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Dr. Sabine Felder
Head of Teaching Division, Deputy Secretary General
T +41 31 335 07 39
Dr. Stella Krepp
Head Swiss ENIC
T +41 31 335 07 43
Kathrin Balmer
Director of Medicine and Health
T +41 31 335 07 54
Joëlle Biolley
Scientific collaborator
T +41 31 335 07 45
Carole Bourret
T +41 31 335 07 32
Paolo Bozzini
Scientific collaborator
T +41 31 335 07 71
Claudia Därendinger
Scientific collaborator
T +41 031 335 07 38
Antoine Maret
scientific collaborator
T +41 31 335 07 78
Stefanie Noncent-Mosimann
T +41 31 335 07 74
Jonatan Schäfer
Scientific collaborator
T +41 31 335 07 75
Nina Scherrer
Scientific collaborator
T +41 31 335 07 30