 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Lithuanian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Lithuanian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission provided by a recognised Lithuanian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Lithuanian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate+ 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Lithuanian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Lithuanian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Lithuanian university + HSG selection procedure
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Lithuanian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Lithuanian university or special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Secondary Education Certificate
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Libyan university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years) + HSG selection procedure
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
Academy of Architecture: 3 years out of a 4 to 5-year bachelor programme for studies in architecture or civil engineering
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Baccalauréat général
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Lebanese university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Lebanese university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Lebanese university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Lebanese university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Lebanese university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Lebanese university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Lebanese university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Lebanese university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Lebanese university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Lebanese university + special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
Latvia (L)
Signatory states of the Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region Nr. 165/1997 ("Lisbon Convention")General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Atestats par visparejo videjo izglitibu
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate in a scientific stream including the subjects 1) mathematics, 2) physics, 3) language of the country granting the diploma, 4) second modern language, 5) chemistry or biology, 6) history, geography, or economics, and 7) applied mathematics, computer science, philosophy, or third modern language. At least six of these seven subjects are present on the final grade transcripts used to determine the award of the certificate, including mathematics and physics studied and examined at the highest possible level. The final grades in mathematics and physics are at least 80% of the maximum grade and the general average is at least 80% of the maximum grade. Warning: from 2025 and for a duration of at least four years, EPFL limits the number of study places to 3000 in the first year of the Bachelor’s programs and will select applicants with a foreign education on the basis of the general average grade (or total number of points) at the school-leaving certificate
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with proof of the following: 1. mathematics, 2. physics or chemistry or biology and 3. language of instruction or foreign language during the last two years before the upper secondary school-leaving certificate. These subjects must be part of the final exam and passed with a minimum grade average of 70%. Four of the following subjects must – in addition to the 3 subjects above – also have been part of the final three years of schooling: physics, chemistry, biology, computer science, another language, geography, history, economics + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Latvian university. Otherwise: Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Latvian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Latvian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Latvian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission provided by a recognised Latvian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Latvian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Latvian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Latvian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Latvian university + HSG selection procedure
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Latvian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Latvian university or special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Lesotho General Certificate of Secondary Education (LGCSE)
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university in Lesotho + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years) + HSG selection procedure
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Upper Secondary School Diploma
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Laotian university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years) + HSG selection procedure
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
Academy of Architecture: 3 years out of a 4 to 5-year bachelor programme for studies in architecture or civil engineering
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Shadat Al-Thanawiya-Al-A'ama
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university of Kuwait + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years) + HSG selection procedure
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
Academy of Architecture: 3 years out of a 4 to 5-year bachelor programme for studies in architecture or civil engineering
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Bachiller, Ciencias y Letras + Certification de Estudios Terminados (Fächerliste)
- Bachiller, Nivel Medio Superior de la Educacion General Politenica Laboral + Certification de Estudios Terminados (Fächerliste)
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Cuban university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 80% + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Cuban university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 80% + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Cuban university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 80% + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Cuban university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 80% + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 80% + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Cuban university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 80% + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Cuban university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 80% + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Cuban university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 80% + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Cuban university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 80% + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Cuban university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 80% + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Cuban university + special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
Croatia (L)
Signatory states of the Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region Nr. 165/1997 ("Lisbon Convention")General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Svjedodzba o drzavnoi maturi
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate in a scientific stream including the subjects 1) mathematics, 2) physics, 3) language of the country granting the diploma, 4) second modern language, 5) chemistry or biology, 6) history, geography, or economics, and 7) applied mathematics, computer science, philosophy, or third modern language. At least six of these seven subjects are present on the final grade transcripts used to determine the award of the certificate, including mathematics and physics studied and examined at the highest possible level. The final grades in mathematics and physics are at least 80% of the maximum grade and the general average is at least 80% of the maximum grade. Warning: from 2025 and for a duration of at least four years, EPFL limits the number of study places to 3000 in the first year of the Bachelor’s programs and will select applicants with a foreign education on the basis of the general average grade (or total number of points) at the school-leaving certificate
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with proof of the following: tuition in the subjects 1. mathematics, 2. physics or chemistry or biology and 3. language of instruction or foreign language during the last two years before the upper secondary school-leaving certificate. These subjects must be part of the final exam and passed with a minimum grade average of 70% + four of the following subjects must have been part of the final three years of schooling: physics, chemistry, biology, computer science, another language, geography, history, economics + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Croatian university. Otherwise: Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Croatian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Croatian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Croatian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission provided by a recognised Croatian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Croatian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Croatian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Croatian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Croatian university + HSG selection procedure
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Croatian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Croatian university or special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
Congo, Republic
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Baccalauréat de l'Enseignement du Second Degré / Baccalauréat Général
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Congolese university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Congolese university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Congolese university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Congolese university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Congolese university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Congolese university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Congolese university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Congolese university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Congolese university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Congolese university + special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
Congo, Democratic Republic
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Diplôme d'Etat d'Etudes Secondaires du Cycle Long
- Section scientifique
- Section littéraire et pédagogique
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Congolese university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 60% + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Congolese university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 60% + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Congolese university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 60% + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Congolese university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 60% + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 60% + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Congolese university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 60% + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Congolese university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 60% + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Congolese university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 60% + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Congolese university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 60% + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Congolese university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 60% + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Congolese university + special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Bachiller
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Colombian university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years) + HSG selection procedure
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
Academy of Architecture: 3 years out of a 4 to 5-year bachelor programme for studies in architecture or civil engineering
Kyrgyzstan (L)
Signatory states of the Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region Nr. 165/1997 ("Lisbon Convention")General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Dschalpi orto bilim dschönündö attestat - Attestat o srednem obscem obrazovani
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university in Kyrgyzstan + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Kyrgyz university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Kyrgyz university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Kyrgyz university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission provided by a recognised Kyrgyz university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Kyrgyz university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Kyrgyz university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Kyrgyz university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Kyrgyz university + HSG selection procedure
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Kyrgyz university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Kyrgyz university or special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE)
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Kenyan university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of B + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Kenyan university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of B + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Kenyan university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of B + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Kenyan university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of B + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of B + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Kenyan university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of B + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Kenyan university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of B + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Kenyan university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of B + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Kenyan university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of B + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Kenyan university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of B + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Kenyan university + special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Shadahadat Al-Thanawaya Al-Aama (General Secondary Education Certificate)
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university in Qatar + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years) + HSG selection procedure
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
Academy of Architecture: 3 years out of a 4 to 5-year bachelor programme for studies in architecture or civil engineering
Kazakhstan (L)
Signatory states of the Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region Nr. 165/1997 ("Lisbon Convention")General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Chalpy Orta Bilim Turaly Attestat
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university in Kazakhstan + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Kazakh university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Kazakh university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Kazakh university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission provided by a recognised Kazakh university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Kazakh university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Kazakh university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Kazakh university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Kazakh university + HSG selection procedure
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Kazakh university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Kazakh university or special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
Canada (L)
Signatory states of the Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region Nr. 165/1997 ("Lisbon Convention")General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Alberta: Alberta High School Diploma - Diplôme d'études secondaires de l'Alberta
- British Columbia: British Columbia Certificate of Graduation - Dogwood Diploma
- Labrador: High School Graduation Diploma
- Manitoba: High School Diploma
- New Brunswick: High School Graduation Diploma - Diplôme de fin d'études
- Newfoundland: High School Graduation Diploma
- Northwest Territories: High School Graduation Diploma
- Nova Scotia: High School Completion Certificate
- Nunavut: Nunavut Senior Secondary School Graduation Diploma
- Ontario: Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD)
- Prince Edward Island: Prince Edward High School Graduation Diploma
- Québec: Diplôme d'études collégiales (D.E.C.) préuniversitaire
- Saskatchewan: Record of Secondary Level Achievement (Transcript) for complete Grade 12 standing
- Yukon: British Columbia Certificate of Graduation - Dogwood Diploma
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Canadian university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Baccalauréat de l'enseignement secondaire
- A: Lettres - philosophie
- C: Mathématiques et sciences physiques
- D: Mathématiques et sciences de la vie et de la terre
- Cameroon General Certificate of Education GCE: O-level + A-level
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Cameroonian university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
Baccalauréat: Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Cameroonian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Cameroon GCE: University degree (at least 3 years)
Baccalauréat: Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Cameroonian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Cameroon GCE: University degree (at least 3 years)
Baccalauréat: Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Cameroonian university+ Complementary Examination ECUS
Cameroon GCE: University degree (at least 3 years)
Baccalauréat: Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission provided by a recognised Cameroonian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Cameroon GCE: University degree (at least 3 years)
Baccalauréat: Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Cameroonian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Cameroon GCE: University degree (at least 3 years)
Baccalauréat: Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Cameroonian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Cameroon GCE: University degree (at least 3 years)
Baccalauréat: Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Cameroonian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Cameroon GCE: University degree (at least 3 years)
Baccalauréat: Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Cameroonian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Cameroon GCE: University degree (at least 3 years) + HSG selection procedure
Baccalauréat: Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Cameroonian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Cameroon GCE: University degree (at least 3 years)
Baccalauréat: Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Cameroonian university + special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
Cameroon GCE: University degree (at least 3 years)
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Certificate of Upper Secondary Education
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Cambodian university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of C (50-65) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Cambodian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of C (50-65) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Cambodian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of C (50-65) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Cambodian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of C (50-65) + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of C (50-65) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Cambodian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of C (50-65) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Cambodian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of C (50-65) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Cambodian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of C (50-65) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Cambodian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of C (50-65) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Cambodian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of C (50-65) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Cambodian university + special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- General Secondary Education Certificate
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate in a scientific stream + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Jordanian university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years) + HSG selection procedure
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
Academy of Architecture: 3 years out of a 4 to 5-year bachelor programme for studies in architecture or civil engineering
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Al-Thanawija (General Secondary Education Certificate)
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university of Yemen + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years) + HSG selection procedure
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
Academy of Architecture: 3 years out of a 4 to 5-year bachelor programme for studies in architecture or civil engineering
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Koto Gakko Sotsugyo Shomei-sho (general course)
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Japanese university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 3/5 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Japanese university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 3/5 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Japanese university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 3/5 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Japanese university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 3/5
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 3/5 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Japanese university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 3/5 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic provided by a recognised Japanese university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 3/5 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Japanese university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 3/5 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Japanese university + HSG selection procedure
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 3/5 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Japanese university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 3/5 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Japanese university + special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE)
- GCE A-Levels and O-Levels
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Jamaican university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years) + HSG selection procedure
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
Italy (L) (B)
Signatory states of the Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region Nr. 165/1997 ("Lisbon Convention")(B)
Bilateral agreements with Germany, Austria, France and Italy concerning higher education equivalencyGeneral Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Diploma di istruzione secondaria superiore del
- liceo classico
- liceo linguistico
- liceo scientifico
- liceo scientifico opzione scienze applicate
- liceo delle scienze umane
- liceo delle scienze umane opzione economico-sociale
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Esame di Stato (maturità) series liceo scientifico. The scrutini finali in mathematics and physics are at least 8 and the votazione complessiva is at least 80. Warning: from 2025 and for a duration of at least four years, EPFL limits the number of study places to 3000 in the first year of the Bachelor’s programs and will select applicants with a foreign education on the basis of the general average grade (or total number of points) at the school-leaving certificate
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate in ‘indirizzo scientifico’ or ‘indirizzo scientifico opzione scienze applicate’ of a Liceo with proof of the following: tuition in the subjects 1. mathematics, 2. physics or chemistry or biology and 3. language of instruction or foreign language during the last two years before the upper secondary school-leaving certificate. The state examination must be passed with minimum overall mark (‘votazione complessiva’) of 70/100 + four of the following subjects must have been part of the final three years of schooling: physics, chemistry, biology, computer science, another language, geography, history, economics. Additional requirement for the field of architecture: certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Italian university. Otherwise: Reduced Entrance Examination ETH. For all other indirizzi of the Liceo: reduced entrance Examination ETH
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + HSG selection procedure
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate
Diploma di istruzione secondaria superiore
anche riconosciuti:
- Indirizzo artistico conferito da un liceo artistico (diploma di liceo artistico) limitatamente ai programmi di Bachelor in Architettura e in Lingua, letteratura e civiltà italiana
- Indirizzo "Amministrazione, finanza e marketing" conferito da un istituto tecnico del settore economico, limitatamente ai programmi di Bachelor in Scienze economiche, Scienze della comunicazione e Scienze informatiche
- Indirizzo "Informatica e telecomunicazioni" conferito da un istituto tecnico del settore tecnologico, limitatamente al programma di Bachelor in Scienze informatiche
Israel (L)
Signatory states of the Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region Nr. 165/1997 ("Lisbon Convention")General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Te'udat Bagrut (issued by the Ministry of Education)
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Israeli university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate (issued by the Ministry of Education) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Israeli university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Israeli university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Israeli university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission provided by a recognised Israeli university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Israeli university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Israeli university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Israeli university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Israeli university + HSG selection procedure
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Israeli university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Israeli university or Complementary Examination ECUS or special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
Iceland (L)
Signatory states of the Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region Nr. 165/1997 ("Lisbon Convention")General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Studentsprof
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate in a scientific stream including the subjects 1) mathematics, 2) physics, 3) language of the country granting the diploma, 4) second modern language, 5) chemistry or biology, 6) history, geography, or economics, and 7) applied mathematics, computer science, philosophy, or third modern language. At least six of these seven subjects are present on the final grade transcripts used to determine the award of the certificate, including mathematics and physics studied and examined at the highest possible level. The final grades in mathematics and physics are at least 80% of the maximum grade and the general average is at least 80% of the maximum grade. Warning: from 2025 and for a duration of at least four years, EPFL limits the number of study places to 3000 in the first year of the Bachelor’s programs and will select applicants with a foreign education on the basis of the general average grade (or total number of points) at the school-leaving certificate
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with proof of the following: tuition in the subjects 1. mathematics, 2. physics or chemistry or biology and 3. language of instruction or foreign language during the last two years before the upper secondary school-leaving certificate. These subjects must be part of the final exam and passed with a minimum grade average of 70% + four of the following subjects must have been part of the final three years of schooling: physics, chemistry, biology, computer science, another language, geography, history, economics. Otherwise: Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Icelandic university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Icelandic university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Icelandic university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Icelandic university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Icelandic university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Icelandic university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Icelandic university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Icelandic university + HSG selection procedure
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Icelandic university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Icelandic university or special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
Ireland (L)
Signatory states of the Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region Nr. 165/1997 ("Lisbon Convention")General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Leaving Certificate (Ardteistiméireacht)
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Irish university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Irish university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Irish university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Irish university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Irish university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Irish university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Irish university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Irish university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Irish university + HSG selection procedure
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Irish university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Irish university
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Diplom Metevaseth
- Mathematics and Physics
- Experimental Sciences
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Pre-University Certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate * + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Iranian university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ.
