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Open Science Delegation

The Open Science Delegation (DelOS) observes, anticipates, and coordinates the developments within the domains of Open Science and scientific information. In this capacity, it is responsible for steering the Open Science Programme (2021-2024). Furthermore, it is also responsible on behalf of swissuniversities for the implementation of the Open Access Action Plan, the Open Research Data Strategy and its corresponding action plan.



  • Prof. Dr. Christian Schwarzenegger, Vice rector, Faculty Affairs and Scientific Information, University of Zurich

Vice President

  • Vacant


  • Prof. Dr. Horst Biedermann, Rector, Pädagogische Hochschule St.Gallen
  • Prof. Dr. Crispino Bergamaschi, Rector, Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz
  • Prof. Dr. Thierry Dias, Rector, Haute École pédagogique du canton de Vaud (HEP)
  • Dr. Gilles Dubochet, Head of Open Science, EPFL
  • Prof. Dr. Frédéric Herman, Rector, University of Lausanne
  • Dr Beat Immenhauser, Joint Secretary General of the Swiss Academy of Humanities and Social Sciences (ASSH) and Open Science Delegate, House of Academies (chair of the expert group)
  • Prof. Dr. Regula Jöhl, Rector of Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften (ZHAW)
  • Dr. Katrin Milzow, Head of the Research Development Department, Swiss National Science Foundation
  • Prof. Dr. Ulrich Weidmann, Vice president for Infrastruktur, ETH Zürich


  • Dr. Sonia Abun-Nasr, Director of the University Library of Bern, University of Berne, Representation SLiNER
  • Dr. Adriano Barenco, Director of IT Services, University of Lausanne, Representation NICT