* + Pre-University Certificate required for Diplomas Metevaseth issued before 2019
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 (General Average) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Iranian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 (General Average) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Iranian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 (General Average) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Iranian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 (General Average) + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 (General Average) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Iranian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 (General Average) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Iranian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 (General Average) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Iranian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 (General Average) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Iranian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 (General Average) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Iranian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 (General Average) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Iranian university + special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Secondary Education Certificate
- Adadiyah Certificate
- Sixth Form Baccalaureate
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Iraqi university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years) + HSG selection procedure
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
Academy of Architecture: 3 years out of a 4 to 5-year bachelor programme for studies in architecture or civil engineering
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Ijazah - Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA), IPA
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Indonesian university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 75% + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Indonesian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 75% in Surat Keterangan Hasil Ujian Nasional + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Indonesian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 75% + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Indonesian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + with a grade average of 75% + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 75% + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Indonesian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 75% + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Indonesian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 75% + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Indonesian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 75% + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Indonesian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 75% + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Indonesian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 75% + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Indonesian university + special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Higher Secondary School Certificate
- Higher School Certificate
- All India Senior School Certificate
- Indian School Certificate
- Intermediate Examination Certificate
(issued by an official examination board)
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Indian university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years) + HSG selection procedure
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
Academy of Architecture: 3 years out of a 4 to 5-year bachelor programme for studies in architecture or civil engineering
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Titulo de Bachiller cientifico humanista
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Honduran university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years) + HSG selection procedure
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
Academy of Architecture: 3 years out of a 4 to 5-year bachelor programme for studies in architecture or civil engineering
Hong Kong
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education HKDSE
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university of Hong Kong + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate including at least 6 independent general education subjects, each with a minimum grade of 3 (or C for a category C language subject) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university of the country where the upper secondary school-leaving certificate was issued
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate including at least 6 independent general education subjects, each with a minimum grade of 3 (or C for a category C language subject) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university of the country where the upper secondary school-leaving certificate was issued
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate including at least 6 independent general education subjects, each with a minimum grade of 3 (or C for a category C language subject) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university of the country where the upper secondary school-leaving certificate was issued
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate including at least 6 independent general education subjects, each with a minimum grade of 3 (or C for a category C language subject) + certificate of university admission provided by a recognised university of the country where the upper secondary school-leaving certificate was issued
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate including at least 6 independent general education subjects, each with a minimum grade of 3 (or C for a category C language subject) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university of the country where the upper secondary school-leaving certificate was issued
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate including at least 6 independent general education subjects, each with a minimum grade of 3 (or C for a category C language subject) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university of the country where the upper secondary school-leaving certificate was issued
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate including at least 6 independent general education subjects, each with a minimum grade of 3 (or C for a category C language subject) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university of the country where the upper secondary school-leaving certificate was issued
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate including at least 6 independent general education subjects, each with a minimum grade of 3 (or C for a category C language subject) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university of the country where the upper secondary school-leaving certificate was issued + HSG admission test
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate including at least 6 independent general education subjects, each with a minimum grade of 3 (or C for a category C language subject) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university of the country where the upper secondary school-leaving certificate was issued
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate including at least 6 independent general education subjects, each with a minimum grade of 3 (or C for a category C language subject) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university of the country where the upper secondary school-leaving certificate was issued or special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Diplôme de fin d'études secondaires, baccalauréat unique
- Série Sciences de la vie et de la terre (SVT)
- Série Sciences mathématiques et physique (SMP)
- Série Sciences économiques et sociales (SES)
- Série Littéraire, lettres et arts (LLA)
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Haitian university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 60% (2ème partie) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Haitian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 60% (2ème partie) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Haitian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 60% (2ème partie) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Haitian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 60% (2ème partie) + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 60% (2ème partie) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Haitian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 60% (2ème partie) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Haitian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 60% (2ème partie) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Haitian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 60% (2ème partie) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Haitian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 60% (2ème partie) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Haitian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 60% (2ème partie) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Haitian university + special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Baccalauréat Unique
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Guinean university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Guinean university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Guinean university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Guinean university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Guinean university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Guinean university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Guinean university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Guinean university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Guinean university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Guinean university + special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Bachiller en Ciencias y Letras
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Guatemalan university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years) + HSG selection procedure
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
Academy of Architecture: 3 years out of a 4 to 5-year bachelor programme for studies in architecture or civil engineering
Great Britain (L)
Signatory states of the Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region Nr. 165/1997 ("Lisbon Convention")General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Cambridge AICE Diploma Advanced Level (AL) + Advanced Subsidiary Level (AS)
- Pre-U Principal Subject + Pre-U Short Course
- International Advanced Level (IAL) + International GCSE (IGCSE) or International Advanced Subsidiary Level (IAS)
- England, Wales, Nordirland / Angleterre, Pays de Galles, Irlande du Nord :
General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) or General Certificate of Education - Advanced Subsidiary Level (GCE AS) + General Certificate of Education - Advanced Level (GCE AL) - Schottland / Ecosse:
Scottish Qualifications Certificate (SQC) - Standard Grade + Scottish Qualifications Certificate (SQC) - Higher + Scottish Qualifications Certificate (SQC) - Advanced Higher
with the following general education subjects
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Greece (E)
Signatory states of the European Convention on the Equivalence of Diplomas Leading to Admission to Universities No. 15/1953 of the Council of EuropeGeneral Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Apolytirio Genikoy Lykeioy / Apolytirio Eniaioy Lykeioy
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate in a scientific stream including the subjects 1) mathematics, 2) physics, 3) language of the country granting the diploma, 4) second modern language, 5) chemistry or biology, 6) history, geography, or economics, and 7) applied mathematics, computer science, philosophy, or third modern language. At least six of these seven subjects are present on the final grade transcripts used to determine the award of the certificate, including mathematics and physics studied and examined at the highest possible level. The final grades in mathematics and physics are at least 80% of the maximum grade and the general average is at least 80% of the maximum grade. Warning: from 2025 and for a duration of at least four years, EPFL limits the number of study places to 3000 in the first year of the Bachelor’s programs and will select applicants with a foreign education on the basis of the general average grade (or total number of points) at the school-leaving certificate
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with proof of the following: tuition in the subjects 1. mathematics, 2. physics or chemistry or biology and 3. language of instruction or foreign language during the last two years before the upper secondary school-leaving certificate. These subjects must be part of the final exam and passed with a minimum grade average of 70% + four of the following subjects must have been part of the final three years of schooling: physics, chemistry, biology, computer science, another language, geography, history, economics + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Greek university. Otherwise: Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Greek university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Greek university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Greek university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission provided by a recognised Greek university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Greek university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Greek university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Greek university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Greek university + HSG selection procedure
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Greek university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Greek university or special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE)
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Ghanaian university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of B3 + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of B3 + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of B3 + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of B3 + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of B3 + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of B3 + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of B3 + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of B3 + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of B3 + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of B3 + special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
Georgia (L)
Signatory states of the Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region Nr. 165/1997 ("Lisbon Convention")General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Sruli zogadi ganatlebis atestati
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Georgian university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Georgian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Georgian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Georgian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission provided by a recognised Georgian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Georgian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Georgian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Georgian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Georgian university + HSG selection procedure
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Georgian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Georgian university or special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- West African Senior School Certificate
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Gambian university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of B3 + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of B3 + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of B3 + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of B3 + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of B3 + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of B3 + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of B3 + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of B3 + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of B3 + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of B3 + special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Diplôme de Bachelier de l'Enseignement du Second Degré / Baccalauréat
- Série A
- Série B
- Série C
- Série D
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Gabonese university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
Liechtenstein (L)
Signatory states of the Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region Nr. 165/1997 ("Lisbon Convention")General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Liechtensteinischer Maturitätsausweis
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate. The admission of citizens of Liechtenstein with the Liechtenstein maturity certificate is similar to the admission of Swiss citizens with the Swiss maturity certificate.
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate. The admission of citizens of Liechtenstein with the Liechtenstein maturity certificate is similar to the admission of Swiss citizens with the Swiss maturity certificate.
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate. The admission of citizens of Liechtenstein with the Liechtenstein maturity certificate is similar to the admission of Swiss citizens with the Swiss maturity certificate.
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate. The admission of citizens of Liechtenstein with the Liechtenstein maturity certificate is similar to the admission of Swiss citizens with the Swiss maturity certificate.
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate. The admission of citizens of Liechtenstein with the Liechtenstein maturity certificate is similar to the admission of Swiss citizens with the Swiss maturity certificate.
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate. The admission of citizens of Liechtenstein with the Liechtenstein maturity certificate is similar to the admission of Swiss citizens with the Swiss maturity certificate.
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate. The admission of citizens of Liechtenstein with the Liechtenstein maturity certificate is similar to the admission of Swiss citizens with the Swiss maturity certificate.
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate. The admission of citizens of Liechtenstein with the Liechtenstein maturity certificate is similar to the admission of Swiss citizens with the Swiss maturity certificate.
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate. The admission of citizens of Liechtenstein with the Liechtenstein maturity certificate is similar to the admission of Swiss citizens with the Swiss maturity certificate.
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate. The admission of citizens of Liechtenstein with the Liechtenstein maturity certificate is similar to the admission of Swiss citizens with the Swiss maturity certificate.
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate. The admission of citizens of Liechtenstein with the Liechtenstein maturity certificate is similar to the admission of Swiss citizens with the Swiss maturity certificate.
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate. The admission of citizens of Liechtenstein with the Liechtenstein maturity certificate is similar to the admission of Swiss citizens with the Swiss maturity certificate.
France (L) (B)
Signatory states of the Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region Nr. 165/1997 ("Lisbon Convention")(B)
Bilateral agreements with Germany, Austria, France and Italy concerning higher education equivalencyGeneral Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Baccalauréat général
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Baccalauréat général with the specialties ‘Mathématiques’ and ‘Physique-chimie’ in première and terminale. The final grades in mathematics and physics-chemistry are at least 16 and the moyenne générale is at least 16. Warning: from 2025 and for a duration of at least four years, EPFL limits the number of study places to 3000 in the first year of the Bachelor’s programs and will select applicants with a foreign education on the basis of the general average grade (or total number of points) at the school-leaving certificate
Baccalauréat général with proof of the following: tuition in the subjects 1. Spécialité or expertes mathématiques 2. Spécialité sciences de la vie et de la terre or physique-chimie and 3. language of instruction or première langue vivante during the last two years (classes de première et de terminale) before the upper secondary school-leaving certificate. These subjects must be part of the final exam and passed with a minimum grade average of 70% (14,00/20). The 'moyenne finale' must be 16,00/20 or above. Four of the following subjects must – in addition to the three subjects above – also have been part of the final three years of schooling: physics, chemistry, biology, computer science, another language, geography, history, economics. Otherwise: Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised French university or a grade average of 12/20.
The subject Enseignement Scientifique cannot be recognised as scientific subject (category 4)
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised French university or a grade average of 12/20.
The subject Enseignement Scientifique cannot be recognised as scientific subject (category 4).
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with spécialités mathématiques during the penultimate and the final school year and sciences de la vie et de la terre or physique-chimie during the penultimate and the final school year + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised French university or a grade average of 12/20
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with spécialités mathématiques during the penultimate and spécialités mathématiques or option mathématiques complémentaires during the final school year and spécialités sciences de la vie et de la terre or physique-chimie during the penultimate and the final school year + a grade average of 12/20
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with spécialités mathématiques during the penultimate and the final school year and sciences de la vie et de la terre or physique-chimie during the penultimate and the final school year + a grade average of 12/20
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with spécialités mathématiques during the penultimate and the final school year and sciences de la vie et de la terre or physique-chimie during the penultimate and the final school year + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised French university or a grade average of 12/20
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with spécialités mathématiques and sciences de la vie et de la terre or physique-chimie during the penultimate and spécialité mathématiques or spécialité sciences de la vie et de la terre or physique-chimie during the final school year + option mathématiques complémentaires if the spécialité mathématiques has not been chosen during the final school year + a grade average of 12/20
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with spécialités mathématiques during the penultimate and the final school year and sciences de la vie et de la terre or physique-chimie during the penultimate and the final school year + HSG selection procedure
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised French university or a grade average of 12/20.
The subject Enseignement Scientifique cannot be recognised as scientific subject (category 4)
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with spécialités mathématiques during the penultimate and the final school year and sciences de la vie et de la terre or physique-chimie during the penultimate and the final school year + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised French university or a grade average of 12/20
Finland (L)
Signatory states of the Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region Nr. 165/1997 ("Lisbon Convention")General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Lukion Päättötodistus + Ylioppilastutkintotodistus (Abschlusszeugnis des Gymnasiums + Matriculation Examination Certificate)
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Lukion Päättötodistus with 150 credits including the subjects 1) mathematics (26 credits), 2) physics (14 credits), 3) Finnish or Swedish (12 credits), 4) second modern language (12 credits), 5) chemistry or biology (10 credits), 6) history, geography, or economics (8 credits), and 7) applied mathematics, computer science, philosophy, or third modern language (8 credits) and Ylioppilastutkintotodistus with exams in mathematics (advanced) and physics. The final grades in mathematics and physics are at least 8 (Lukion Päättötodistus) and 5 (Ylioppilastutkintotodistus) and the average of the final grades is at least 8 (Lukion Päättötodistus). Warning: from 2025 and for a duration of at least four years, EPFL limits the number of study places to 3000 in the first year of the Bachelor’s programs and will select applicants with a foreign education on the basis of the general average grade (or total number of points) at the school-leaving certificate
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with at least 150 credit points courses. The following subjects must be part of the final examination (Ylioppilastutkinto suomessa) and passed with a minimum grade average of 70%:
- Mathematics (Advanced Syllabus)
- Physics or Chemistry or Biology
- One language
During the final three years of schooling, the following minimum number of credit points must be completed in the above mentioned final examination subjects: 1. in Mathematics (Advanced Syllabus): 20 credit points; 2. in Physics or Chemistry or Biology: 10 credit points; 3. in one language: 14 credit points + four of the following subjects must have been part of the final three years of schooling: physics, chemistry, biology, computer science, another language, geography, history, economics + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Finnish university. Otherwise: Reduced Entrance Examination ETH Zurich
Lukion Päättötodistus + Ylioppilastutkintotodistus with a minimum of 150 credit points, 6 independent, general education subjects with at least 20 credit points in mathematics, each 14 credit points in languages and in all additional subjects at least 10 credits points + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Finnish university
Lukion Päättötodistus + Ylioppilastutkintotodistus with a minimum of 150 credit points, 6 independent, general education subjects with at least 20 credit points in mathematics, each 14 credit points in languages and in all additional subjects at least 10 credits points + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Finnish university
Lukion Päättötodistus + Ylioppilastutkintotodistus with a minimum of 150 credit points, 6 independent, general education subjects with at least 20 credit points in mathematics, each 14 credit points in languages and in all additional subjects at least 10 credits points + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Finnish university
Lukion Päättötodistus + Ylioppilastutkintotodistus with a minimum of 150 credit points, 6 independent, general education subjects with at least 20 credit points in mathematics, each 14 credit points in languages and in all additional subjects at least 10 credits points + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Finnish university
Lukion Päättötodistus + Ylioppilastutkintotodistus with a minimum of 150 credit points, 6 independent, general education subjects with at least 20 credit points in mathematics, each 14 credit points in languages and in all additional subjects at least 10 credits points + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Finnish university
Lukion Päättötodistus + Ylioppilastutkintotodistus with a minimum of 150 credit points, 6 independent, general education subjects with at least 20 credit points in mathematics, each 14 credit points in languages and in all additional subjects at least 10 credits points + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Finnish university
Lukion Päättötodistus + Ylioppilastutkintotodistus with a minimum of 150 credit points, 6 independent, general education subjects with at least 20 credit points in mathematics, each 14 credit points in languages and in all additional subjects at least 10 credits points + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Finnish university
Lukion Päättötodistus + Ylioppilastutkintotodistus with a minimum of 150 credit points, 6 independent, general education subjects with at least 20 credit points in mathematics, each 14 credit points in languages and in all additional subjects at least 10 credits points + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Finnish university + HSG selection procedure
Lukion Päättötodistus + Ylioppilastutkintotodistus with a minimum of 150 credit points, 6 independent, general education subjects with at least 20 credit points in mathematics, each 14 credit points in languages and in all additional subjects at least 10 credits points + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Finnish university
Lukion Päättötodistus + Ylioppilastutkintotodistus with a minimum of 150 credit points, 6 independent, general education subjects with at least 20 credit points in mathematics, each 14 credit points in languages and in all additional subjects at least 10 credits points + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Finnish university or special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
Estonia (L)
Signatory states of the Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region Nr. 165/1997 ("Lisbon Convention")General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Gümnaasiumi loputunnistus + Riigieksamitunnistus
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate in a scientific stream including the subjects 1) mathematics, 2) physics, 3) language of the country granting the diploma, 4) second modern language, 5) chemistry or biology, 6) history, geography, or economics, and 7) applied mathematics, computer science, philosophy, or third modern language. At least six of these seven subjects are present on the final grade transcripts used to determine the award of the certificate, including mathematics and physics studied and examined at the highest possible level. The final grades in mathematics and physics are at least 80% of the maximum grade and the general average is at least 80% of the maximum grade. Warning: from 2025 and for a duration of at least four years, EPFL limits the number of study places to 3000 in the first year of the Bachelor’s programs and will select applicants with a foreign education on the basis of the general average grade (or total number of points) at the school-leaving certificate
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with proof of the following: tuition in the subjects 1. mathematics, 2. physics or chemistry or biology and 3. language of instruction or foreign language during the last two years before the upper secondary school-leaving certificate. These subjects must be part of the final exam and passed with a minimum grade average of 70% + four of the following subjects must have been part of the final three years of schooling: physics, chemistry, biology, computer science, another language, geography, history, economics + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Estonian university. Otherwise: Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Estonian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Estonian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Estonian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission provided by a recognised Estonian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Estonian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Estonian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Estonian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Estonian university + HSG selection procedure
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Estonian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Estonian university or special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Eritrean Secondary Education Certificate
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Eritrean university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years) + HSG selection procedure
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
Academy of Architecture: 3 years out of a 4 to 5-year bachelor programme for studies in architecture or civil engineering
Ivory Coast
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Diplôme de Bachelier de l’Enseignement du Second Degré
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university in the Ivory Coast + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university in the Ivory Coast + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university in the Ivory Coast + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university in the Ivory Coast + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university in the Ivory Coast + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university in the Ivory Coast + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university in the Ivory Coast + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university in the Ivory Coast + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university in the Ivory Coast + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university in the Ivory Coast + special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
El Salvador
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Bachiller General
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university in El Salvador + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
Diplôme universitaire (au minimum 3 ans)
Diplôme universitaire (au minimum 3 ans)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years) + HSG selection procedure
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
Academy of Architecture: 3 years out of a 4 to 5-year bachelor programme for studies in architecture or civil engineering
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Bachillerato General Unificado en Ciencias (Bachillerato en Ciencias)
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Ecuadorian university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 8/10 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Ecuadorian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 8/10 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Ecuadorian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 8/10 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Ecuadorian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 8/10 + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 8/10 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Ecuadorian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 8/10 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Ecuadorian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 8/10 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Ecuadorian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 8/10 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Ecuadorian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 8/10 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Ecuadorian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 8/10 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Ecuadorian university + special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
Dominican Republic
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Bachiller modalidad general
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university in the Dominican Republic + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years) + HSG selection procedure
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
Denmark (L)
Signatory states of the Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region Nr. 165/1997 ("Lisbon Convention")General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Bevis for Studentereksamen (stx)
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate in a scientific stream including the subjects 1) mathematics, 2) physics, 3) language of the country granting the diploma, 4) second modern language, 5) chemistry or biology, 6) history, geography, or economics, and 7) applied mathematics, computer science, philosophy, or third modern language. At least six of these seven subjects are present on the final grade transcripts used to determine the award of the certificate, including mathematics and physics studied and examined at the highest possible level. The final grades in mathematics and physics are at least 80% of the maximum grade and the general average is at least 80% of the maximum grade. Warning: from 2025 and for a duration of at least four years, EPFL limits the number of study places to 3000 in the first year of the Bachelor’s programs and will select applicants with a foreign education on the basis of the general average grade (or total number of points) at the school-leaving certificate
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with proof of the following: tuition in the subjects 1. mathematics (Level A), 2. physics or chemistry or biology (Level A) and 3. language of instruction or foreign language (Level A). These subjects must be part of the final exam and passed with a minimum grade average of 70% + four of the following subjects must have been part of the final three years of schooling: physics, chemistry, biology, computer science, another language, geography, history, economics + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Danish university. Otherwise: Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Danish university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Danish university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Danish university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission provided by a recognised Danish university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Danish university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Danish university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Danish university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Danish university + HSG selection procedure
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Danish university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Danish university or special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
Costa Rica
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Bachiller en Educación Media (rama académica)
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university in Costa Rica + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years) + HSG selection procedure
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
Academy of Architecture: 3 years out of a 4 to 5-year bachelor programme for studies in architecture or civil engineering
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Gaozhong (general secondary education certificate)
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Chinese university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years) + HSG selection procedure
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
Academy of Architecture: 3 years out of a 4 to 5-year bachelor programme for studies in architecture or civil engineering
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Licencia de Enseñanza / Educación Media
- cientifico-humanista
- humanistico-cientifica
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Chilean university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years) + HSG selection procedure
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
Cabo Verde
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Certificado de Habilitações Literárias
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university of Cabo Verde + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years) + HSG selection procedure
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Diplôme d'Etat
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Burundian university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Diplôme d'Etat with a grade average of 60% + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Burundian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Diplôme d'Etat with a grade average of 60% + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Burundian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Diplôme d'Etat with a grade average of 60% + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Burundian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Diplôme d'Etat with a grade average of 60% + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Diplôme d'Etat with a grade average of 60% + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Burundian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Diplôme d'Etat with a grade average of 60% + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Burundian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Diplôme d'Etat with a grade average of 60% + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Burundian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Diplôme d'Etat with a grade average of 60% + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Burundian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Diplôme d'Etat with a grade average of 60% + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Burundian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Diplôme d'Etat with a grade average of 60% + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Burundian university + special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
Burkina Faso
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Baccalauréat de l'Enseignement du Second Degré
- Série C mathématiques et sciences physiques
- Série D mathématiques et sciences de la nature
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university in Burkina Faso + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university in Burkina Faso + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university in Burkina Faso + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university in Burkina Faso + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university in Burkina Faso + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university in Burkina Faso + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university in Burkina Faso + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university in Burkina Faso + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university in Burkina Faso + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university in Burkina Faso + special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
Bulgaria (L)
Signatory states of the Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region Nr. 165/1997 ("Lisbon Convention")General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Diploma za (Zavarseno) Sredno Obrazovanie (akademisch-allgemein bildende Richtung)
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate in a scientific stream including the subjects 1) mathematics, 2) physics, 3) language of the country granting the diploma, 4) second modern language, 5) chemistry or biology, 6) history, geography, or economics, and 7) applied mathematics, computer science, philosophy, or third modern language. At least six of these seven subjects are present on the final grade transcripts used to determine the award of the certificate, including mathematics and physics studied and examined at the highest possible level. The final grades in mathematics and physics are at least 80% of the maximum grade and the general average is at least 80% of the maximum grade. Warning: from 2025 and for a duration of at least four years, EPFL limits the number of study places to 3000 in the first year of the Bachelor’s programs and will select applicants with a foreign education on the basis of the general average grade (or total number of points) at the school-leaving certificate
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with proof of the following: tuition in the subjects 1. mathematics, 2. physics or chemistry or biology and 3. language of instruction or foreign language during the last two years before the upper secondary school-leaving certificate. These subjects must be part of the final exam and passed with a minimum grade average of 70% + four of the following subjects must have been part of the final three years of schooling: physics, chemistry, biology, computer science, another language, geography, history, economics + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Bulgarian university. Otherwise: Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Bulgarian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Bulgarian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Bulgarian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission provided by a recognised Bulgarian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Bulgarian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Bulgarian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Bulgarian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Bulgarian university + HSG selection procedure
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Bulgarian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Bulgarian university or special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Certificado de Conclusão do Ensino Médio
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Brasilian university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with ensino fundamental 9 years and ensino médio 3 years + a grade average of 7/10 (bom) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Brasilian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with ensino fundamental 9 years and ensino médio 3 years + a grade average of 7/10 (bom) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Brasilian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with ensino fundamental 9 years and ensino médio 3 years + a grade average of 7/10 (bom) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Brasilian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with ensino fundamental 9 years and ensino médio 3 years + a grade average of 7/10 (bom) + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with ensino fundamental 9 years and ensino médio 3 years + a grade average of 7/10 (bom) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Brasilian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with ensino fundamental 9 years and ensino médio 3 years + a grade average of 7/10 (bom) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Brasilian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with ensino fundamental 9 years and ensino médio 3 years + a grade average of 7/10 (bom) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Brasilian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with ensino fundamental 9 years and ensino médio 3 years + a grade average of 7/10 (bom) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Brasilian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with ensino fundamental 9 years and ensino médio 3 years + a grade average of 7/10 (bom) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Brasilian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with ensino fundamental 9 years and ensino médio 3 years + a grade average of 7/10 (bom) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Brasilian university + special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Botswana/International General Certificate of Secondary Education (BGCSE/IGCSE)
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university in Botswana + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
UUniversity degree (at least 3 years) + HSG-selection procedure
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
Bosnia and Herzegovina (L)
Signatory states of the Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region Nr. 165/1997 ("Lisbon Convention")General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Matura / Svjedodzba / Diploma o Zavrzenoj Srednjoj Skoli (vorher: Svjedodzba o Zavarsenom Obrazovanju IV Stepen) / Diploma o Polozenom Maturskom Ispitu
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Bosnian university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Bosnian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Bosnian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Bosnian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission provided by a recognised Bosnian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Bosnian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Bosnian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Bosnian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Bosnian university + HSG selection procedure
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Bosnian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Bosnian university or special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Bachiller en Humanidades
- Bachillerato técnico humanístico (BTH)
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Bolivian university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 64/100 (bueno) or 5/7 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Bolivian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 64/100 (bueno) or 5/7 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Bolivian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 64/100 (bueno) or 5/7 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Bolivian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 64/100 (bueno) or 5/7 + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 64/100 (bueno) or 5/7 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Bolivian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 64/100 (bueno) or 5/7 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Bolivian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 64/100 (bueno) or 5/7 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Bolivian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 64/100 (bueno) or 5/7 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Bolivian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 64/100 (bueno) or 5/7 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Bolivian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 64/100 (bueno) or 5/7 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Bolivian university + special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Baccalauréat de l'Enseignement du Second Degré
- Série A1 lettres - langues
- Série A2 lettres - sciences humaines
- Série B lettres - sciences sociales
- Série C sciences et techniques
- Série D biologie - géologie
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Beninese university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Beninese university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Beninese university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Beninese university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission provided by a recognised Beninese university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Beninese university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Beninese university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Beninese university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Beninese university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Beninese university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Beninese university + special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
Belgium (L)
Signatory states of the Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region Nr. 165/1997 ("Lisbon Convention")General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Certificat d'enseignement secondaire supérieur (CESS)
- Diploma van secundair onderwijs
- Abschlusszeugnis der Oberstufe des Sekundarunterrichts
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Certificat d'enseignement secondaire supérieur (CESS) in enseignement général with orientation ‘Mathématique (6)’ and ‘Sciences (6)’. The final grades in mathematics and physics (sixth year, exam included) are at least 16 and the average of the final grades (sixth year, exam included if applicable) is at least 16. Warning: from 2025 and for a duration of at least four years, EPFL limits the number of study places to 3000 in the first year of the Bachelor’s programs and will select applicants with a foreign education on the basis of the general average grade (or total number of points) at the school-leaving certificate
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with proof of the following: tuition in the subjects 1. mathematics, 2. physics or chemistry or biology and 3. language of instruction or foreign language during the last two years before the upper secondary school-leaving certificate. These subjects must be part of the final exam and passed with a minimum grade average of 70% + four of the following subjects must have been part of the final three years of schooling: physics, chemistry, biology, computer science, another language, geography, history, economics. Otherwise: Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + HSG selection procedure
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate
Belarus (L)
Signatory states of the Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region Nr. 165/1997 ("Lisbon Convention")General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Atestat ab agulnaj sjarednjaj adukacyi
- Attestat o sredenem obrazovanii
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Byelorussian university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Byelorussian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Byelorussian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Byelorussian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission provided by a recognised Byelorussian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Byelorussian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Byelorussian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Byelorussian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Byelorussian university + HSG selection procedure
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Byelorussian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Byelorussian university or special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC)
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Bangladeshi university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years) + HSG selection procedure
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
Academy of Architecture: 3 years out of a 4 to 5-year bachelor programme for studies in architecture or civil engineering
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Shahadat Al-Thanawaya Al-Aama (General Secondary Education Certificate)
- literary track
- scientific track
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Bahraini university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 80% + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 80% + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 80% + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 80% + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 80% + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 80% + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 80% + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 80% + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 80% + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 80% + special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
Australia (L)
Signatory states of the Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region Nr. 165/1997 ("Lisbon Convention")General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Australian Capital Territory: ACT Senior Secondary Certificate
- New South Wales: Higher School Certificate (HSC)
- Northern Territory: Northern Territory Certificate of Education and Training (NTCET)
- Queensland: Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE)
- South Australia: South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE)
- Tasmania: Tasmanian Certificate of Education (TCE)
- Victoria: Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE)
- Western Australia: Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE)
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Australian university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Australian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Australian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Australian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission provided by a recognised Australian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Australian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Australian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Australian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Australian university + HSG selection procedure
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Australian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Australian university or special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Secondary School Leaving Examination (SSLE)
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Ethiopian university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years) + HSG admission test
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
Academy of Architecture: 3 years out of a 4 to 5-year bachelor programme for studies in architecture or civil engineering
Azerbajan (L)
Signatory states of the Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region Nr. 165/1997 ("Lisbon Convention")General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Orta tahsil haqqinda attestat
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Azerbaijanian university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Azerbaijanian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Azerbaijanian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Azerbaijanian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission provided by a recognised Azerbaijanian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Azerbaijanian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Azerbaijanian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Azerbaijanian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Azerbaijanian university + HSG selection procedure
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Azerbaijanian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Azerbaijanian university or special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
Armenia (L)
Signatory states of the Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region Nr. 165/1997 ("Lisbon Convention")General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Atestat Mijnakarg (Yndhanur) Krtutyan
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Armenian university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Armenian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Armenian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Armenien university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission provided by a recognised Armenien university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Armenian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Armenian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Armenian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Armenian university + HSG selection procedure
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Armenian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Armenian university or special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Bachiller
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Argentine university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 7/10 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Argentine university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 7/10 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Argentine university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 7/10 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Argentine university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 7/10 + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 7/10 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Argentine university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 7/10 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Argentine university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 7/10 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Argentine university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 7/10 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Argentine university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 7/10 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Argentine university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 7/10 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Argentine university + special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Certificado de Habilitações
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Angolan university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years) + HSG selection procedure
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
Academy of Architecture: 3 years out of a 4 to 5-year bachelor programme for studies in architecture or civil engineering
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Baccalauréat d'Enseignement Secondaire Général (filières littéraires et scientifiques)
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Algerian university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Algerian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Algerian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Algerian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Algerian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Algerian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Algerian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Algerian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Algerian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Algerian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Algerian university + special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
Albania (L)
Signatory states of the Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region Nr. 165/1997 ("Lisbon Convention")General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Diplomë e maturës shtetërore
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Albanian university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Albanian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Albanian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Albanian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission provided by a recognised Albanian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Albanian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Albanian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Albanian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Albanian university + HSG selection procedure
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Albanian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Albanian university or special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Thanaweya a'Amma (General Secondary Education Certificate GSEC)
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Egyptian university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 80% + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Egyptian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 80% + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Egyptian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 80% + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Egyptian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 80% + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 80% + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Egyptian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 80% + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Egyptian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 80% + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Egyptian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 80% + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Egyptian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 80% + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Egyptian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 80% + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Egyptian university + special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Baccalauria
- 12th Grade Graduation Certificate
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Afghan university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 70% + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Afghan university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 70% + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Afghan university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 70% + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Afghan university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 70% + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 70% + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Afghan university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 70% + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Afghan university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 70% + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Afghan university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 70% + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Afghan university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 70% + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Afghan university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 70% + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Afghan university + special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
Germany (L) (B)
Signatory states of the Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region Nr. 165/1997 ("Lisbon Convention")(B)
Bilateral agreements with Germany, Austria, France and Italy concerning higher education equivalencyGeneral Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Zeugnis der allgemeinen Hochschulreife
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Zeugnis der allgemeinen Hochschulreife (Abitur) including the subjects 1) mathematics, 2) physics, 3) German, 4) second modern language, 5) chemistry or biology, 6) history, geography, or economics, and 7) applied mathematics, computer science, philosophy, or third modern language. Mathematics and physics are part of the Leistungskurse and of the Abiturprüfung. The average of the final grades in mathematics and that of the final grades in physics (continuous assessment and final examination) are at least 12 and the Durchschnittsnote is below 2,00. Warning: from 2025 and for a duration of at least four years, EPFL limits the number of study places to 3000 in the first year of the Bachelor’s programs and will select applicants with a foreign education on the basis of the general average grade (or total number of points) at the school-leaving certificate
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with proof of the following: tuition in the subjects 1. mathematics, 2. physics or chemistry or biology and 3. language of instruction or foreign language during the last two years before the upper secondary school-leaving certificate. These subjects must be part of the final exam and passed with a minimum grade average of 70% + four of the following subjects must have been part of the final three years of schooling: physics, chemistry, biology, computer science, another language, geography, history, economics. For Pharmaceutical Sciences and Architecture: certificate of university admission provided by a recognised German university. Otherwise: Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 2.5 or certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised German university. Psychology: grade average of 1.5 (or better). Compensation for the certificate of university admission through a grade average is not possible for the Bachelor's programme in pharmaceutical sciences.
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 2.0 or certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised German university (not a distance university). A certificate of university admission is compulsory for admission to the following: Biology, Pharmacy and Psychology
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 2.5 or certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised German university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 2.5 or certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised German university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 2.5 or certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised German university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 2.5 or certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised German university (no distance learning university). For the following subject a certificate of university admission is obligatory: psychology.
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 2.5 or certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised German university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + HSG selection procedure
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 2.0 or certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised German university (not distance learning). A certificate of university admission is compulsory for admission to the following: Psychology and Biology
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised German university
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Baccalauria
- 12th Grade Graduation Certificate
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Afghan university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 70% + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Afghan university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 70% + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Afghan university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 70% + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Afghan university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 70% + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 70% + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Afghan university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 70% + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Afghan university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 70% + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Afghan university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 70% + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Afghan university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 70% + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Afghan university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 70% + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Afghan university + special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
Albania (L)
Signatory states of the Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region Nr. 165/1997 ("Lisbon Convention")General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Diplomë e maturës shtetërore
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Albanian university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Albanian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Albanian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Albanian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission provided by a recognised Albanian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Albanian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Albanian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Albanian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Albanian university + HSG selection procedure
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Albanian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Albanian university or special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Baccalauréat d'Enseignement Secondaire Général (filières littéraires et scientifiques)
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Algerian university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Algerian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Algerian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Algerian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Algerian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Algerian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Algerian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Algerian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Algerian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Algerian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Algerian university + special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Certificado de Habilitações
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Angolan university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years) + HSG selection procedure
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
Academy of Architecture: 3 years out of a 4 to 5-year bachelor programme for studies in architecture or civil engineering
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Bachiller
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Argentine university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 7/10 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Argentine university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 7/10 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Argentine university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 7/10 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Argentine university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 7/10 + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 7/10 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Argentine university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 7/10 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Argentine university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 7/10 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Argentine university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 7/10 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Argentine university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 7/10 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Argentine university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 7/10 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Argentine university + special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
Armenia (L)
Signatory states of the Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region Nr. 165/1997 ("Lisbon Convention")General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Atestat Mijnakarg (Yndhanur) Krtutyan
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Armenian university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Armenian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Armenian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Armenien university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission provided by a recognised Armenien university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Armenian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Armenian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Armenian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Armenian university + HSG selection procedure
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Armenian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Armenian university or special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
Australia (L)
Signatory states of the Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region Nr. 165/1997 ("Lisbon Convention")General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Australian Capital Territory: ACT Senior Secondary Certificate
- New South Wales: Higher School Certificate (HSC)
- Northern Territory: Northern Territory Certificate of Education and Training (NTCET)
- Queensland: Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE)
- South Australia: South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE)
- Tasmania: Tasmanian Certificate of Education (TCE)
- Victoria: Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE)
- Western Australia: Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE)
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Australian university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Australian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Australian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Australian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission provided by a recognised Australian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Australian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Australian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Australian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Australian university + HSG selection procedure
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Australian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Australian university or special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
Austria (L)(B)
Signatory states of the Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region Nr. 165/1997 ("Lisbon Convention")(B)
Bilateral agreements with Germany, Austria, France and Italy concerning higher education equivalencyGeneral Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Reifezeugnis einer allgemein bildenden höheren Schule (AHS)
- Reifezeugnis einer Bundeshandelsakademie (only accepted by the Universität St. Gallen)
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Reifeprüfung (Matura) from a Realgymnasium with final exams in mathematics and physics. The exams in mathematics and physics are evaluated ‘very good’ and the certificate is awarded with the highest distinction. Warning: from 2025 and for a duration of at least four years, EPFL limits the number of study places to 3000 in the first year of the Bachelor’s programs and will select applicants with a foreign education on the basis of the general average grade (or total number of points) at the school-leaving certificate
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with proof of the following: tuition in the subjects 1. mathematics, 2. physics or chemistry or biology and 3. language of instruction or foreign language during the last two years before the upper secondary school-leaving certificate. These subjects must be part of the final exam and passed with a minimum grade average of 70% + four of the following subjects must have been part of the final three years of schooling: physics, chemistry, biology, computer science, another language, geography, history, economics. Otherwise: Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ.
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + HSG selection procedure
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate
Azerbajan (L)
Signatory states of the Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region Nr. 165/1997 ("Lisbon Convention")General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Orta tahsil haqqinda attestat
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Azerbaijanian university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Azerbaijanian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Azerbaijanian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Azerbaijanian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission provided by a recognised Azerbaijanian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Azerbaijanian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Azerbaijanian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Azerbaijanian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Azerbaijanian university + HSG selection procedure
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Azerbaijanian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Azerbaijanian university or special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Shahadat Al-Thanawaya Al-Aama (General Secondary Education Certificate)
- literary track
- scientific track
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Bahraini university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 80% + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 80% + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 80% + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 80% + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 80% + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 80% + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 80% + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 80% + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 80% + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 80% + special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC)
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Bangladeshi university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years) + HSG selection procedure
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
Academy of Architecture: 3 years out of a 4 to 5-year bachelor programme for studies in architecture or civil engineering
Belarus (L)
Signatory states of the Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region Nr. 165/1997 ("Lisbon Convention")General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Atestat ab agulnaj sjarednjaj adukacyi
- Attestat o sredenem obrazovanii
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Byelorussian university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Byelorussian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Byelorussian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Byelorussian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission provided by a recognised Byelorussian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Byelorussian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Byelorussian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Byelorussian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Byelorussian university + HSG selection procedure
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Byelorussian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Byelorussian university or special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
Belgium (L)
Signatory states of the Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region Nr. 165/1997 ("Lisbon Convention")General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Certificat d'enseignement secondaire supérieur (CESS)
- Diploma van secundair onderwijs
- Abschlusszeugnis der Oberstufe des Sekundarunterrichts
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Certificat d'enseignement secondaire supérieur (CESS) in enseignement général with orientation ‘Mathématique (6)’ and ‘Sciences (6)’. The final grades in mathematics and physics (sixth year, exam included) are at least 16 and the average of the final grades (sixth year, exam included if applicable) is at least 16. Warning: from 2025 and for a duration of at least four years, EPFL limits the number of study places to 3000 in the first year of the Bachelor’s programs and will select applicants with a foreign education on the basis of the general average grade (or total number of points) at the school-leaving certificate
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with proof of the following: tuition in the subjects 1. mathematics, 2. physics or chemistry or biology and 3. language of instruction or foreign language during the last two years before the upper secondary school-leaving certificate. These subjects must be part of the final exam and passed with a minimum grade average of 70% + four of the following subjects must have been part of the final three years of schooling: physics, chemistry, biology, computer science, another language, geography, history, economics. Otherwise: Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + HSG selection procedure
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Baccalauréat de l'Enseignement du Second Degré
- Série A1 lettres - langues
- Série A2 lettres - sciences humaines
- Série B lettres - sciences sociales
- Série C sciences et techniques
- Série D biologie - géologie
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Beninese university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Beninese university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Beninese university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Beninese university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission provided by a recognised Beninese university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Beninese university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Beninese university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Beninese university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Beninese university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Beninese university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Beninese university + special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Bachiller en Humanidades
- Bachillerato técnico humanístico (BTH)
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Bolivian university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 64/100 (bueno) or 5/7 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Bolivian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 64/100 (bueno) or 5/7 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Bolivian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 64/100 (bueno) or 5/7 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Bolivian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 64/100 (bueno) or 5/7 + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 64/100 (bueno) or 5/7 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Bolivian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 64/100 (bueno) or 5/7 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Bolivian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 64/100 (bueno) or 5/7 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Bolivian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 64/100 (bueno) or 5/7 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Bolivian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 64/100 (bueno) or 5/7 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Bolivian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 64/100 (bueno) or 5/7 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Bolivian university + special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
Bosnia and Herzegovina (L)
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Signatory states of the Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region Nr. 165/1997 ("Lisbon Convention")General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Matura / Svjedodzba / Diploma o Zavrzenoj Srednjoj Skoli (vorher: Svjedodzba o Zavarsenom Obrazovanju IV Stepen) / Diploma o Polozenom Maturskom Ispitu
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Bosnian university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Bosnian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Bosnian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Bosnian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission provided by a recognised Bosnian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Bosnian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Bosnian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Bosnian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Bosnian university + HSG selection procedure
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Bosnian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Bosnian university or special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Botswana/International General Certificate of Secondary Education (BGCSE/IGCSE)
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university in Botswana + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
UUniversity degree (at least 3 years) + HSG-selection procedure
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Certificado de Conclusão do Ensino Médio
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Brasilian university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with ensino fundamental 9 years and ensino médio 3 years + a grade average of 7/10 (bom) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Brasilian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with ensino fundamental 9 years and ensino médio 3 years + a grade average of 7/10 (bom) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Brasilian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with ensino fundamental 9 years and ensino médio 3 years + a grade average of 7/10 (bom) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Brasilian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with ensino fundamental 9 years and ensino médio 3 years + a grade average of 7/10 (bom) + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with ensino fundamental 9 years and ensino médio 3 years + a grade average of 7/10 (bom) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Brasilian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with ensino fundamental 9 years and ensino médio 3 years + a grade average of 7/10 (bom) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Brasilian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with ensino fundamental 9 years and ensino médio 3 years + a grade average of 7/10 (bom) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Brasilian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with ensino fundamental 9 years and ensino médio 3 years + a grade average of 7/10 (bom) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Brasilian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with ensino fundamental 9 years and ensino médio 3 years + a grade average of 7/10 (bom) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Brasilian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with ensino fundamental 9 years and ensino médio 3 years + a grade average of 7/10 (bom) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Brasilian university + special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
Bulgaria (L)
Signatory states of the Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region Nr. 165/1997 ("Lisbon Convention")General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Diploma za (Zavarseno) Sredno Obrazovanie (akademisch-allgemein bildende Richtung)
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate in a scientific stream including the subjects 1) mathematics, 2) physics, 3) language of the country granting the diploma, 4) second modern language, 5) chemistry or biology, 6) history, geography, or economics, and 7) applied mathematics, computer science, philosophy, or third modern language. At least six of these seven subjects are present on the final grade transcripts used to determine the award of the certificate, including mathematics and physics studied and examined at the highest possible level. The final grades in mathematics and physics are at least 80% of the maximum grade and the general average is at least 80% of the maximum grade. Warning: from 2025 and for a duration of at least four years, EPFL limits the number of study places to 3000 in the first year of the Bachelor’s programs and will select applicants with a foreign education on the basis of the general average grade (or total number of points) at the school-leaving certificate
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with proof of the following: tuition in the subjects 1. mathematics, 2. physics or chemistry or biology and 3. language of instruction or foreign language during the last two years before the upper secondary school-leaving certificate. These subjects must be part of the final exam and passed with a minimum grade average of 70% + four of the following subjects must have been part of the final three years of schooling: physics, chemistry, biology, computer science, another language, geography, history, economics + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Bulgarian university. Otherwise: Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Bulgarian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Bulgarian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Bulgarian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission provided by a recognised Bulgarian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Bulgarian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Bulgarian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Bulgarian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Bulgarian university + HSG selection procedure
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Bulgarian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Bulgarian university or special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
Burkina Faso
Burkina Faso
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Baccalauréat de l'Enseignement du Second Degré
- Série C mathématiques et sciences physiques
- Série D mathématiques et sciences de la nature
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university in Burkina Faso + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university in Burkina Faso + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university in Burkina Faso + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university in Burkina Faso + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university in Burkina Faso + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university in Burkina Faso + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university in Burkina Faso + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university in Burkina Faso + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university in Burkina Faso + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university in Burkina Faso + special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Diplôme d'Etat
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Burundian university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Diplôme d'Etat with a grade average of 60% + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Burundian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Diplôme d'Etat with a grade average of 60% + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Burundian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Diplôme d'Etat with a grade average of 60% + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Burundian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Diplôme d'Etat with a grade average of 60% + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Diplôme d'Etat with a grade average of 60% + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Burundian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Diplôme d'Etat with a grade average of 60% + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Burundian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Diplôme d'Etat with a grade average of 60% + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Burundian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Diplôme d'Etat with a grade average of 60% + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Burundian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Diplôme d'Etat with a grade average of 60% + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Burundian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Diplôme d'Etat with a grade average of 60% + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Burundian university + special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
Cabo Verde
Cabo Verde
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Certificado de Habilitações Literárias
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university of Cabo Verde + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years) + HSG selection procedure
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Certificate of Upper Secondary Education
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Cambodian university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of C (50-65) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Cambodian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of C (50-65) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Cambodian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of C (50-65) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Cambodian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of C (50-65) + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of C (50-65) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Cambodian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of C (50-65) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Cambodian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of C (50-65) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Cambodian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of C (50-65) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Cambodian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of C (50-65) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Cambodian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of C (50-65) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Cambodian university + special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Baccalauréat de l'enseignement secondaire
- A: Lettres - philosophie
- C: Mathématiques et sciences physiques
- D: Mathématiques et sciences de la vie et de la terre
- Cameroon General Certificate of Education GCE: O-level + A-level
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Cameroonian university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
Baccalauréat: Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Cameroonian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Cameroon GCE: University degree (at least 3 years)
Baccalauréat: Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Cameroonian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Cameroon GCE: University degree (at least 3 years)
Baccalauréat: Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Cameroonian university+ Complementary Examination ECUS
Cameroon GCE: University degree (at least 3 years)
Baccalauréat: Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission provided by a recognised Cameroonian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Cameroon GCE: University degree (at least 3 years)
Baccalauréat: Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Cameroonian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Cameroon GCE: University degree (at least 3 years)
Baccalauréat: Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Cameroonian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Cameroon GCE: University degree (at least 3 years)
Baccalauréat: Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Cameroonian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Cameroon GCE: University degree (at least 3 years)
Baccalauréat: Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Cameroonian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Cameroon GCE: University degree (at least 3 years) + HSG selection procedure
Baccalauréat: Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Cameroonian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Cameroon GCE: University degree (at least 3 years)
Baccalauréat: Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Cameroonian university + special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
Cameroon GCE: University degree (at least 3 years)
Canada (L)
Signatory states of the Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region Nr. 165/1997 ("Lisbon Convention")General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Alberta: Alberta High School Diploma - Diplôme d'études secondaires de l'Alberta
- British Columbia: British Columbia Certificate of Graduation - Dogwood Diploma
- Labrador: High School Graduation Diploma
- Manitoba: High School Diploma
- New Brunswick: High School Graduation Diploma - Diplôme de fin d'études
- Newfoundland: High School Graduation Diploma
- Northwest Territories: High School Graduation Diploma
- Nova Scotia: High School Completion Certificate
- Nunavut: Nunavut Senior Secondary School Graduation Diploma
- Ontario: Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD)
- Prince Edward Island: Prince Edward High School Graduation Diploma
- Québec: Diplôme d'études collégiales (D.E.C.) préuniversitaire
- Saskatchewan: Record of Secondary Level Achievement (Transcript) for complete Grade 12 standing
- Yukon: British Columbia Certificate of Graduation - Dogwood Diploma
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Canadian university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
Central African Republic
Central African Republic
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Baccalauréat
- Diplôme de Bachelier de l'Enseignement du Second Degré
- Série C: Mathématiques et sciences physiques
- Série D: Mathématiques et sciences de la nature
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university in the Central African Republic + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Baccalauréat de l'Enseignement du second degré
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Chadian university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Chadian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Chadian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Chadian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Chadian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Chadian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Chadian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Chadian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Chadian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Chadian university + special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Licencia de Enseñanza / Educación Media
- cientifico-humanista
- humanistico-cientifica
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Chilean university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years) + HSG selection procedure
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Gaozhong (general secondary education certificate)
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Chinese university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years) + HSG selection procedure
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
Academy of Architecture: 3 years out of a 4 to 5-year bachelor programme for studies in architecture or civil engineering
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Bachiller
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Colombian university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years) + HSG selection procedure
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
Academy of Architecture: 3 years out of a 4 to 5-year bachelor programme for studies in architecture or civil engineering
Congo, Democratic Republic
Congo, Democratic Republic
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Diplôme d'Etat d'Etudes Secondaires du Cycle Long
- Section scientifique
- Section littéraire et pédagogique
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Congolese university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 60% + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Congolese university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 60% + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Congolese university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 60% + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Congolese university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 60% + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 60% + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Congolese university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 60% + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Congolese university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 60% + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Congolese university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 60% + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Congolese university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 60% + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Congolese university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 60% + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Congolese university + special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
Congo, Republic
Congo, Republic
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Baccalauréat de l'Enseignement du Second Degré / Baccalauréat Général
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Congolese university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Congolese university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Congolese university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Congolese university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Congolese university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Congolese university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Congolese university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Congolese university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Congolese university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Congolese university + special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
Costa Rica
Costa Rica
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Bachiller en Educación Media (rama académica)
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university in Costa Rica + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years) + HSG selection procedure
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
Academy of Architecture: 3 years out of a 4 to 5-year bachelor programme for studies in architecture or civil engineering
Croatia (L)
Signatory states of the Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region Nr. 165/1997 ("Lisbon Convention")General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Svjedodzba o drzavnoi maturi
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate in a scientific stream including the subjects 1) mathematics, 2) physics, 3) language of the country granting the diploma, 4) second modern language, 5) chemistry or biology, 6) history, geography, or economics, and 7) applied mathematics, computer science, philosophy, or third modern language. At least six of these seven subjects are present on the final grade transcripts used to determine the award of the certificate, including mathematics and physics studied and examined at the highest possible level. The final grades in mathematics and physics are at least 80% of the maximum grade and the general average is at least 80% of the maximum grade. Warning: from 2025 and for a duration of at least four years, EPFL limits the number of study places to 3000 in the first year of the Bachelor’s programs and will select applicants with a foreign education on the basis of the general average grade (or total number of points) at the school-leaving certificate
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with proof of the following: tuition in the subjects 1. mathematics, 2. physics or chemistry or biology and 3. language of instruction or foreign language during the last two years before the upper secondary school-leaving certificate. These subjects must be part of the final exam and passed with a minimum grade average of 70% + four of the following subjects must have been part of the final three years of schooling: physics, chemistry, biology, computer science, another language, geography, history, economics + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Croatian university. Otherwise: Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Croatian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Croatian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Croatian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission provided by a recognised Croatian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Croatian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Croatian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Croatian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Croatian university + HSG selection procedure
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Croatian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Croatian university or special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Bachiller, Ciencias y Letras + Certification de Estudios Terminados (Fächerliste)
- Bachiller, Nivel Medio Superior de la Educacion General Politenica Laboral + Certification de Estudios Terminados (Fächerliste)
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Cuban university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 80% + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Cuban university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 80% + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Cuban university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 80% + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Cuban university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 80% + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 80% + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Cuban university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 80% + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Cuban university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 80% + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Cuban university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 80% + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Cuban university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 80% + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Cuban university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 80% + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Cuban university + special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
Cyprus (L)
Signatory states of the Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region Nr. 165/1997 ("Lisbon Convention")General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Apolytirio Lykeio
- Lise Diplomasi
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Czech Republic (L)
Czech Republic
Signatory states of the Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region Nr. 165/1997 ("Lisbon Convention")General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Vysvedceni o maturitni zkousce - Gymnazium
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate in a scientific stream including the subjects 1) mathematics, 2) physics, 3) language of the country granting the diploma, 4) second modern language, 5) chemistry or biology, 6) history, geography, or economics, and 7) applied mathematics, computer science, philosophy, or third modern language. At least six of these seven subjects are present on the final grade transcripts used to determine the award of the certificate, including mathematics and physics studied and examined at the highest possible level. The final grades in mathematics and physics are at least 80% of the maximum grade and the general average is at least 80% of the maximum grade. Warning: from 2025 and for a duration of at least four years, EPFL limits the number of study places to 3000 in the first year of the Bachelor’s programs and will select applicants with a foreign education on the basis of the general average grade (or total number of points) at the school-leaving certificate
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with proof of the following: tuition in the subjects 1. mathematics, 2. physics or chemistry or biology and 3. language of instruction or foreign language during the last two years before the upper secondary school-leaving certificate. These subjects must be part of the final exam and passed with a minimum grade average of 70% + four of the following subjects must have been part of the final three years of schooling: physics, chemistry, biology, computer science, another language, geography, history, economics + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Czech university. Otherwise: Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Czech university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Czech university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Czech university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission provided by a recognised Czech university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Czech university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Czech university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Czech university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Czech university + HSG selection procedure
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Czech university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Czech university or special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
Denmark (L)
Signatory states of the Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region Nr. 165/1997 ("Lisbon Convention")General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Bevis for Studentereksamen (stx)
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate in a scientific stream including the subjects 1) mathematics, 2) physics, 3) language of the country granting the diploma, 4) second modern language, 5) chemistry or biology, 6) history, geography, or economics, and 7) applied mathematics, computer science, philosophy, or third modern language. At least six of these seven subjects are present on the final grade transcripts used to determine the award of the certificate, including mathematics and physics studied and examined at the highest possible level. The final grades in mathematics and physics are at least 80% of the maximum grade and the general average is at least 80% of the maximum grade. Warning: from 2025 and for a duration of at least four years, EPFL limits the number of study places to 3000 in the first year of the Bachelor’s programs and will select applicants with a foreign education on the basis of the general average grade (or total number of points) at the school-leaving certificate
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with proof of the following: tuition in the subjects 1. mathematics (Level A), 2. physics or chemistry or biology (Level A) and 3. language of instruction or foreign language (Level A). These subjects must be part of the final exam and passed with a minimum grade average of 70% + four of the following subjects must have been part of the final three years of schooling: physics, chemistry, biology, computer science, another language, geography, history, economics + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Danish university. Otherwise: Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Danish university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Danish university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Danish university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission provided by a recognised Danish university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Danish university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Danish university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Danish university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Danish university + HSG selection procedure
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Danish university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Danish university or special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Baccalauréat général de l'enseignement secondaire
- Série Scientifique
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by the University of Dijbouti + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 (assez bien) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Djiboutian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 (assez bien) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Djiboutian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 (assez bien) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Djiboutian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 (assez bien) + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 (assez bien) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Djiboutian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 (assez bien) + certificate of university admission provided by a recognised Djiboutian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 (assez bien) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Djiboutian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 (assez bien) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Djiboutian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 (assez bien) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Djiboutian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 (assez bien) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Djiboutian university + special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
Dominican Republic
Dominican Republic
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Bachiller modalidad general
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university in the Dominican Republic + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years) + HSG selection procedure
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Bachillerato General Unificado en Ciencias (Bachillerato en Ciencias)
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Ecuadorian university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 8/10 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Ecuadorian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 8/10 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Ecuadorian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 8/10 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Ecuadorian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 8/10 + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 8/10 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Ecuadorian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 8/10 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Ecuadorian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 8/10 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Ecuadorian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 8/10 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Ecuadorian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 8/10 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Ecuadorian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 8/10 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Ecuadorian university + special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Thanaweya a'Amma (General Secondary Education Certificate GSEC)
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Egyptian university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 80% + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Egyptian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 80% + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Egyptian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 80% + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Egyptian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 80% + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 80% + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Egyptian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 80% + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Egyptian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 80% + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Egyptian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 80% + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Egyptian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 80% + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Egyptian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 80% + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Egyptian university + special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
El Salvador
El Salvador
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Bachiller General
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university in El Salvador + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
Diplôme universitaire (au minimum 3 ans)
Diplôme universitaire (au minimum 3 ans)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years) + HSG selection procedure
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
Academy of Architecture: 3 years out of a 4 to 5-year bachelor programme for studies in architecture or civil engineering
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Eritrean Secondary Education Certificate
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Eritrean university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years) + HSG selection procedure
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
Academy of Architecture: 3 years out of a 4 to 5-year bachelor programme for studies in architecture or civil engineering
Estonia (L)
Signatory states of the Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region Nr. 165/1997 ("Lisbon Convention")General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Gümnaasiumi loputunnistus + Riigieksamitunnistus
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate in a scientific stream including the subjects 1) mathematics, 2) physics, 3) language of the country granting the diploma, 4) second modern language, 5) chemistry or biology, 6) history, geography, or economics, and 7) applied mathematics, computer science, philosophy, or third modern language. At least six of these seven subjects are present on the final grade transcripts used to determine the award of the certificate, including mathematics and physics studied and examined at the highest possible level. The final grades in mathematics and physics are at least 80% of the maximum grade and the general average is at least 80% of the maximum grade. Warning: from 2025 and for a duration of at least four years, EPFL limits the number of study places to 3000 in the first year of the Bachelor’s programs and will select applicants with a foreign education on the basis of the general average grade (or total number of points) at the school-leaving certificate
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with proof of the following: tuition in the subjects 1. mathematics, 2. physics or chemistry or biology and 3. language of instruction or foreign language during the last two years before the upper secondary school-leaving certificate. These subjects must be part of the final exam and passed with a minimum grade average of 70% + four of the following subjects must have been part of the final three years of schooling: physics, chemistry, biology, computer science, another language, geography, history, economics + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Estonian university. Otherwise: Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Estonian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Estonian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Estonian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission provided by a recognised Estonian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Estonian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Estonian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Estonian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Estonian university + HSG selection procedure
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Estonian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Estonian university or special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Secondary School Leaving Examination (SSLE)
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Ethiopian university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years) + HSG admission test
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
Academy of Architecture: 3 years out of a 4 to 5-year bachelor programme for studies in architecture or civil engineering
Finland (L)
Signatory states of the Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region Nr. 165/1997 ("Lisbon Convention")General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Lukion Päättötodistus + Ylioppilastutkintotodistus (Abschlusszeugnis des Gymnasiums + Matriculation Examination Certificate)
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Lukion Päättötodistus with 150 credits including the subjects 1) mathematics (26 credits), 2) physics (14 credits), 3) Finnish or Swedish (12 credits), 4) second modern language (12 credits), 5) chemistry or biology (10 credits), 6) history, geography, or economics (8 credits), and 7) applied mathematics, computer science, philosophy, or third modern language (8 credits) and Ylioppilastutkintotodistus with exams in mathematics (advanced) and physics. The final grades in mathematics and physics are at least 8 (Lukion Päättötodistus) and 5 (Ylioppilastutkintotodistus) and the average of the final grades is at least 8 (Lukion Päättötodistus). Warning: from 2025 and for a duration of at least four years, EPFL limits the number of study places to 3000 in the first year of the Bachelor’s programs and will select applicants with a foreign education on the basis of the general average grade (or total number of points) at the school-leaving certificate
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with at least 150 credit points courses. The following subjects must be part of the final examination (Ylioppilastutkinto suomessa) and passed with a minimum grade average of 70%:
- Mathematics (Advanced Syllabus)
- Physics or Chemistry or Biology
- One language
During the final three years of schooling, the following minimum number of credit points must be completed in the above mentioned final examination subjects: 1. in Mathematics (Advanced Syllabus): 20 credit points; 2. in Physics or Chemistry or Biology: 10 credit points; 3. in one language: 14 credit points + four of the following subjects must have been part of the final three years of schooling: physics, chemistry, biology, computer science, another language, geography, history, economics + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Finnish university. Otherwise: Reduced Entrance Examination ETH Zurich
Lukion Päättötodistus + Ylioppilastutkintotodistus with a minimum of 150 credit points, 6 independent, general education subjects with at least 20 credit points in mathematics, each 14 credit points in languages and in all additional subjects at least 10 credits points + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Finnish university
Lukion Päättötodistus + Ylioppilastutkintotodistus with a minimum of 150 credit points, 6 independent, general education subjects with at least 20 credit points in mathematics, each 14 credit points in languages and in all additional subjects at least 10 credits points + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Finnish university
Lukion Päättötodistus + Ylioppilastutkintotodistus with a minimum of 150 credit points, 6 independent, general education subjects with at least 20 credit points in mathematics, each 14 credit points in languages and in all additional subjects at least 10 credits points + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Finnish university
Lukion Päättötodistus + Ylioppilastutkintotodistus with a minimum of 150 credit points, 6 independent, general education subjects with at least 20 credit points in mathematics, each 14 credit points in languages and in all additional subjects at least 10 credits points + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Finnish university
Lukion Päättötodistus + Ylioppilastutkintotodistus with a minimum of 150 credit points, 6 independent, general education subjects with at least 20 credit points in mathematics, each 14 credit points in languages and in all additional subjects at least 10 credits points + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Finnish university
Lukion Päättötodistus + Ylioppilastutkintotodistus with a minimum of 150 credit points, 6 independent, general education subjects with at least 20 credit points in mathematics, each 14 credit points in languages and in all additional subjects at least 10 credits points + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Finnish university
Lukion Päättötodistus + Ylioppilastutkintotodistus with a minimum of 150 credit points, 6 independent, general education subjects with at least 20 credit points in mathematics, each 14 credit points in languages and in all additional subjects at least 10 credits points + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Finnish university
Lukion Päättötodistus + Ylioppilastutkintotodistus with a minimum of 150 credit points, 6 independent, general education subjects with at least 20 credit points in mathematics, each 14 credit points in languages and in all additional subjects at least 10 credits points + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Finnish university + HSG selection procedure
Lukion Päättötodistus + Ylioppilastutkintotodistus with a minimum of 150 credit points, 6 independent, general education subjects with at least 20 credit points in mathematics, each 14 credit points in languages and in all additional subjects at least 10 credits points + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Finnish university
Lukion Päättötodistus + Ylioppilastutkintotodistus with a minimum of 150 credit points, 6 independent, general education subjects with at least 20 credit points in mathematics, each 14 credit points in languages and in all additional subjects at least 10 credits points + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Finnish university or special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
France (L)(B)
Signatory states of the Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region Nr. 165/1997 ("Lisbon Convention")(B)
Bilateral agreements with Germany, Austria, France and Italy concerning higher education equivalencyGeneral Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Baccalauréat général
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Baccalauréat général with the specialties ‘Mathématiques’ and ‘Physique-chimie’ in première and terminale. The final grades in mathematics and physics-chemistry are at least 16 and the moyenne générale is at least 16. Warning: from 2025 and for a duration of at least four years, EPFL limits the number of study places to 3000 in the first year of the Bachelor’s programs and will select applicants with a foreign education on the basis of the general average grade (or total number of points) at the school-leaving certificate
Baccalauréat général with proof of the following: tuition in the subjects 1. Spécialité or expertes mathématiques 2. Spécialité sciences de la vie et de la terre or physique-chimie and 3. language of instruction or première langue vivante during the last two years (classes de première et de terminale) before the upper secondary school-leaving certificate. These subjects must be part of the final exam and passed with a minimum grade average of 70% (14,00/20). The 'moyenne finale' must be 16,00/20 or above. Four of the following subjects must – in addition to the three subjects above – also have been part of the final three years of schooling: physics, chemistry, biology, computer science, another language, geography, history, economics. Otherwise: Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised French university or a grade average of 12/20.
The subject Enseignement Scientifique cannot be recognised as scientific subject (category 4)
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised French university or a grade average of 12/20.
The subject Enseignement Scientifique cannot be recognised as scientific subject (category 4).
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with spécialités mathématiques during the penultimate and the final school year and sciences de la vie et de la terre or physique-chimie during the penultimate and the final school year + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised French university or a grade average of 12/20
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with spécialités mathématiques during the penultimate and spécialités mathématiques or option mathématiques complémentaires during the final school year and spécialités sciences de la vie et de la terre or physique-chimie during the penultimate and the final school year + a grade average of 12/20
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with spécialités mathématiques during the penultimate and the final school year and sciences de la vie et de la terre or physique-chimie during the penultimate and the final school year + a grade average of 12/20
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with spécialités mathématiques during the penultimate and the final school year and sciences de la vie et de la terre or physique-chimie during the penultimate and the final school year + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised French university or a grade average of 12/20
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with spécialités mathématiques and sciences de la vie et de la terre or physique-chimie during the penultimate and spécialité mathématiques or spécialité sciences de la vie et de la terre or physique-chimie during the final school year + option mathématiques complémentaires if the spécialité mathématiques has not been chosen during the final school year + a grade average of 12/20
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with spécialités mathématiques during the penultimate and the final school year and sciences de la vie et de la terre or physique-chimie during the penultimate and the final school year + HSG selection procedure
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised French university or a grade average of 12/20.
The subject Enseignement Scientifique cannot be recognised as scientific subject (category 4)
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with spécialités mathématiques during the penultimate and the final school year and sciences de la vie et de la terre or physique-chimie during the penultimate and the final school year + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised French university or a grade average of 12/20
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Diplôme de Bachelier de l'Enseignement du Second Degré / Baccalauréat
- Série A
- Série B
- Série C
- Série D
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Gabonese university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- West African Senior School Certificate
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Gambian university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of B3 + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of B3 + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of B3 + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of B3 + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of B3 + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of B3 + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of B3 + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of B3 + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of B3 + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of B3 + special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
Georgia (L)
Signatory states of the Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region Nr. 165/1997 ("Lisbon Convention")General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Sruli zogadi ganatlebis atestati
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Georgian university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Georgian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Georgian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Georgian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission provided by a recognised Georgian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Georgian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Georgian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Georgian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Georgian university + HSG selection procedure
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Georgian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Georgian university or special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
Germany (L)(B)
Signatory states of the Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region Nr. 165/1997 ("Lisbon Convention")(B)
Bilateral agreements with Germany, Austria, France and Italy concerning higher education equivalencyGeneral Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Zeugnis der allgemeinen Hochschulreife
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Zeugnis der allgemeinen Hochschulreife (Abitur) including the subjects 1) mathematics, 2) physics, 3) German, 4) second modern language, 5) chemistry or biology, 6) history, geography, or economics, and 7) applied mathematics, computer science, philosophy, or third modern language. Mathematics and physics are part of the Leistungskurse and of the Abiturprüfung. The average of the final grades in mathematics and that of the final grades in physics (continuous assessment and final examination) are at least 12 and the Durchschnittsnote is below 2,00. Warning: from 2025 and for a duration of at least four years, EPFL limits the number of study places to 3000 in the first year of the Bachelor’s programs and will select applicants with a foreign education on the basis of the general average grade (or total number of points) at the school-leaving certificate
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with proof of the following: tuition in the subjects 1. mathematics, 2. physics or chemistry or biology and 3. language of instruction or foreign language during the last two years before the upper secondary school-leaving certificate. These subjects must be part of the final exam and passed with a minimum grade average of 70% + four of the following subjects must have been part of the final three years of schooling: physics, chemistry, biology, computer science, another language, geography, history, economics. For Pharmaceutical Sciences and Architecture: certificate of university admission provided by a recognised German university. Otherwise: Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 2.5 or certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised German university. Psychology: grade average of 1.5 (or better). Compensation for the certificate of university admission through a grade average is not possible for the Bachelor's programme in pharmaceutical sciences.
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 2.0 or certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised German university (not a distance university). A certificate of university admission is compulsory for admission to the following: Biology, Pharmacy and Psychology
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 2.5 or certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised German university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 2.5 or certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised German university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 2.5 or certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised German university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 2.5 or certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised German university (no distance learning university). For the following subject a certificate of university admission is obligatory: psychology.
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 2.5 or certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised German university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + HSG selection procedure
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 2.0 or certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised German university (not distance learning). A certificate of university admission is compulsory for admission to the following: Psychology and Biology
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised German university
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE)
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Ghanaian university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of B3 + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of B3 + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of B3 + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of B3 + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of B3 + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of B3 + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of B3 + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of B3 + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of B3 + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of B3 + special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
Great Britain (L)
Great Britain
Signatory states of the Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region Nr. 165/1997 ("Lisbon Convention")General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Cambridge AICE Diploma Advanced Level (AL) + Advanced Subsidiary Level (AS)
- Pre-U Principal Subject + Pre-U Short Course
- International Advanced Level (IAL) + International GCSE (IGCSE) or International Advanced Subsidiary Level (IAS)
- England, Wales, Nordirland / Angleterre, Pays de Galles, Irlande du Nord :
General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) or General Certificate of Education - Advanced Subsidiary Level (GCE AS) + General Certificate of Education - Advanced Level (GCE AL) - Schottland / Ecosse:
Scottish Qualifications Certificate (SQC) - Standard Grade + Scottish Qualifications Certificate (SQC) - Higher + Scottish Qualifications Certificate (SQC) - Advanced Higher
with the following general education subjects
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Greece (E)
Signatory states of the European Convention on the Equivalence of Diplomas Leading to Admission to Universities No. 15/1953 of the Council of EuropeGeneral Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Apolytirio Genikoy Lykeioy / Apolytirio Eniaioy Lykeioy
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate in a scientific stream including the subjects 1) mathematics, 2) physics, 3) language of the country granting the diploma, 4) second modern language, 5) chemistry or biology, 6) history, geography, or economics, and 7) applied mathematics, computer science, philosophy, or third modern language. At least six of these seven subjects are present on the final grade transcripts used to determine the award of the certificate, including mathematics and physics studied and examined at the highest possible level. The final grades in mathematics and physics are at least 80% of the maximum grade and the general average is at least 80% of the maximum grade. Warning: from 2025 and for a duration of at least four years, EPFL limits the number of study places to 3000 in the first year of the Bachelor’s programs and will select applicants with a foreign education on the basis of the general average grade (or total number of points) at the school-leaving certificate
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with proof of the following: tuition in the subjects 1. mathematics, 2. physics or chemistry or biology and 3. language of instruction or foreign language during the last two years before the upper secondary school-leaving certificate. These subjects must be part of the final exam and passed with a minimum grade average of 70% + four of the following subjects must have been part of the final three years of schooling: physics, chemistry, biology, computer science, another language, geography, history, economics + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Greek university. Otherwise: Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Greek university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Greek university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Greek university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission provided by a recognised Greek university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Greek university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Greek university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Greek university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Greek university + HSG selection procedure
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Greek university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Greek university or special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Bachiller en Ciencias y Letras
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Guatemalan university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years) + HSG selection procedure
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
Academy of Architecture: 3 years out of a 4 to 5-year bachelor programme for studies in architecture or civil engineering
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Baccalauréat Unique
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Guinean university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Guinean university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Guinean university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Guinean university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Guinean university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Guinean university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Guinean university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Guinean university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Guinean university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Guinean university + special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Diplôme de fin d'études secondaires, baccalauréat unique
- Série Sciences de la vie et de la terre (SVT)
- Série Sciences mathématiques et physique (SMP)
- Série Sciences économiques et sociales (SES)
- Série Littéraire, lettres et arts (LLA)
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Haitian university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 60% (2ème partie) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Haitian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 60% (2ème partie) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Haitian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 60% (2ème partie) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Haitian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 60% (2ème partie) + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 60% (2ème partie) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Haitian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 60% (2ème partie) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Haitian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 60% (2ème partie) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Haitian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 60% (2ème partie) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Haitian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 60% (2ème partie) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Haitian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 60% (2ème partie) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Haitian university + special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Titulo de Bachiller cientifico humanista
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Honduran university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years) + HSG selection procedure
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
Academy of Architecture: 3 years out of a 4 to 5-year bachelor programme for studies in architecture or civil engineering
Hong Kong
Hong Kong
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education HKDSE
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university of Hong Kong + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate including at least 6 independent general education subjects, each with a minimum grade of 3 (or C for a category C language subject) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university of the country where the upper secondary school-leaving certificate was issued
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate including at least 6 independent general education subjects, each with a minimum grade of 3 (or C for a category C language subject) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university of the country where the upper secondary school-leaving certificate was issued
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate including at least 6 independent general education subjects, each with a minimum grade of 3 (or C for a category C language subject) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university of the country where the upper secondary school-leaving certificate was issued
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate including at least 6 independent general education subjects, each with a minimum grade of 3 (or C for a category C language subject) + certificate of university admission provided by a recognised university of the country where the upper secondary school-leaving certificate was issued
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate including at least 6 independent general education subjects, each with a minimum grade of 3 (or C for a category C language subject) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university of the country where the upper secondary school-leaving certificate was issued
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate including at least 6 independent general education subjects, each with a minimum grade of 3 (or C for a category C language subject) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university of the country where the upper secondary school-leaving certificate was issued
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate including at least 6 independent general education subjects, each with a minimum grade of 3 (or C for a category C language subject) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university of the country where the upper secondary school-leaving certificate was issued
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate including at least 6 independent general education subjects, each with a minimum grade of 3 (or C for a category C language subject) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university of the country where the upper secondary school-leaving certificate was issued + HSG admission test
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate including at least 6 independent general education subjects, each with a minimum grade of 3 (or C for a category C language subject) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university of the country where the upper secondary school-leaving certificate was issued
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate including at least 6 independent general education subjects, each with a minimum grade of 3 (or C for a category C language subject) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university of the country where the upper secondary school-leaving certificate was issued or special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
Hungary (L)
Signatory states of the Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region Nr. 165/1997 ("Lisbon Convention")General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Gimnáziumi érettségi bizonyítvány
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate in a scientific stream including the subjects 1) mathematics, 2) physics, 3) language of the country granting the diploma, 4) second modern language, 5) chemistry or biology, 6) history, geography, or economics, and 7) applied mathematics, computer science, philosophy, or third modern language. At least six of these seven subjects are present on the final grade transcripts used to determine the award of the certificate, including mathematics and physics studied and examined at the highest possible level. The final grades in mathematics and physics are at least 80% of the maximum grade and the general average is at least 80% of the maximum grade. Warning: from 2025 and for a duration of at least four years, EPFL limits the number of study places to 3000 in the first year of the Bachelor’s programs and will select applicants with a foreign education on the basis of the general average grade (or total number of points) at the school-leaving certificate
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with proof of the following: tuition in the subjects 1. mathematics (higher level), 2. physics or chemistry or biology (higher level) and 3. language of instruction or foreign language (medium or higher level) during the last two years of upper secondary schooling. These three subjects in the above mentioned required level must be part of the final exam and passed with a minimum grade average of 70% + four of the following subjects must have been part of the final three years of upper secondary schooling: physics, chemistry, biology, computer science, another language, geography, history, economics + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Hungarian university. Otherwise: Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Hungarian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Hungarian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Hungarian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission by a recognised Hungarian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Hungarian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Hungarian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Hungarian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Hungarian university + HSG selection procedure
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Hungarian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Hungarian university or special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
Iceland (L)
Signatory states of the Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region Nr. 165/1997 ("Lisbon Convention")General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Studentsprof
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate in a scientific stream including the subjects 1) mathematics, 2) physics, 3) language of the country granting the diploma, 4) second modern language, 5) chemistry or biology, 6) history, geography, or economics, and 7) applied mathematics, computer science, philosophy, or third modern language. At least six of these seven subjects are present on the final grade transcripts used to determine the award of the certificate, including mathematics and physics studied and examined at the highest possible level. The final grades in mathematics and physics are at least 80% of the maximum grade and the general average is at least 80% of the maximum grade. Warning: from 2025 and for a duration of at least four years, EPFL limits the number of study places to 3000 in the first year of the Bachelor’s programs and will select applicants with a foreign education on the basis of the general average grade (or total number of points) at the school-leaving certificate
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with proof of the following: tuition in the subjects 1. mathematics, 2. physics or chemistry or biology and 3. language of instruction or foreign language during the last two years before the upper secondary school-leaving certificate. These subjects must be part of the final exam and passed with a minimum grade average of 70% + four of the following subjects must have been part of the final three years of schooling: physics, chemistry, biology, computer science, another language, geography, history, economics. Otherwise: Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Icelandic university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Icelandic university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Icelandic university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Icelandic university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Icelandic university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Icelandic university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Icelandic university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Icelandic university + HSG selection procedure
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Icelandic university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Icelandic university or special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Higher Secondary School Certificate
- Higher School Certificate
- All India Senior School Certificate
- Indian School Certificate
- Intermediate Examination Certificate
(issued by an official examination board)
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Indian university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years) + HSG selection procedure
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
Academy of Architecture: 3 years out of a 4 to 5-year bachelor programme for studies in architecture or civil engineering
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Ijazah - Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA), IPA
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Indonesian university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 75% + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Indonesian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 75% in Surat Keterangan Hasil Ujian Nasional + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Indonesian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 75% + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Indonesian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + with a grade average of 75% + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 75% + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Indonesian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 75% + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Indonesian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 75% + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Indonesian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 75% + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Indonesian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 75% + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Indonesian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 75% + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Indonesian university + special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Diplom Metevaseth
- Mathematics and Physics
- Experimental Sciences
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Pre-University Certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate * + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Iranian university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ.
* + Pre-University Certificate required for Diplomas Metevaseth issued before 2019
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 (General Average) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Iranian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 (General Average) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Iranian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 (General Average) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Iranian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 (General Average) + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 (General Average) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Iranian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 (General Average) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Iranian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 (General Average) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Iranian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 (General Average) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Iranian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 (General Average) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Iranian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 (General Average) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Iranian university + special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Secondary Education Certificate
- Adadiyah Certificate
- Sixth Form Baccalaureate
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Iraqi university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years) + HSG selection procedure
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
Academy of Architecture: 3 years out of a 4 to 5-year bachelor programme for studies in architecture or civil engineering
Ireland (L)
Signatory states of the Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region Nr. 165/1997 ("Lisbon Convention")General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Leaving Certificate (Ardteistiméireacht)
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Irish university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Irish university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Irish university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Irish university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Irish university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Irish university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Irish university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Irish university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Irish university + HSG selection procedure
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Irish university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Irish university
Israel (L)
Signatory states of the Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region Nr. 165/1997 ("Lisbon Convention")General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Te'udat Bagrut (issued by the Ministry of Education)
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Israeli university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate (issued by the Ministry of Education) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Israeli university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Israeli university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Israeli university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission provided by a recognised Israeli university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Israeli university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Israeli university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Israeli university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Israeli university + HSG selection procedure
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Israeli university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Israeli university or Complementary Examination ECUS or special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
Italy (L)(B)
Signatory states of the Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region Nr. 165/1997 ("Lisbon Convention")(B)
Bilateral agreements with Germany, Austria, France and Italy concerning higher education equivalencyGeneral Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Diploma di istruzione secondaria superiore del
- liceo classico
- liceo linguistico
- liceo scientifico
- liceo scientifico opzione scienze applicate
- liceo delle scienze umane
- liceo delle scienze umane opzione economico-sociale
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Esame di Stato (maturità) series liceo scientifico. The scrutini finali in mathematics and physics are at least 8 and the votazione complessiva is at least 80. Warning: from 2025 and for a duration of at least four years, EPFL limits the number of study places to 3000 in the first year of the Bachelor’s programs and will select applicants with a foreign education on the basis of the general average grade (or total number of points) at the school-leaving certificate
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate in ‘indirizzo scientifico’ or ‘indirizzo scientifico opzione scienze applicate’ of a Liceo with proof of the following: tuition in the subjects 1. mathematics, 2. physics or chemistry or biology and 3. language of instruction or foreign language during the last two years before the upper secondary school-leaving certificate. The state examination must be passed with minimum overall mark (‘votazione complessiva’) of 70/100 + four of the following subjects must have been part of the final three years of schooling: physics, chemistry, biology, computer science, another language, geography, history, economics. Additional requirement for the field of architecture: certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Italian university. Otherwise: Reduced Entrance Examination ETH. For all other indirizzi of the Liceo: reduced entrance Examination ETH
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + HSG selection procedure
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate
Diploma di istruzione secondaria superiore
anche riconosciuti:
- Indirizzo artistico conferito da un liceo artistico (diploma di liceo artistico) limitatamente ai programmi di Bachelor in Architettura e in Lingua, letteratura e civiltà italiana
- Indirizzo "Amministrazione, finanza e marketing" conferito da un istituto tecnico del settore economico, limitatamente ai programmi di Bachelor in Scienze economiche, Scienze della comunicazione e Scienze informatiche
- Indirizzo "Informatica e telecomunicazioni" conferito da un istituto tecnico del settore tecnologico, limitatamente al programma di Bachelor in Scienze informatiche
Ivory Coast
Ivory Coast
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Diplôme de Bachelier de l’Enseignement du Second Degré
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university in the Ivory Coast + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university in the Ivory Coast + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university in the Ivory Coast + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university in the Ivory Coast + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university in the Ivory Coast + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university in the Ivory Coast + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university in the Ivory Coast + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university in the Ivory Coast + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university in the Ivory Coast + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university in the Ivory Coast + special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE)
- GCE A-Levels and O-Levels
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Jamaican university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years) + HSG selection procedure
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Koto Gakko Sotsugyo Shomei-sho (general course)
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Japanese university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 3/5 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Japanese university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 3/5 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Japanese university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 3/5 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Japanese university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 3/5
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 3/5 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Japanese university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 3/5 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic provided by a recognised Japanese university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 3/5 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Japanese university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 3/5 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Japanese university + HSG selection procedure
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 3/5 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Japanese university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 3/5 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Japanese university + special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- General Secondary Education Certificate
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate in a scientific stream + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Jordanian university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years) + HSG selection procedure
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
Academy of Architecture: 3 years out of a 4 to 5-year bachelor programme for studies in architecture or civil engineering
Kazakhstan (L)
Signatory states of the Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region Nr. 165/1997 ("Lisbon Convention")General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Chalpy Orta Bilim Turaly Attestat
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university in Kazakhstan + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Kazakh university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Kazakh university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Kazakh university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission provided by a recognised Kazakh university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Kazakh university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Kazakh university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Kazakh university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Kazakh university + HSG selection procedure
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Kazakh university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Kazakh university or special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE)
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Kenyan university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of B + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Kenyan university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of B + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Kenyan university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of B + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Kenyan university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of B + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of B + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Kenyan university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of B + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Kenyan university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of B + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Kenyan university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of B + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Kenyan university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of B + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Kenyan university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of B + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Kenyan university + special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
Korea, Dem. People's Rep.
Korea, Dem. People's Rep.
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Graduation Certificate (Secondary School Leaving Certificate)
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised North Korean university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years) + HSG selection procedure
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
Korea, Rep.
Korea, Rep.
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- High School Certificate of Graduation
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised South Korean university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with at least grade C (Mi) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised South Korean university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with at least grade C (Mi) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised South Korean university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with at least grade C (Mi) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised South Korean university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with at least grade C (Mi)
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with at least grade C (Mi) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised South Korean university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with at least grade C (Mi) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised South Korean university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with at least grade C (Mi) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised South Korean university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with at least grade C (Mi) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised South Korean university + HSG selection procedure
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with at least grade C (Mi) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised South Korean university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with at least grade C (Mi) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised South Korean university
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Diplomë për kryerjen e shkollës së mesme të lartë - gjimnazit
- Diploma o zavrsenoj visoj srednjoj skoli - gimnaziji
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Kosovar university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Kosovar university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Kosovar university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Kosovar university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission provided by a recognised Kosovar university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Kosovar university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Kosovar university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Kosovar university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Kosovar university + HSG selection procedure
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Kosovar university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Kosovar university or special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Shadat Al-Thanawiya-Al-A'ama
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university of Kuwait + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years) + HSG selection procedure
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
Academy of Architecture: 3 years out of a 4 to 5-year bachelor programme for studies in architecture or civil engineering
Kyrgyzstan (L)
Signatory states of the Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region Nr. 165/1997 ("Lisbon Convention")General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Dschalpi orto bilim dschönündö attestat - Attestat o srednem obscem obrazovani
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university in Kyrgyzstan + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Kyrgyz university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Kyrgyz university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Kyrgyz university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission provided by a recognised Kyrgyz university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Kyrgyz university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Kyrgyz university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Kyrgyz university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Kyrgyz university + HSG selection procedure
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Kyrgyz university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Kyrgyz university or special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Upper Secondary School Diploma
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Laotian university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years) + HSG selection procedure
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
Academy of Architecture: 3 years out of a 4 to 5-year bachelor programme for studies in architecture or civil engineering
Latvia (L)
Signatory states of the Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region Nr. 165/1997 ("Lisbon Convention")General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Atestats par visparejo videjo izglitibu
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate in a scientific stream including the subjects 1) mathematics, 2) physics, 3) language of the country granting the diploma, 4) second modern language, 5) chemistry or biology, 6) history, geography, or economics, and 7) applied mathematics, computer science, philosophy, or third modern language. At least six of these seven subjects are present on the final grade transcripts used to determine the award of the certificate, including mathematics and physics studied and examined at the highest possible level. The final grades in mathematics and physics are at least 80% of the maximum grade and the general average is at least 80% of the maximum grade. Warning: from 2025 and for a duration of at least four years, EPFL limits the number of study places to 3000 in the first year of the Bachelor’s programs and will select applicants with a foreign education on the basis of the general average grade (or total number of points) at the school-leaving certificate
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with proof of the following: 1. mathematics, 2. physics or chemistry or biology and 3. language of instruction or foreign language during the last two years before the upper secondary school-leaving certificate. These subjects must be part of the final exam and passed with a minimum grade average of 70%. Four of the following subjects must – in addition to the 3 subjects above – also have been part of the final three years of schooling: physics, chemistry, biology, computer science, another language, geography, history, economics + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Latvian university. Otherwise: Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Latvian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Latvian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Latvian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission provided by a recognised Latvian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Latvian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Latvian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Latvian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Latvian university + HSG selection procedure
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Latvian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Latvian university or special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Baccalauréat général
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Lebanese university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Lebanese university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Lebanese university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Lebanese university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Lebanese university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Lebanese university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Lebanese university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Lebanese university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Lebanese university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Lebanese university + special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Lesotho General Certificate of Secondary Education (LGCSE)
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university in Lesotho + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years) + HSG selection procedure
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
Liberia Senior High School Certificate
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Liberian university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 3 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Liberian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 3 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Liberian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 3 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Liberian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 3 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Liberian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 3 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Liberian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 3 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Liberian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 3 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Liberian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 3 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Liberian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 3 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Liberian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 3 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Liberian university + special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Secondary Education Certificate
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Libyan university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years) + HSG selection procedure
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
Academy of Architecture: 3 years out of a 4 to 5-year bachelor programme for studies in architecture or civil engineering
Liechtenstein (L)
Signatory states of the Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region Nr. 165/1997 ("Lisbon Convention")General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Liechtensteinischer Maturitätsausweis
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate. The admission of citizens of Liechtenstein with the Liechtenstein maturity certificate is similar to the admission of Swiss citizens with the Swiss maturity certificate.
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate. The admission of citizens of Liechtenstein with the Liechtenstein maturity certificate is similar to the admission of Swiss citizens with the Swiss maturity certificate.
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate. The admission of citizens of Liechtenstein with the Liechtenstein maturity certificate is similar to the admission of Swiss citizens with the Swiss maturity certificate.
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate. The admission of citizens of Liechtenstein with the Liechtenstein maturity certificate is similar to the admission of Swiss citizens with the Swiss maturity certificate.
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate. The admission of citizens of Liechtenstein with the Liechtenstein maturity certificate is similar to the admission of Swiss citizens with the Swiss maturity certificate.
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate. The admission of citizens of Liechtenstein with the Liechtenstein maturity certificate is similar to the admission of Swiss citizens with the Swiss maturity certificate.
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate. The admission of citizens of Liechtenstein with the Liechtenstein maturity certificate is similar to the admission of Swiss citizens with the Swiss maturity certificate.
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate. The admission of citizens of Liechtenstein with the Liechtenstein maturity certificate is similar to the admission of Swiss citizens with the Swiss maturity certificate.
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate. The admission of citizens of Liechtenstein with the Liechtenstein maturity certificate is similar to the admission of Swiss citizens with the Swiss maturity certificate.
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate. The admission of citizens of Liechtenstein with the Liechtenstein maturity certificate is similar to the admission of Swiss citizens with the Swiss maturity certificate.
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate. The admission of citizens of Liechtenstein with the Liechtenstein maturity certificate is similar to the admission of Swiss citizens with the Swiss maturity certificate.
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate. The admission of citizens of Liechtenstein with the Liechtenstein maturity certificate is similar to the admission of Swiss citizens with the Swiss maturity certificate.
Lithuania (L)
Signatory states of the Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region Nr. 165/1997 ("Lisbon Convention")General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Brandos atestatas
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Lithuanian university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Lithuanian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate+ 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Lithuanian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Lithuanian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission provided by a recognised Lithuanian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Lithuanian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate+ 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Lithuanian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Lithuanian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Lithuanian university + HSG selection procedure
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Lithuanian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Lithuanian university or special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
Luxembourg (L)
Signatory states of the Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region Nr. 165/1997 ("Lisbon Convention")General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Diplôme de fin d'études secondaires classiques
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Certificat de fin d'études secondaires classiques section B or C. The final grades in mathematics and physics are at least 48 and the weighted general average is at least 48. Warning: from 2025 and for a duration of at least four years, EPFL limits the number of study places to 3000 in the first year of the Bachelor’s programs and will select applicants with a foreign education on the basis of the general average grade (or total number of points) at the school-leaving certificate
Diplôme de fin d’études secondaires of sections B, C or I with proof of the following: tuition in the subjects 1. mathematics, 2. physics or chemistry or biology and 3. language of instruction or foreign language during the last two years before the upper secondary school-leaving certificate. These three subjects must be part of the final exam and passed with a minimum grade average of 40 points + four of the following subjects must have been part of the final three years of schooling: physics, chemistry, biology, computer science, another language, geography, history, economics. Otherwise: Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + HSG selection procedure
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Diplôme du Baccalauréat de l'Enseignement Secondaire
- Série A philosophie - lettres
- Série C mathématiques et sciences physiques
- Série D mathématiques et sciences naturelles
- Série L littéraire
- Série OSE Organisation-Société-Economie
- Série S scientifique
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Madagascan university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Madagascan university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Madagascan university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Madagascan university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Madagascan university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Madagascan university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Madagascan university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Madagascan university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Madagascan university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Madagascan university + special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Malawi School Certificate of Education (MSCE)
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university of Malawi + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years) + HSG selection procedure
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) + Sijil Tinggi Persekohlahan Malaysia (STPM)
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Malaysian university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years) + HSG selection procedure
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Baccalauréat Malien
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Malian university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years) + HSG selection procedure
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
Malta (L)
Signatory states of the Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region Nr. 165/1997 ("Lisbon Convention")General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Matriculation Certificate
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Maltese university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Maltese university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Maltese university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Maltese university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission provided by a recognised Maltese university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Maltese university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Maltese university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Maltese university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Maltese university + HSG selection procedure
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Maltese university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Maltese university
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Diplôme de Bachelier
- Baccalauréat de l'Enseignement du Second Degré
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Mauretanian university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years) + HSG selection procedure
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Bachillerato General (Educación media superior, formación propedéutica)
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Mexican university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 7/10 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Mexican university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 7/10 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Mexican university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 7/10 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Mexican university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 7/10 + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 7/10 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Mexican university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 7/10 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Mexican university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 7/10 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Mexican university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 7/10 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Mexican university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 7/10 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Mexican university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 7/10 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Mexican university + special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
Moldova (L)
Signatory states of the Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region Nr. 165/1997 ("Lisbon Convention")General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Invatamintul liceal
- Diploma de bacalaureat
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Moldavian university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Moldavian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Moldavian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Moldavian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission provided by a recognised Moldavian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Moldavian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Moldavian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Moldavian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Moldavian university + HSG selection procedure
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Moldavian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Moldavian university or special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Buren dund bolovsrolyn unemlekh
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Mongolian university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of C + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Mongolian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of C + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Mongolian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of C + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Mongolian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of C + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of C + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Mongolian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of C + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Mongolian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of C + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Mongolian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of C + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Mongolian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of C + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Mongolian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of C + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Mongolian university + special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
Montenegro (L)
Signatory states of the Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region Nr. 165/1997 ("Lisbon Convention")General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Diploma o polozenom maturskom ispitu
- Diplomë për dheniën e provimit të maturës
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university of Montenegro + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university of Montenegro
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university of Montenegro
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university of Montenegro
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission provided by a recognised university of Montenegro
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university of Montenegro
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university of Montenegro
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university of Montenegro
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university of Montenegro + HSG selection procedure
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university of Montenegro
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university of Montenegro or special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Baccalauréat
- Sciences expérimentales
- Sciences mathématiques
- Lettres
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Moroccan university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission provided by a recognised Moroccan university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission provided by a recognised Moroccan university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Moroccan university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission provided by a recognised Moroccan university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission provided by a recognised Moroccan university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission provided by a recognised Moroccan university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission provided by a recognised Moroccan university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission provided by a recognised Moroccan university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission provided by a recognised Moroccan university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission provided by a recognised Moroccan university + special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Certificado de Habilitações
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university of Mozambique + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years) + HSG selection procedure
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Basic Education High School Examination (Matriculation Examination)
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university of Myanmar + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years) + HSG selection procedure
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
Academy of Architecture: 3 years out of a 4 to 5-year bachelor programme for studies in architecture or civil engineering
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Namibia Senior Secondary Certificate Ordinary level (NSSCO) + Namibia Senior Secondary Certificate Advanced Subsidiary level (NSSCAS)
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Namibian university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years) + HSG selection procedure
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Higher Secondary School Leaving Certificate
- National Examination Board Examination Certificate
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Nepalese university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years) + HSG selection procedure
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
Academy of Architecture: 3 years out of a 4 to 5-year bachelor programme for studies in architecture or civil engineering
Netherlands (L)
Signatory states of the Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region Nr. 165/1997 ("Lisbon Convention")General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
Diploma voorbereidend wetenschappelijk onderwijs (VWO)
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate in a scientific stream including the subjects 1) mathematics, 2) physics, 3) language of the country granting the diploma, 4) second modern language, 5) chemistry or biology, 6) history, geography, or economics, and 7) applied mathematics, computer science, philosophy, or third modern language. At least six of these seven subjects are present on the final grade transcripts used to determine the award of the certificate, including mathematics and physics studied and examined at the highest possible level. The final grades in mathematics and physics are at least 80% of the maximum grade and the general average is at least 80% of the maximum grade. Warning: from 2025 and for a duration of at least four years, EPFL limits the number of study places to 3000 in the first year of the Bachelor’s programs and will select applicants with a foreign education on the basis of the general average grade (or total number of points) at the school-leaving certificate
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with proof of the following: tuition in the subjects 1. mathematics, 2. physics or chemistry or biology and 3. language of instruction or foreign language during the last two years before the upper secondary school-leaving certificate. These subjects must be part of the final exam and passed with a minimum grade average of 70% + four of the following subjects must have been part of the final three years of schooling: physics, chemistry, biology, computer science, another language, geography, history, economics + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Dutch university. Otherwise: Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Dutch university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Dutch university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Dutch university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission provided by a recognised Dutch university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Dutch university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Dutch university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Dutch university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Dutch university + HSG selection procedure
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Dutch university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Dutch university or special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
New Zealand (L)
New Zealand
Signatory states of the Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region Nr. 165/1997 ("Lisbon Convention")General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- National Certificate of Education Achievement (NCEA), level 3 certificate
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university of New Zealand + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate including at least 6 independent general education subjects with14 credits each at Level 1, Level 2 and Leve 3 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university of New Zealand
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate including at least 6 independent general education subjects with 14 credits each at Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university of New Zealand
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate including at least 6 independent general education subjects with 14 credits each at Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university of New Zealand
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate including at least 6 independent general education subjects with 14 credits each at Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3 + certificate of university admission provided by a recognised university of New Zealand
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate including at least 6 independent general education subjects with 14 credits each at Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university of New Zealand
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate including at least 6 independent general education subjects with 14 credits each at Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university of New Zealand
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate including at least 6 independent general education subjects with 14 credits each at Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university of New Zealand
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate including at least 6 independent general education subjects with 14 credits each at Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university of New Zealand + HSG selection procedure
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate including at least 6 independent general education subjects with 14 credits each at Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university of New Zealand
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate including at least 6 independent general education subjects with 14 credits each at Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university of New Zealand or special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Bachiller en Ciencias y Letras
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Nicaraguan university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years) + HSG selection procedure
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
Academy of Architecture: 3 years out of a 4 to 5-year bachelor programme for studies in architecture or civil engineering
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Diplôme de Bachelier de l'Enseignement du Second Degré
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Exam EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Nigerien university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Nigerien university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Nigerien university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Nigerien university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Nigerien university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Nigerien university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Nigerien university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Nigerien university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Nigerien university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Nigerien university + special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Senior School Certificate (NECO)
- West African Senior School Certificate (WAEC)
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Nigerian university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of B3 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Nigerian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of B3 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Nigerian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of B3 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Nigerian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of B3 + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of B3 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Nigerian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of B3 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Nigerian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of B3 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Nigerian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of B3 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Nigerian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of B3 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Nigerian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of B3 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Nigerian university + special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
North Macedonia (L)
North Macedonia
Signatory states of the Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region Nr. 165/1997 ("Lisbon Convention")General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
Diploma za polozena drzavna matura = Diplomë për dhënien e maturës shtetërore (4 years)
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Macedonian university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Macedonian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Macedonian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Macedonian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission provided by a recognised Macedonian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Macedonian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Macedonian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Macedonian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Macedonian university + HSG selection procedure
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Macedonian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Macedonian university or special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
Norway (L)
Signatory states of the Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region Nr. 165/1997 ("Lisbon Convention")General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Vitnemål videregående opplæring mit Vermerk: "og har oppnadd generell studiekompetanse"
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate in a scientific stream including the subjects 1) mathematics, 2) physics, 3) language of the country granting the diploma, 4) second modern language, 5) chemistry or biology, 6) history, geography, or economics, and 7) applied mathematics, computer science, philosophy, or third modern language. At least six of these seven subjects are present on the final grade transcripts used to determine the award of the certificate, including mathematics and physics studied and examined at the highest possible level. The final grades in mathematics and physics are at least 80% of the maximum grade and the general average is at least 80% of the maximum grade. Warning: from 2025 and for a duration of at least four years, EPFL limits the number of study places to 3000 in the first year of the Bachelor’s programs and will select applicants with a foreign education on the basis of the general average grade (or total number of points) at the school-leaving certificate
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with proof of the following: tuition in the subjects 1. mathematics, 2. physics or chemistry or biology and 3. language of instruction or foreign language during the last two years before the upper secondary school-leaving certificate. These subjects must be part of the final exam and passed with a minimum grade average of 70% + four of the following subjects must have been part of the final three years of schooling: physics, chemistry, biology, computer science, another language, geography, history, economics + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Norwegian university. Otherwise: Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Norwegian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Norwegian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Norwegian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission provided by a recognised Norwegian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Norwegian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Norwegian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Norwegian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Norwegian university + HSG selection procedure
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Norwegian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Norwegian university or special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
Thanawiya Amma (General Education Diploma)
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Omani university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years) + HSG selection procedure
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
Academy of Architecture: 3 years out of a 4 to 5-year bachelor programme for studies in architecture or civil engineering
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Higher Secondary (School) Certificate (HSC)
- Intermediate (Examination) Certificate
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Pakistani university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years) + HSG selection procedure
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
Academy of Architecture: 3 years out of a 4 to 5-year bachelor programme for studies in architecture or civil engineering
Palestinian territories
Palestinian territories
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Certificate of General Secondary Education (Al-Injaz)
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Palestinian university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years) + HSG selection procedure
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Bachiller
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Panamanian university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 4/5 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Panamanian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 4/5 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Panamanian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 4/5 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Panamanian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 4/5 + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 4/5 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Panamanian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 4/5 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Panamanian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 4/5 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Panamanian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 4/5 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Panamanian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 4/5 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Panamanian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 4/5 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Panamanian university + special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Bachiller Cientifico
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Paraguayan university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 3 (bueno) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Paraguayan university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 3 (bueno) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Paraguayan university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 3 (bueno) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Paraguayan university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 3 (bueno) + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 3 (bueno) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Paraguayan university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 3 (bueno) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Paraguayan university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 3 (bueno) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Paraguayan university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 3 (bueno) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Paraguayan university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 3 (bueno) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Paraguayan university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 3 (bueno) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Paraguayan university + special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Certificado Official de Estudios
- Certificado de Educación Secundaria Común Completa
- Baccalaureate
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Peruvian university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years) + HSG selection procedure
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Senior High School Diploma Academic Track
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Filipino university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years) + HSG selection procedure
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
Academy of Architecture: 3 years out of a 4 to 5-year bachelor programme for studies in architecture or civil engineering
Poland (L)
Signatory states of the Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region Nr. 165/1997 ("Lisbon Convention")General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Swiadectwo ukonczenia liceum ogolnoksztalcacego + Swiadectwo Dojrzalosci
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate in a scientific stream including the subjects 1) mathematics, 2) physics, 3) language of the country granting the diploma, 4) second modern language, 5) chemistry or biology, 6) history, geography, or economics, and 7) applied mathematics, computer science, philosophy, or third modern language. At least six of these seven subjects are present on the final grade transcripts used to determine the award of the certificate, including mathematics and physics studied and examined at the highest possible level. The final grades in mathematics and physics are at least 80% of the maximum grade and the general average is at least 80% of the maximum grade. Warning: from 2025 and for a duration of at least four years, EPFL limits the number of study places to 3000 in the first year of the Bachelor’s programs and will select applicants with a foreign education on the basis of the general average grade (or total number of points) at the school-leaving certificate
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with proof of the following: tuition in the subjects 1. mathematics (advanced level), 2. physics or chemistry or biology (advanced level) and 3. language of instruction or foreign language (advanced level) during the last two years of upper secondary schooling. These advanced level subjects must be part of the final exam and passed with a minimum grade average of 70% + four of the following subjects must have been part of the final three years of upper secondary schooling: physics, chemistry, biology, computer science, another language, geography, history, economics + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Polish university. Otherwise: Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Polish university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Polish university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Polish university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission provided by a recognised Polish university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Polish university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Polish university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Polish university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Polish university + HSG selection procedure
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Polish university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Polish university or special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
Portugal (L)
Signatory states of the Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region Nr. 165/1997 ("Lisbon Convention")General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Diploma Nivel Secundário de Educaçao
- Certificado Nivel Secundário de Educaçao
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate in a scientific stream including the subjects 1) mathematics, 2) physics, 3) language of the country granting the diploma, 4) second modern language, 5) chemistry or biology, 6) history, geography, or economics, and 7) applied mathematics, computer science, philosophy, or third modern language. At least six of these seven subjects are present on the final grade transcripts used to determine the award of the certificate, including mathematics and physics studied and examined at the highest possible level. The final grades in mathematics and physics are at least 80% of the maximum grade and the general average is at least 80% of the maximum grade. Warning: from 2025 and for a duration of at least four years, EPFL limits the number of study places to 3000 in the first year of the Bachelor’s programs and will select applicants with a foreign education on the basis of the general average grade (or total number of points) at the school-leaving certificate
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Portuguese university + reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years) + HSG selection procedure
University degree (at least 3 years)
Faculty of Lugano: University degree (at least 3 years)
Academy of Architecture: Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with proof of the following: tuition in the subjects 1. mathematics, 2. physics or chemistry and 3. Native language and a foreign language. Each of these subjects must be part of the final exam and passed with the minimum grade average of 70% + three of the following subjects must have been part of the final 3 years of schooling: geometry or applied mathematics, geography, history, modern languages, natural sciences
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Shadahadat Al-Thanawaya Al-Aama (General Secondary Education Certificate)
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university in Qatar + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years) + HSG selection procedure
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
Academy of Architecture: 3 years out of a 4 to 5-year bachelor programme for studies in architecture or civil engineering
Romania (L)
Signatory states of the Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region Nr. 165/1997 ("Lisbon Convention")General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Diploma de Bacalaureat
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate in a scientific stream including the subjects 1) mathematics, 2) physics, 3) language of the country granting the diploma, 4) second modern language, 5) chemistry or biology, 6) history, geography, or economics, and 7) applied mathematics, computer science, philosophy, or third modern language. At least six of these seven subjects are present on the final grade transcripts used to determine the award of the certificate, including mathematics and physics studied and examined at the highest possible level. The final grades in mathematics and physics are at least 80% of the maximum grade and the general average is at least 80% of the maximum grade. Warning: from 2025 and for a duration of at least four years, EPFL limits the number of study places to 3000 in the first year of the Bachelor’s programs and will select applicants with a foreign education on the basis of the general average grade (or total number of points) at the school-leaving certificate
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with proof of the following: tuition in the subjects 1. mathematics, 2. physics or chemistry or biology and 3. language of instruction or foreign language during the last two years before the upper secondary school-leaving certificate. These subjects must be part of the final exam and passed with a minimum grade average of 70% + four of the following subjects must have been part of the final three years of schooling: physics, chemistry, biology, computer science, another language, geography, history, economics + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Romanian university. Otherwise: Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Romanian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Romanian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Romanian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission provided by a recognised Romanian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Romanian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Romanian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Romanian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Romanian university + HSG selection procedure
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Romanian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Romanian university or special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
Russia (L)
Signatory states of the Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region Nr. 165/1997 ("Lisbon Convention")General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Attestat o srednem (polnom) obscem obrazovanii
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Russian university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Russian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Russian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Russian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission provided by a recognised Russian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Russian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Russian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Russian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Russian university + HSG selection procedure
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Russian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Russian university or special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Rwanda Advanced Certificate of Education (Advanced Level Certificate of Education)
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Rwandan university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years) + HSG selection procedure
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
Academy of Architecture: 3 years out of a 4 to 5-year bachelor programme for studies in architecture or civil engineering
San Marino (L)
San Marino
Signatory states of the Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region Nr. 165/1997 ("Lisbon Convention")General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Diploma di superamento dell'esame di stato conclusivo dei corsi di studio del
- liceo classico
- liceo linguistico
- liceo scientifico
- USI also:
- liceo economico
- Maturità commerciale (limitatamente a Scienze economiche)
- Maturità tecnica, quinquennali (nel caso in cui si tratti de medesimo indirizzo di studio)
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate in ‘indirizzo scientifico’ of a Liceo with proof of the following: tuition in the subjects 1. mathematics, 2. physics or chemistry or biology and 3. language of instruction or foreign language during the last two years before the upper secondary school-leaving certificate. The state examination must be passed with minimum overall mark (‘votazione complessiva’) of 70/100 + four of the following subjects must have been part of the final three years of schooling: physics, chemistry, biology, computer science, another language, geography, history, economics. Additional requirement for the field of architecture: correspondent certificate of university admission provided by a recognised Italian university. Otherwise: Reduced Entrance Examination ETH. For all other indirizzi of the Liceo: reduced entrance Examination ETH
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + HSG selection procedure
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate
Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Thawjihiya Amma (General Secondary Education Certificate)
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Saudi Arabian university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years) + HSG selection procedure
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Baccalauréat de l'Enseignement Secondaire
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Senegalese university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Senegalese university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Senegalese university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Senegalese university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Senegalese university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Senegalese university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Senegalese university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Senegalese university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Senegalese university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Senegalese university + special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
Serbia (L)
Signatory states of the Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region Nr. 165/1997 ("Lisbon Convention")General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Diploma o stečenom srednem obrazovanju (gimnazija - 4 years)
- Diplomë për kryerjen e shkollës së mesme të përgjithshme - Gjimnazin (4 years)
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Serbian university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Serbian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Serbian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Serbian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission provided by a recognised Serbian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Serbian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Serbian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Serbian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Serbian university + HSG selection procedure
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Serbian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Serbian university or special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
Sierra Leone
Sierra Leone
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- West African Senior School Certificate
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university in Sierra Leone + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 3 + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 3 + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 3 + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 3 + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 3 + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 3 + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 3 + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 3 + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 3 + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 3 + special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Singapore-Cambridge General Certificate of Education (new curriculum, 2006)
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Admission without Entrance Examination if the following requirements are fullfilled:
- Mathematics + one of the following subjects: physics, chemistry or biology + one modern language. Each subject at H2 with minimum grade B;
- Four additional subjects at Ordinary Level or H1 or H2 out of the following: physics, chemistry, biology, computer sciences, another modern language, geography, history, economics;
- certificate of university admission provided by a recognised university of Singapore
Otherwise: Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate including at least 6 independent general education subjects, each with a minimum grade of C. At least 3 of these subjects must be H2 (one of which must be mathematics or another natural sciences subject), 1 H1 and 2 O-levels
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate including at least 6 independent general education subjects, each with a minimum grade of C. At least 3 of these subjects must be H2 (one of which must be mathematics or another natural sciences subject), 1 H1 and 2 O-levels
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate including at least 6 independent general education subjects, each with a minimum grade of C. At least 3 of these subjects must be H2 (one of which must be mathematics or another natural sciences subject), 1 H1 and 2 O-levels
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate including at least 6 independent general education subjects, each with a minimum grade of C. At least 3 of these subjects must be H2 (one of which must be mathematics or another natural sciences subject), 1 H1 and 2 O-levels
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate including at least 6 independent general education subjects, each with a minimum grade of C. At least 3 of these subjects must be H2 (one of which must be mathematics or another natural sciences subject), 1 H1 and 2 O-levels
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate including at least 6 independent general education subjects, each with a minimum grade of C. At least 3 of these subjects must be H2 (one of which must be mathematics or another natural sciences subject), 1 H1 and 2 O-levels
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate including at least 6 independent general education subjects, each with a minimum grade of C. At least 3 of these subjects must be H2 (one of which must be mathematics or another natural sciences subject), 1 H1 and 2 O-levels
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate including at least 6 independent general education subjects, each with a minimum grade of C. At least 3 of these subjects must be H2 (one of which must be mathematics or another natural sciences subject), 1 H1 and 2 O-levels + HSG admission test
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate including at least 6 independent general education subjects, each with a minimum grade of C. At least 3 of these subjects must be H2 (one of which must be mathematics or another natural sciences subject), 1 H1 and 2 O-levels
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate including at least 6 independent general education subjects, each with a minimum grade of C. At least 3 of these subjects must be H2 (one of which must be mathematics or another natural sciences subject), 1 H1 and 2 O-levels
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Vysvedcenie o maturitnej skúske-gymnázium
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate in a scientific stream including the subjects 1) mathematics, 2) physics, 3) language of the country granting the diploma, 4) second modern language, 5) chemistry or biology, 6) history, geography, or economics, and 7) applied mathematics, computer science, philosophy, or third modern language. At least six of these seven subjects are present on the final grade transcripts used to determine the award of the certificate, including mathematics and physics studied and examined at the highest possible level. The final grades in mathematics and physics are at least 80% of the maximum grade and the general average is at least 80% of the maximum grade. Warning: from 2025 and for a duration of at least four years, EPFL limits the number of study places to 3000 in the first year of the Bachelor’s programs and will select applicants with a foreign education on the basis of the general average grade (or total number of points) at the school-leaving certificate
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with proof of the following: tuition in the subjects 1. mathematics, 2. physics or chemistry or biology and 3. language of instruction or foreign language during the last two years before the upper secondary school-leaving certificate. These subjects must be part of the final exam and passed with a minimum grade average of 70% + four of the following subjects must have been part of the final three years of schooling: physics, chemistry, biology, computer science, another language, geography, history, economics + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Slovakian university. Otherwise: Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Slovakian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Slovakian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Slovakian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission provided by a recognised Slovakian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Slovakian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Slovakian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Slovakian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Slovakian university + HSG selection procedure
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Slovakian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Slovakian university or special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
Slovenia (L)
Signatory states of the Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region Nr. 165/1997 ("Lisbon Convention")General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Spricevalo o splošni maturi
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate in a scientific stream including the subjects 1) mathematics, 2) physics, 3) language of the country granting the diploma, 4) second modern language, 5) chemistry or biology, 6) history, geography, or economics, and 7) applied mathematics, computer science, philosophy, or third modern language. At least six of these seven subjects are present on the final grade transcripts used to determine the award of the certificate, including mathematics and physics studied and examined at the highest possible level. The final grades in mathematics and physics are at least 80% of the maximum grade and the general average is at least 80% of the maximum grade. Warning: from 2025 and for a duration of at least four years, EPFL limits the number of study places to 3000 in the first year of the Bachelor’s programs and will select applicants with a foreign education on the basis of the general average grade (or total number of points) at the school-leaving certificate
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with proof of the following: tuition in the subjects 1. mathematics, 2. physics or chemistry or biology and 3. language of instruction or foreign language during the last two years before the upper secondary school-leaving certificate. These subjects must be part of the final exam and passed with a minimum grade average of 70% + four of the following subjects must have been part of the final three years of schooling: physics, chemistry, biology, computer science, another language, geography, history, economics + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Slovenian university. Otherwise: Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Slovenian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Slovenian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Slovenian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission provided by a recognised Slovenian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Slovenian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Slovenian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Slovenian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Slovenian university + HSG selection procedure
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Slovenian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Slovenian university or special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Secondary Certificate (SC)
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Somalian university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years) + HSG selection procedure
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
Academy of Architecture: 3 years out of a 4 to 5-year bachelor programme for studies in architecture or civil engineering
South Africa
South Africa
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- National Senior Certificate (NSC)
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised South African university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETH
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 60% (Achievement Level 5) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised South African university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 60% (Achievement Level 5) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised South African university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 60% (Achievement Level 5) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised South African university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 60% (Achievement Level 5) + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 60% (Achievement Level 5) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised South African university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 60% (Achievement Level 5) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised South African university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 60% (Achievement Level 5) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised South African university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 60% (Achievement Level 5) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised South African university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 60% (Achievement Level 5) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised South African university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 60% (Achievement Level 5) + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised South African university + special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
Spain (L)
Signatory states of the Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region Nr. 165/1997 ("Lisbon Convention")General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Bachillerato (Modalidad de Ciencias / Ciencias y Tecnología)
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate in a scientific stream including the subjects 1) mathematics, 2) physics, 3) language of the country granting the diploma, 4) second modern language, 5) chemistry or biology, 6) history, geography, or economics, and 7) applied mathematics, computer science, philosophy, or third modern language. At least six of these seven subjects are present on the final grade transcripts used to determine the award of the certificate, including mathematics and physics studied and examined at the highest possible level. The final grades in mathematics and physics are at least 80% of the maximum grade and the general average is at least 80% of the maximum grade. Warning: from 2025 and for a duration of at least four years, EPFL limits the number of study places to 3000 in the first year of the Bachelor’s programs and will select applicants with a foreign education on the basis of the general average grade (or total number of points) at the school-leaving certificate
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate and Prueba de Acceso Universidad (PAU) with proof of the following: tuition in the subjects 1. mathematics, 2. physics or chemistry or biology and 3. language of instruction or foreign language during the last two years before the upper secondary school-leaving certificate. These subjects must be part of the Prueba de Acceso and passed with a minimum grade average of 70% of the maximum score. Four of the following subjects must – in addition to the 3 subjects above –also have been part of the final three years of schooling: physics, chemistry, biology, computer science, another language, geography, history, economics. Otherwise: Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Spanish university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission to a 4year programme in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Spanish university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Spanish university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission provided by a recognised Spanish university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Spanish university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Spanish university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Spanish university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Spanish university + HSG selection procedure
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Spanish university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Prueba de Acceso Universidad (PAU) with proof of the following: tuition in the subjects 1. mathematics, 2. physics or chemistry or biology and 3. language of instruction or foreign language during the last two years before the upper secondary school-leaving certificate. These subjects must be part of the Prueba de Acceso and passed with a minimum grade average of 70% of the maximum score. Four of the following subjects must have been part of the final 3 years of schooling: physics, natural sciences, applied mathematics, 1 language, geography, history, economics. Otherwise: Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Spanish university or special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Sri Lankan General Certificate of Education, O-level + A-level
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Sri Lankan university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years) + HSG selection procedure
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Sudan Secondary School Certificate
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Sudanese university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years) + HSG selection procedure
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
Sweden (L)
Signatory states of the Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region Nr. 165/1997 ("Lisbon Convention")General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Examensbevis, Högskoleförberedande Examen with a minimum of 2500 points
- Ekonomiprogrammet
- Naturvetenskapsprogrammet
- Samhällsvetenskapsprogrammet
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Högskoleförberedande Examen in Naturvetenskaps with 2500 points including the subjects 1) mathematics (400 points), 2) physics (250 points), 3) Swedish (200 points), 4) second modern language (200 points), 5) chemistry or biology (200 points), 6) history, geography, or economics (200 points), and 7) applied mathematics, computer science, philosophy, or third modern language (200 points). The final grades in mathematics and physics are at least B and the general average is at least 16. Warning: from 2025 and for a duration of at least four years, EPFL limits the number of study places to 3000 in the first year of the Bachelor’s programs and will select applicants with a foreign education on the basis of the general average grade (or total number of points) at the school-leaving certificate
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with proof of the following: tuition in the subjects 1. mathematics (minimum 400 credits), 2. physics or chemistry or biology (minimum 200 credits) and 3. language of instruction or foreign language (minimum 200 credits). The average grade of the final courses in these three subjects must reach at least 70% of the maximum grade of these three subjects. Four of the following subjects must – in addition to the 3 subjects above –also have been part of the final three years of schooling: physics, chemistry, biology, computer science, another language, geography, history, economics + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Swedish university. Otherwise: Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate including 6 independent general education subjects, each one with at least 200 credits and 250 credits in mathematics + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Swedish university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate including 6 independent general education subjects, each one with at least 200 credits and 250 credits in mathematics + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Swedish university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate including 6 independent general education subjects, each one with at least 200 credits and 250 credits in mathematics + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Swedish university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate including 6 independent general education subjects, each one with at least 200 credits and 250 credits in mathematics + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Swedish university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate including 6 independent general education subjects, each one with at least 200 credits and 250 credits in mathematics + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Swedish university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate including 6 independent general education subjects, each one with at least 200 credits and 250 credits in mathematics + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Swedish university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate including 6 independent general education subjects, each one with at least 200 credits and 250 credits in mathematics + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Swedish university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate including 6 independent general education subjects, each one with at least 200 credits and 250 credits in mathematics + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Swedish university + HSG selection procedure
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate including 6 independent general education subjects, each one with at least 200 credits and 250 credits in mathematics + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Swedish university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate including 6 independent general education subjects, each one with at least 200 credits and 250 credits in mathematics + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Swedish university or special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Al-Shahada Al-Thanawiyya-Al'Amma (Baccalauréat, General Secondary Certificate) (Scientific Branch)
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Syrian university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 50% + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Syrian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 50% + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Syrian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 50% + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Syrian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 50% + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 50% + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Syrian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 50% + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Syrian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 50% + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Syrian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 50% + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Syrian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 50% + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Syrian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 50% + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Syrian university + special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Senior High School Leaving Certificate
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Taiwanese university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a minimum grade of B + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Taiwanese university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a minimum grade of B + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Taiwanese university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a minimum grade of B + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Taiwanese university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a minimum grade of B + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a minimum grade of B + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Taiwanese university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a minimum grade of B + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Taiwanese university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a minimum grade of B + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Taiwanese university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a minimum grade of B + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Taiwanese university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a minimum grade of B + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Taiwanese university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a minimum grade of B + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Taiwanese university + special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
Tajikistan (L)
Signatory states of the Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region Nr. 165/1997 ("Lisbon Convention")General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Attestat dar borai malumoti mijona
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university in Tajikistan + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university in Tajikistan
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university in Tajikistan
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university in Tajikistan
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission provided by a recognised university in Tajikistan
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university in Tajikistan
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university in Tajikistan
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university in Tajikistan
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university in Tajikistan + HSG selection procedure
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university in Tajikistan
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university in Tajikistan or special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
Academy of Architecture: 3 years out of a 4 to 5-year bachelor programme for studies in architecture or civil engineering
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Certificate of Secondary Education (CSE) + Advanced Certificate of Secondary Education (ACSE)
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Tanzanian university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years) + HSG selection procedure
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Mathayom Suksa 6
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Thai university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 3/4 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Thai university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 3/4 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Thai university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 3/4 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Thai university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 3/4 + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 3/4 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Thai university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 3/4 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Thai university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 3/4 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Thai university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 3/4 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Thai university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 3/4 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Thai university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 3/4 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Thai university + special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Baccalauréat du troisième degré, séries A, C, D
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Togolese university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Togolese university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Togolese university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Togolese university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Togolese university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Togolese university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Togolese university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Togolese university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Togolese university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Togolese university + special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Baccalauréat
- lettres
- mathématiques
- sciences expérimentales
- sciences informatiques
- sciences techniques
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Tunisian university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission provided by a recognised Tunisian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission provided by a recognised Tunisian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission provided by a recognised Tunisian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission provided by a recognised Tunisian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission provided by a recognised Tunisian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission provided by a recognised Tunisian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission provided by a recognised Tunisian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission provided by a recognised Tunisian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission provided by a recognised Tunisian university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 12/20 + certificate of university admission provided by a recognised Tunisian university + special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
Turkey (L)
Signatory states of the Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region Nr. 165/1997 ("Lisbon Convention")General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Anadolu Lisesi Diplomasi
- Fen Lisesi Diplomasi
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Turkish university + reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission to a 4 year programme in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Turkish university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission to a 4 year programme in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Turkish university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission to a 4 year programme in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Turkish university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission to a 4 year programme provided by a recognised Turkish university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission to a 4 year programme in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Turkish university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission to a 4 year programme in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Turkish university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission to a 4 year programme in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Turkish university. If the certificate includes at least 6 independent general education subjects, upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission to a 4 year programme in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Turkish university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission to a 4 year programme in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Turkish university + HSG selection procedure
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission to a 4 year programme in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Turkish university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission to a 4 year programme in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Turkish university or special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Orta bilim hakynda Sahadatnama
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Turkmenian university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years) + HSG selection procedure
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
Academy of Architecture: 3 years out of a 4 to 5-year bachelor programme for studies in architecture or civil engineering
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Uganda Certificate of Education (UCE) + Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education (UACE)
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Ugandan university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
University degree (at least 3 years)
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate including 6 independent general education subjects; At least 3 subjects in UACE Principal Level with at least grade C (one of which must be mathematics or another natural sciences subject) and 3 subjects in UCE with at least grade 3/9 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Ugandan university + Complementary Examination ECUS
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years) + HSG selection procedure
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
Ukraine (L)
Signatory states of the Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region Nr. 165/1997 ("Lisbon Convention")General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Svidotstvo pro zdobuttia povnoi zagalnoi serednoi osvity
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Ukrainian university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Ukrainian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Ukrainian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Ukrainian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission provided by a recognised Ukrainian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Ukrainian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Ukrainian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Ukrainian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Ukrainian university + HSG selection procedure
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Ukrainian university
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + 2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Ukrainian university or special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
United Arab Emirates
United Arab Emirates
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Shahadat Al-Thanawiya-Al-Amma (Secondary School Leaving Certificate - General)
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university in the United Arab Emirates + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 80% + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Emirati university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 80% + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Emirati university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 80% + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Emirati university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 80% + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 80% + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Emirati university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 80% + certificate of university admission provided by a recognised Emirati university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 80% + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Emirati university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 80% + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Emirati university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 80% + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Emirati university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 80% + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Emirati university + special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
United States of America
United States of America
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- High School Diploma
with the following general education subjects
Subjects are determined directly by the universities, see below: Admission requirements of each university.
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Not recognised are AP-subjects such as
- Art and Design Program
- Art History
- Comp. Government & Politics
- Environmental Science
- Music Theory
- Psychology
- Statistics
- U.S. Government & Politics
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Reduced Entrance Examination if High School Diploma is accompanied by at least three Advanced Placement Tests, each one with a minimum score of 3 in: 1. mathematics; 2. biology or physics or chemistry; 3. one language. In addition, four of the following subjects must have been taken during the last three years of high school: physics, chemistry, biology, computer science, another language, geography, history, economics. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Advanced Placement Tests including 6 independent general education subjects, each with a minimum grade of 3: 1. First language (native language); 2. Second language; 3. Mathematics/calculus; 4. Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics); 5. Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law) and 6. Elective: one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject.
All required achievements must have been acquired entirely and exclusively within the US American education system.
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Advanced Placement Tests including 6 independent general education subjects, each with a minimum grade of 3: 1. First language (native language); 2. Second language; 3. Mathematics/calculus; 4. Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics); 5. Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law) and 6. Elective: one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Advanced Placement Tests including 6 independent general education subjects, each with a minimum grade of 3: 1. First language (native language); 2. Second language; 3. Mathematics/calculus; 4. Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics); 5. Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law) and 6. Elective: one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Advanced Placement Tests including 6 independent general education subjects, each with a minimum grade of 3: 1. First language (native language); 2. Second language; 3. Mathematics/calculus; 4. Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics); 5. Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law) and 6. Elective: one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Advanced Placement Tests including 6 independent general education subjects, each with a minimum grade of 3: 1. First language (native language); 2. Second language; 3. Mathematics/calculus; 4. Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics); 5. Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law) and 6. Elective: one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Advanced Placement Tests including 6 independent general education subjects, each with a minimum grade of 3: 1. First language (native language); 2. Second language; 3. Mathematics/calculus; 4. Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics); 5. Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law) and 6. Elective: one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Advanced Placement Tests including 6 independent general education subjects, each with a minimum grade of 3: 1. First language (native language); 2. Second language; 3. Mathematics/calculus; 4. Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics); 5. Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law) and 6. Elective: one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Advanced Placement Tests including 6 independent general education subjects, each with a minimum grade of 3: 1. First language (native language); 2. Second language; 3. Mathematics/calculus; 4. Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics); 5. Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law) and 6. Elective: one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject + HSG selection procedure
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Advanced Placement Tests including 6 independent general education subjects, each with a minimum grade of 3: 1. First language (native language); 2. Second language; 3. Mathematics/calculus; 4. Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics); 5. Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law) and 6. Elective: one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Advanced Placement Tests including 6 independent general education subjects, each with a minimum grade of 3: 1. First language (native language); 2. Second language; 3. Mathematics/calculus; 4. Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics); 5. Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law) and 6. Elective: one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Bachiller Diversificado
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Uruguayan university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years) + HSG admission test
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
Academy of Architecture: 3 years out of a 4 to 5-year bachelor programme for studies in architecture or civil engineering
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Akademik litsey diplomi (Diploma of Academic Lyceum)
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Uzbek university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years) + HSG selection procedure
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
Academy of Architecture: 3 years out of a 4 to 5-year bachelor programme for studies in architecture or civil engineering
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Titulo de Educación Media General
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Venezuelan university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years) + HSG selection procedure
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
Academy of Architecture: 3 years out of a 4 to 5-year bachelor programme for studies in architecture or civil engineering
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Bang Tot Nghiep Trung Hoc Pho Thong
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Vietnamese university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 7/10 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Vietnamese university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 7/10 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Vietnamese university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 7/10 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Vietnamese university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 7/10 + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 7/10 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Vietnamese university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 7/10 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Vietnamese university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 7/10 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Vietnamese university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 7/10 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Vietnamese university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 7/10 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Vietnamese university + Complementary Examination ECUS
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate with a grade average of 7/10 + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Vietnamese university + special conditions (Admission Regulations, art. 8 par. 3)
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Al-Thanawija (General Secondary Education Certificate)
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised university of Yemen + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years) + HSG selection procedure
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
Academy of Architecture: 3 years out of a 4 to 5-year bachelor programme for studies in architecture or civil engineering
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- School Certificate
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Zambian university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years) + HSG selection procedure
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
General Provisions
Recognition of foreign upper secondary school-leaving certificates
Recognised upper secondary school-leaving certificate
- Zimbabwe General Certificate of Education: O-level + A-level
with the following general education subjects (during the last 3 years)
- First language (native language)
- Second language
- Mathematics
- Natural sciences (biology, chemistry or physics)
- Humanities and social sciences (geography, history or economics/law)
- Elective (one subject from category 2, 4 or 5 or computer science or philosophy. Computer science and philosophy can only be chosen as a sixth subject)
Language skills and/or exams under reserve.
Admission requirements of each university
valid for the academic year 2025/26
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + Entrance Examination EPFL
Upper secondary school-leaving certificate + certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Zimbabwean university + Reduced Entrance Examination ETHZ. Otherwise: Comprehensive Entrance Examination ETHZ
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years) + HSG selection procedure
University degree (at least 3 years)
University degree (at least 3 years